تعلم كتابة التعبير بالانجليزية Written Expressions 2024.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

اقدم لكم ملف خاص في مادة الانجليزية سيساعدكم كثيرا في كتابة التعبير الكتابي
واصمن5/5 في الامتحان

ارجو ان تنال اعجابكم

thank you so much

الله يسجيك خونا

ياجماعة وين الردود

شكرا لك على كل شيء

ياجماعة وين الردود

mrc boukoub

"For and Against" Expressions for ALL STREAMS 2024.

A new handout to give to students to use for argumentative essays.

Pray us Allah


why i cant register on ur website

It’s not my site. I’m just publicizing for a place that I see rich of material for all teachers : lesson plans, tests, exams, audio-visuals, books, textst and so on. I was member there.

تعلم كتابة التعبير بالانجليزية Written Expressions 2024.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

اقدم لكم ملف خاص في مادة الانجليزية سيساعدكم كثيرا في كتابة التعبير الكتابي
واصمن5/5 في الامتحان

ارجو ان تنال اعجابكم



بارك الله فيك

gracias mi hermano الجيريا

بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فييييييييييييك



مشكووووووووووووووووووووور اخي

اثابكم الله

مشكور كثيرا على الافادة الرائعة

لم استطع التحميل


Written Expressions 3rd Year Classes 2024.

Written Expressions 3rd Year Classes
Typical Essay:

A century ago, people were able to live in better conditions than their parents thanks to the progress made in science and technology. But in practice, the outcome of this progress was slow to materialise. For instance, most people still used to travel long distances on foot or by stage coach. And as mechanization was not introduced significantly in daily activities, household chores still had to be done manually, and were therefore time consuming.

On the other hand, community life was still an asset for social cohesion, since people had more opportunities to meet and interact. So they were able to chat with neighbours at shops or in clubs and have a cup of coffee with friends or relatives and tell stories and jokes. Likewise, family visits were frequent and kept the folklore alive, with the grandparents who used to tell traditional tales or sing lullabies or folk songs to their grandchildren. Unfortunately, with the development of audiovisual means such as the cinema, radio, television and then personal appliances like the computer, CD-ROMs and DVDs, the chances of socialization are dwindling and the lack of interaction between people may increase stress, loneliness and anxiety.

Could we then complain that we are missing out on some ingredients in life which used to make our great grandparents happier? This is probably so, since closer contacts among neighbours, friends and families had to be beneficial for communal harmony. However, scientific progress in all fields, particularly in medicine, modes of transportation and communication, and agribusiness can only show that our lives are today quite fulfilling and , if anything, more comfortable than a century ago.


Algeria was the cradle of many ancient civilizations. Discuss.

Typical Essay:
Algeria is a huge country in Northern Africa. It covers 920,000 square miles (2,380,000 sq. km), making it more than three times the size of Texas, and the 11th largest nation on Earth. It shares borders with Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia, and Western Sahara, and has coastline on the Mediterranean.
People have been living in the region that is now Algeria, and the surrounding Maghreb, for more than 200,000 years. The first civilizations sprang up between 4000 and 8000 years ago, eventually forming a cohesive population, usually referred to collective as the Berber culture.
From about 900 BCE Algeria has been invaded repeatedly by various peoples, mostly from across the Mediterranean. First the Phoenicians came, trading along the coast and eventually establishing Carthage in nearby Tunisia and various outposts in Algeria. Then came the Romans, who conquered the Berbers more-or-less completely by 24 AD. By the 4th century Algeria had been converted to Christianity.
Beginning in the 8th century Algeria, and the greater Maghreb, became a strategic target for the expanding Islamic world. By the end of the first decade of the 8th century the Umayyads had conquered all of North Africa, including Algeria. Over the next few centuries Algeria converted to Islam and was Arabized dramatically.
In the 16th century Algeria came under the control of the Ottoman Empire, and became a center for Mediterranean piracy and privateering. It was in Algeria that the infamous pirate Red Beard (neé Barbarossa) eventually was based, as a provincial governor. During this period both Arabs and native Berbers saw their roles diminished, as Turkish became the national ******** and Turks became entrenched in most positions of power. Piracy continued to spread and become institutionalized in Algeria, as well as its neighbors, in a confederacy known as the Barbary States. In addition to capturing the wealth of European traders, these pirates also began capturing Christians as slaves, a turn of events that eventually led the young United States to enter into two of its earliest wars against the Barbary Coast.
In the early 19th century Algeria was conquered by the French, who began to settle and develop the region. Although infrastructure developed under French control, to the majority of the Muslim inhabitants of Algeria, France was seen as a harsh colonial power. Resistance and open revolt continued throughout all of the French occupation, but it began to grow substantially and develop during the 1930s. Although relatively peaceful attempts were made for a Constitution and more equality in the mid-1940s, these were met with no support by the French government.
By 1954 the situation had gotten bad enough that the citizenry revolted on a massive scale. The National Liberation Front was the main body of revolt, launching a full-scale civil war that would last for eight years. In that time nearly two million Algerians would die, and another two to three million were relocated. Independence was finally achieved in 1962, after one of the longest, bloodiest wars for independence in modern history.



Write a composition on the scientific achievements of the ancient Greek civilization.

Typical Essay:

The Greeks were very interested in science as a way of organizing the world and making order out of chaos, and having power over some very powerful things like oceans and weather. From about 600 BC, a lot of Greek men spent time observing the planets and the sun and trying to figure out how astronomy worked. They must have gotten their first lessons from the Babylonians, who were very good at astronomy and also very interested in it.
By the 400’s BC, Pythagoras was interested in finding the patterns and rules in mathematics and music, and invented the idea of a mathematical proof. Although Greek women usually were not allowed to study science, Pythagoras did have some women among his students. Socrates, a little bit later, developed logical methods for deciding whether something was true or not.
In the 300’s BC, Aristotle and other philosophers at the Lyceum and the Academy in Athens worked on observing plants and animals, and organizing the different kinds of plants and animals into types. Again, this is a way of creating order out of chaos.
After Aristotle, using his ideas and also ideas from Egypt and the Persians and Indians, Hippocrates and other Greek doctors wrote important medical texts that were used for hundreds of years.


Write a composition on the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Typical Essay:
Egypt is one of the most fertile areas of Africa, and one of the most fertile of the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Because it is so fertile, people came to live in Egypt earlier than in most places, probably around 40,000 years ago. At first there were not very many people, but gradually Egypt became more crowded, so there was more need for a unified government. Around 3000 BC (5000 years ago), Egypt was first unified under one ruler, who was called the Pharaoh.
The pharaoh’s government guaranteed both external and internal security to the people of Egypt. As a consequence, the Egyptians grew very proud of their country and became so fond of the pharaoh hat they worshipped him as a god-king. This national pride and identification with the pharaoh kept the unity of ancient Egypt and made its civilization prosper for many centuries
From that time until around 525 BC, when Egypt was conquered by the Persians, Egypt’s history is divided into six different time periods. These are called the Old Kingdom, the First Intermediate Period, the Middle Kingdom, the Second Intermediate Period, the New Kingdom, and the Third Intermediate Period.
But the economy of ancient Egypt was ruined by all the resources that the pharaohs put into the building of pyramids and the gradual decline and fall of ancient Egyptian civilization.


Write a composition on the scientific achievements of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Typical Essay:
Egyptian scientists were generally most interested in observing nature and practical engineering, and they were very good at both of these things. The pyramids and temples, for example, show good knowledge of geometry and engineering. Egyptian engineers used the Pythagorean Theorem, thousands of years before Pythagoras was born.
Because the Nile flood was so important to Egyptian farming, scientists also worked out good ways to measure how high the flood was going each year, and kept accurate records and good calendars. You can see here how the Egyptian wrote down numbers. The device they used to measure the height of the Nile flood is called a Nilometer.
They also worked out good ways to move water from the Nile to outlying farms in the desert, using hand-powered irrigation pumps (shadufs) and canals.
It may also have been Egyptian scientists who first figured out how to make yeast-rising bread

Business ethics is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer.

Many businesses have gained a bad reputation just by being in business. To some people, businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom line. It could be called capitalism in its purest form. Making money is not wrong in itself. It is the manner in which some businesses conduct themselves that brings up the question of ethical behavior.

Good business ethics should be a part of every business. There are many factors to consider. When a company does business with another that is considered unethical, does this make the first company unethical by association? Some people would say yes, the first business has a responsibility and it is now a link in the chain of unethical businesses.

Many global businesses, including most of the major brands that the public use, can be seen not to think too highly of good business ethics. Many major brands have been fined millions for breaking ethical business laws. Money is the major deciding factor.

Bribery involves offering or accepting something of value in a situation where the person who accepts the bribe is expected to perform a service which goes beyond his or her normal job description. For example, a motorist being ticketed for parking in the wrong place might offer a bribe to the police officer to ask him or her to tear up the ticket. In many regions of the world, bribery is considered a crime, and it can be severely punished. In other areas, bribery is more socially acceptable, which can place a heavy burden on those in the lower ranks of society, as they cannot afford to bribe officials in the style to which they are accustomed.

Any number of things can be used as a bribe. While money is a classic bribe, bribes can also be more intangible, and they might include things like offers of real estate, valuable objects, or a promise to perform a particular service in the future. In order to be considered a bribe, the object of value must be offered and accepted with the understanding that the person who accepts the bribe will be doing something in return. This differentiates bribes from gifts offered in genuine good will, and also distinguishes bribery from tipping, a practice in which gifts are offered in return for good service.

[B]A bribe is a form of corruption which involves the promise of money or a favor to someone in a position of power, with the hope of influencing that person’s behavior. Bribery is viewed as a crime in many regions of the world, and people who are caught offering or receiving bribes may face hefty penalties. In other regions, the line between bribing and tipping is sometimes rather blurred, which can make it difficult to prosecute people for bribery, or to understand when one has crossed the line.

”Bribe” entered English in the 1300s, in the sense of something stolen; it is derived from the French briber, “to beg.” Around the 1500s, “bribe” began to acquire its current associations with corruption.

There are several reasons why bribery is viewed as a crime. In the first place, accepting a bribe and acting on it is a clear misuse of power, and a dereliction of duty. In egalitarian societies, the thought of greasing the way with bribes is especially distasteful, because it highlights the differences between those who can buy power or favors, and those who cannot. A bribe may also compromise the quality of a transaction. For example, when a construction firm bribes a government official to get a contract, the government official may overlook a company which provides superior or cheaper work, thereby essentially cheating the government.[/B


thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx a lot
u hlep me so much
keep on

ربي يوفقنا ان شاء الله

ربي يخليك خويا و ينجحك كنت نحوس عليهم

english expressions 2024.

Dear fellow citizens,

Corruption is an evil that must be fought now! In order to win this fight I urge all people to unite around me. If I were elected head of state, I would apply the following anti-corruption programme.

First, I would pass stringent laws to protect citizens and punish the embezzlers and bribe takers, I can not tolerate that honest citizens be the victims of corrupt civil servant.

Next, I would appoint loyal and honest civil servants who do not accept bribery and I inspect the civil servants regularly.

I would also fight tax evasion and capital flight. Those who earn a lot of money must pay their taxes and contribute to the development of the country therefore any tax evader would be severally punished by specially appointed tribunals.

Finally, I would tell my fellow country men that the right way to stop and fight corruption is to organise anti-corruption associations and teach children ethical behaviours to prevent them from behaving unethically.

I wish we can stop corruption and forbid it if we work together.


People argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower price goods. This is totally a mistaken claim.

Firstly, imitations are of such poor and bad quality that some products don’t last long. These products also contain dangerous substances which can affect our bodies like some Chinese blue jeans coloured with toxic paint. In addition, they are not safe such as the use of counterfeit car parts which cause accident.

Secondly, fake medecines are harmful for health and they can cause other dangerous diseases. Moreover they may kill people because they have a lack of active ingredients.

Thirdly, this phenomenon kills creativity and innovation because counterfeiters keep on copying and forging brands instead of thinking of news ideas. Besides, pirating products is indeed imitating other people’s property thus it cause a great financial loss.

Finally, counterfeiting gives a bad reputation to the country. Although they produce something good people no longer trust them. For instance, people don’t trust Chinese merchandise therefore this may have influence on economy.

To conclude, counterfeiting is an unethical behaviour. So, we fight it, we could create associations in order to eradicate counterfeiting and protect citizens from its dangers.


February 22, 2024.
Dear …
Today, I’m writing to you this latter because I want to describe my school to you with all what I feel about it.
Firstly, my school is situated in Sidi-aich. It is called xxxxxx and it is the oldest high school in the region.
Secondly, in my school there are two yards which are surrounded by flowers where we can relax and take a break during the permanence. Moreover, there are 15 classrooms and mine the best, because it is full of graphitise and drawings which give beautiful views. I remember my friends had painted an amazing board of nature on one of it walls.
Thirdly, let me tell you about my teachers. They are so caring and serious, they are always here to help all the students to satisfy their needs.
There are also students who sleep and eat there, because they live very far from the school. All the students work together and help each other. We feel ourselves as one family.
In conclusion, I can say that my school is the best. I can’t dream of a better school!

Lots of love
Signature. <3


You tell me to decide what my ideal school would be like if I could plane one.

Well, I say my ideal school would be special. I wish my school would be great and well decorated. And, a school where the staff would be nicer, I wish I could also study in large and beautiful classes equipped with computers and material needed for experiments for the scientific streams, dictionaries, and listening laboratories for foreign ********s students. Especially, I wish I could study with nice students to live together as one family. I wish I could too attend the courses only in the morning because it’s so tiring when we study all the day long. Like wise, I wish I could attend only the subjects that I want. In other words, I wish I could have less subjects to study and I could study Spanish instead of mathematics, I wish I could also participate in different interesting activities like sport, theatre, music, drawing, cultural and other to enjoy and cultivate ourselves. I wish I could have a good relation with my teachers.

I hope that my wishes come true one day because it’s my dream.

merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Thank soooooo much

you welcome <3<3الجيريا

الجيرياthank you tooooooooooooooooo much you are so funny

Des expressions idiomatique 2024.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته :
لقد اطلعت على هذا الموضوع الذي أثار إعجابي

"Casser du sucre sur le dos" c’est …
Critiquer une personne par derrière

"Avoir le bras long" c’est ..
avoir beaucoup de relations

"Sucrer les fraises" c’est …

sénile, trembler

"Avoir la gueule de bois " c’est …
être malade après avoir bu.

"Appuyer sur le champignon " c’est …
accélérer, aller très vite.

"Etre haut comme trois pommes " c’est …
être petit.

"Se mettre le doigt dans l’œil " c’est …

se trompe

trés bien
merci beaucoup

Memetic beaucoup

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ali08833 الجيريا
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته :
لقد اطلعت على هذا الموضوع الذي أثار إعجابي

"Casser du sucre sur le dos" c’est …
Critiquer une personne par derrière

"Avoir le bras long" c’est ..
avoir beaucoup de relations

"Sucrer les fraises" c’est …

sénile, trembler

"Avoir la gueule de bois " c’est …
être malade après avoir bu.

"Appuyer sur le champignon " c’est …
accélérer, aller très vite.

"Etre haut comme trois pommes " c’est …
être petit.

"Se mettre le doigt dans l’œil " c’est …

se trompe


summaries of some proposed written expressions in english 2024.

Topic: Prepare & short public statement saying what would you do to
fight fraud & corruption if you were elected “ head of state ”

Dear fellow citizens,
Corruption is an evil that must be fought now! In order to win this fight I urge all people of good will to unite & gather around me.
If you elect me Head of State, I will implement the following anti-corruption program. To begin with, I would appoint honest civil servants who would work fairly & do their best to serve the country & citizens. They should keep in mind that stealing public funds or accepting a bride in exchange for a service is immoral & illegal practice.
Next, I would pass stringent laws to protect citizens & punish embezzling & bride-taking. I mean that I would not accept that citizens will be the victims of corrupt civil servants. I would not forgive embezzlers & bride-takers.
I would also fight tax evasion & capital flight. Those who earn a lot of money must pay their taxes & contribute to the prosperity & growth of the country. Thus, tax evader would be severely punished.
Finally, I would rehabilitate the value of work if I were elected. we should teach our children from infancy that & little money gained honestly bring a lot of happiness & peace of mind.
To sump up, I would tell my fellow countrymen that no government can succeed to fight corruption without the help of civil society/
So you role as citizens in this fight us quite necessary & this is why I urge you again to unite around me to face corruption & fraud. Vote for honesty

Topic: Counterfeiting benefits consumers is a mistaken claim.

So many people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by given them access to lower-price goods. This is totally mistaken claim. First, imitated products are generally of bad & low quality, & don’t last long. There is no guarantee for money & more importantly there is no assurance that fake goods are safe, & can have terrible effects. For instance, low quality car parts can cause great damage to the driver & passengers when they fail.
In addition, fake medicines or foods have negative consequences on public health. There are several cases of imitated foods & medicines which have caused dangerous & most often fatal diseases, especially in poor countries where the majority of people have low incomes. A recent study revealed by EU shows that the customs are confiscating 100 million fake items, as regards foods & medicines, every year & ,of course, the moral damage caused by these items to the victims can never be forgiven
Moreover, it is highly immoral & dishonest to reap what others have sown. That it is highly immoral & dishonest to reap what others have sown. That is to say that instead of creating new objects or at least improving the existing ones, imitation kills creativity & innovations.
Furthermore, pirating products is theft, especially when the producer of a fake object sticks the label of famous trade-mark on it. These producers, indeed, bring a very bad reputation to their country through there unethical practices. One wouldn’t like Algerian to be know for practicing this dubious trade or to see them buy cheap, fake products that can lead to serious troubles.
To sum up, we can say that * counterfeiting * is a kind of fraud that should be fought by authorities & citizens.

Topic :
Some people argue / think / say that businessmen should apply their own personal ethical standards when doing business.

Some people argue that businessmen should apply their own personal ethics standards when doing business. They think that people start business to make profits & become wealthy. They say that you need money to make money. According to them, the world business is a jungle & if we respect ethics (values), we can undermine the values of hard work & freedom, & we can also restrict production & competition. But, I don’t agree with these agreements at all. I believe / think that they are only excuses (justifications – reasons to explain) to escape the responsibility towards the welfare of society as a whole.
(To escape their social & environmental responsibilities)
According to me, ethics has everything to do with business. In other words, business is a human activity & should, therefore, comply with moral standards. Some business, for instance, abuse work safety regulations & pollute the environment besides greed that may be caused by unfair / illegal competition & exploitation. Therefore, business activities should have a code of good practice to ensure fairness (legality– justice).

Topic: – Suppose you were the manager of an ethical investment fund.
(a fund which invests only in socially responsible businesses).
Write a policy statement to inform potential fund contributors about it.

The people & organizations who put their money into our fund want us to invest in ethical ways & we work hard to make their desires a reality.
We’ll make sure that we avoid investing in companies that endanger the environment & those which invest in certain sectors such as tobacco, arms manufacturing & uranium extraction since they not only spoil the atmosphere (air) with fumes, chemicals & radiation but threaten also the life of the next generation. They can lead to long period of the drought, climate change, disasters & the appearance of dumps everywhere. Thus, we’ll do our best & attempt to take all the necessary measures to preserve our nature & secure the future of our children.
Moreover, we won’t place our money in companies that lack ethical behaviour standards. In other terms, we’ll respect the legal minimum age for work, ensure good health & safety conditions to the workers as well as fairly payment because we believe that the reputation &prosperity of any business (company) relies on social & environmental responsibilities which go hand in hand with economic growth.

In brief, let’s say that since ethics are our main capital, our business will take the moral standards into account & we’ll no longer separate ethics from business so as to ensure both fairness & profitability growth. Thus, you can trust us.

– Making a speech about the possible changes
that are likely to happen in our life styles.

The next decades are likely to bring radical changes in our life styles. We may live a totally different life in the next few decades since modernity has brought (led us to) new life styles.
Nowadays, many people are prepared to spend more time shopping in supermarkets, and even on the Internet. A lot of them are now becoming shopaholics. They buy products that they don’t really need. Their number, indeed, will rise (further) in the near future since it will be much easier to shop. That is to say that supermarkets might be equipped with fast, effective and so sophisticated robots which will replace shop assistants. They might do the same job as shop assistants and permit people to avoid long queues. In addition, we will take less time to eat and go to fast food shops to gulp hamburgers, sandwiches & ships. We might also have more conventional products and GMFs which might be replaced by food substitutes like pills.
Moreover, leisure & entertainment will also change due to the development of all sorts of electronic devices. In other term, thanks to DVDs, CDs…, people won’t go out for a film, a play or a concert. We will pay even less visits to each other as the cell phone will keep us in touch & the web-cam (camera) permits us to watch & see each other with less efforts.
To sum up, we can say that our future life owing to the scientific & technological progress which will certainly make it easier and easier.

– Writing an expository article about food safety
as one of the major challenges to mankind.

Food safety has become one of the major worries for mankind. This worry has three major sources: the chemical contamination of agricultural products, the use of additives in many food products and the consumption of ready-made food.
In fact, big companies & farmers use excessive amounts of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and antibiotics so as to ensure the maximum output. As a consequence, fruits & vegetables are contaminated (not pure) by these chemicals & can have dangerous effects on the public health, threaten fresh water sources and spoil the atmosphere. Secondly, the use of additives in many food industries is another reason to mankind’s challenges. That’s to say that manufacturers introduce too many preservatives, flavourings & colourings in order to keep products fresh & attractive and even to fulfill consumers’ needs. Indeed however, scientists ensure that some of these additives are so harmful. Therefore, children are becoming hyperactive at schools & many people are developing allergies, cancer, diabetes & food poising. Finally, fast food & ready-made meals can have also dangerous consequences on our health. In other terms, too few people prepare their own meals, nowadays, whereas the great majority of people eat in fast food restaurants fried foods, too much fat & soft drinks. So, many of them suffer from obesity (overweight) & different diseases such as diabetes & high blood pressure due to these unhealthy eating habits.
In brief, we can say that the conjunction of contaminated agricultural products, processed foods & unhealthy eating habits is one of the main challenges to mankind that should be taken into account.

Topic: People don’ t agree as to whether advertising is beneficial or harmful.

Nowadays, advertising has become quite necessary for all industrial firms to sell their products & attract as many customers as possible. It may be defined as the art of making people want to buy products & services. It is the art of making goods & services known by customers. People, however, don’ t agree as to whether advertising is beneficial or harmful.
In fact, many people argue (believe) that advertising is so essential for both businesses & consumers. It attracts (draw) the attention of people to a particular products. It inform them about new items, their prices & even their right use. It also stimulates innovation & competition between different firms & thus it is one of the best ways to improve products & creates needs. In addition, advertising sponsors social events like sports competitions & car races. Moreover, it is an industry itself. That’s to say that it provides work for people & offers many services such as finding jobs, announcing a birth, a marriage or death and buying or selling a house.
On the other hand, many people disagree with this point of view. They argue that advertising is harmful. They think that it has negative impact on people as most of them believe what advertisements say & , of course, it is highly immoral to sell people thinks they don’t really want. In other terms, advertisements influence people , especially illiterate & unconscious, about which product to buy. It manipulates consumers (treat them like robots).
To sump up, we can say that advertising has both advantages & disadvantages. Thanks to adverts, consumers can have information about the different products but it is up to them to decide which product to buy.


The Description of the Moon

The moon is an earth satellite orbiting our planet from a distance of 384.000 Kms on average, & its orbit is in a west -to- east direction. Its surface gravity is only 0.16 that of the Earth (one sixth). It doesn’t seem to have life on it since it has neither atmosphere nor water. Its maximum temperature is + 110 °C on the sunlit side and – 170 °C in lunar nights. The geology of this satellite is rocky & its age is around 4,6 billion years.
Plans to reach the Moon on space crafts (missiles) have began since early 20th century. But they become concrete when the Russians launched space crafts Sputnik 1 & Sputnik 2 in 1957, the later carried dog Laika. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin the first man to orbit the Earth.
Though the Russians were the first to start space race, America won the honor of reaching the Moon before Russia when Neil Armstrong set foot on it on July 21st 1969.
Nowadays, there are space plans to set a base on the Moon & a giant telescope to observe & try to reach the other planets, & perhaps the other solar systems.

Suppose a comet collided with the Earth; what would happen then?
Write a short essay predicting the consequences of such a collision.

I sometimes think with awe about the possible consequences for life in Earth if a comet collided with our planet. Scientists, indeed, say that a similar incidents took place many thousands years ago, & provoked the extinction of many giant animal species, including dinosaurs.
An enormous crater would form & possibly causes a volcanic eruption which would send heavy layer of particles & ash high up in the sky that can stop the sun rays from reaching the Earth, & our planet would be in the dark for many years & hence the temperatures would drop considerably.
In addition, this collision would lead to climate change. That’s to say that rainfalls & snowfalls would be irregular, heavy & long lasting. They could also lead to floods & the rise of sea level. Thus, many regions of our planets earth would be totally immersed.
Another possible consequence of this collision would be a gigantic earthquake that would destroy many inhabited areas & kill a large number of people. If it is near an ocean, a tsunami could develop & flood vast area of land, & of course causes great damage.
To conclude, we can say that facts in the past have shown that disastrous effects have been caused by the collision of a comet with earth & the same could be repeated in our times. This is why governments devoted budgets to space programmes to find ways of preventing another accident of this kind.

Topic : Some people think that the budget devoted to space programmes is
wasted money . Many people argue that budget devoted to space investments is wasted money. They think that these money should be spent to relieve poverty…
Many people argue that the budget devoted to space programmes is wasted money. They say that these huge amounts can be invested in projects to combat the various fatal diseases. Some of them consider that space exploration is a wild dream and that the money spent on these explorations is needed to relieve poverty in Africa.
Though I understand there is an urgency to fight diseases & relieve poverty in our continent, I don’ t think that it is right to abandon (neglect) investment is space exploration. First of all, astronomy allows us not only to predict the weather forecast but also catastrophes such as hurricanes , floods, storms, especially in our times when climate change is becoming one of the greatest problems to mankind. In addition, it permits us to keep the accurate time & to improve the ways of telecommunications. For example, thanks to satellites, we can reduce & shorten the most remote distances& save both time & money. Moreover, astronomy can help human beings to solve many of the mysteries (secrets) of the Universe. Furthermore, this science permits us to establish a powerful system of defence through the use of the satellites which can provide us with clear & precise pictures of the universe at any moment.
To sum up, we can say that astronomy is one of the most useful sciences today & investments in space exploration can’t be considered as a waste of money.

Mrcc Khtyy Wllhh Knt n7awaas 3lihoum rabbi ywaf9ak nchllh!!

thanks honnY
gooD joB ! well donne :1; الجيريا

♥ ♥ ♥

Thunk u sweet heart that’s realy good idea
Keep going

الســــــــــــــــــــــلام عليكم
" جمــــــــــــــــــــــــــعة مباركة لا تنسوا قراءة سورة الكهـــــــــــــف "
It’s helpfùll ThX GiRl ….
KééP Going .. i’m with Yàà
ســــــــــــــــلام ^^
تـــــــــــــــم الرد : ibtissam2pm

دعــــــــــــــــــــواتكم للنجــــــــــــــاح بإمتياز إن كان خيــــــــــــرا لي و لكم بالمثل إن شاء الله "

Des expressions pour exprimer . 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
بعض التعابير للتعبير عن بعض الحالات ..الخوف الفرح أو الحزن

Pour ajouter un peu d’originalité à votre production écrite, vous allez trouver ci-dessous une liste d’expressions pour exprimer la peur, la joie et l’étonnenent. Ainsi, vous ne rencontrerez plus de clichés entre vos lignes mais plutôt de nouvelles idées qui méritent d’être retenues!…

I- Comment exprimer la peur ?الخوف
La panique me prend

Je frissonais de peur

J’étais horrifié
Mon cœur battait la chamade

J’avais la chair de poule

J’avais une peur bleue
J’arrivais à peine à respirer

Mes cheveux se hérissaient

Je n’arrivais àme tenir sur mes pieds
Mon sang se glaça dans mes veines

Aucun son ne sortait de ma bouche

J’étais paniqué
Ma gorge se noua

Je tremblais comme une feuille

Mes dents claquaient
Je perdis la tête

La peur me gagne

Je suis devenu livide
Je n’arrivais plus à placer un seul mot

Je hurlais de terreur

J’avais des jambes comme du coton
Mon corps se raidissait

Je perdis l’usage de la parole

J’étais glacé de peur
Mes mains sont devenues moites

Je perdis connaissance

Je tombais en syncope

II- Comment exprimer la joie ?الفرح
Heureux comme un poisson dans l’eau

Un large sourire se dessine sur mon visage

Mon cœur sauta de joie
Je suis enchanté

Je pleure de joie

Larmes de joie
La vie me sourit

Je saute de joie

Baigner dans l’allégresse
Je suis extasié

Avoir une émotion agréable

Je suis au comble de la joie
Avoir un bonheur exotique

Avoir la joie au cœur

J’étais en lisse
Heureux comme un oiseau dans l’air

J’étais aux anges

J’étais au septième ciel
J’étais pate

III- Comment exprimer la tristesse ?الحزن
Triste comme un bonnet de nuit

Je deviens pâle comme la mort

Une profonde amertune m’envahit
Etre cafard

Je me suis peiné

Avoir une figure morne
Etre maussade

Avoir un regard douloureux

J’étais morose
j’étais déplorable

Je baignais dans la tristesse

Triste comme le ciel noir
J’avais une tête d’enterrement

Je perdis le goût de vivre

J’avais la vague à l’âme
Je frôlais la déplume

شكرا لك اخي حمزة دائما متألق

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
سبحان الله وبحمده

لا شكر على واجب أختي الكريمة زينب

المهم أن تستفيدو

شكرا ……..لكنني لم افهم شيء ويدفعني الفضول الى فهم هذه الكلمات للاسف انالا افهم الفرنسية .سلامي لك اخي.

Mon cœur sauta de joie



المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة stayfi_kamikaz الجيريا
Mon cœur sauta de joie

بلعقل برك علىTON COEUR مزلنا نحتاجوك والباك قرب كي يسوطي TON COEUR واش يبقالك باه تريفيزي الجيرياالجيرياالجيريا

اخي حمزة مميز كالعادة

merci chriki si tres gentille

de rien ma soeur .merci de votre passage
ربي يوفقك في البكالوريا وكل المترشحين

شكرا على هذا الموضوع

شكرا لك اخي وفقنا الله جميعا في الشهادة


مرسي عليك خويا بارك الله فيك