exampl of second english test ) 2024.

exampl of second english test ( second term )
activity 1: punctuate the following paragraph
one day a woman went to the house of a doctor she said to the doctor my husband is very ill and he cannot work will you please come and see him

activity 2: complete the conversation . choose the correct form
Daniel : is it true you saw a ghost last night ?
Vicky : yes , i did . i went to bed ( late/lately) , and i was sleeping (bad/badly) . i suddenly woke up in the middle of the night . i went to the window and saw the ghost walking the lawn .
Daniel : was it a man or a woman ?
Vicky : a woman in a white dress . i had a (good/well) view from the window , but she walked very (fast/fastly) . she wasn’t there very (long/longly) . i’d (hard/hardly) caught sight of her before she’d gone . i (near/nearly) missed her .
Daniel : you don’t think you’ve been working too (hard/hardly) ? you’ve been looking a bit pale (late/lately)
Vicky : i saw her , i tell you .
Daniel : it isn’t (like/likely) that ghosts actually exist , you know . i expect you imagining it .

activity 3: report the sentences . use the verbs in brackets as reporting verbs
1-Anna to janet : "don’t forget to sign the form" (remind)
Anna ………………………………………….. ……………………….
2-Robert : "what time will the office close this evening?" (ask)
Robert ………………………………………….. ……………………………
3-a policeman to christopher : "stop shouting" (tell)
a policeman ………………………………………….. ………
4-Simon to Susan : "would you like to join me for lunch ? (invite)
Simon ………………………………………….. …………………………………
5-Peter : "i really must leave" (insist)
Peter ……………………………………….

activity 4: fill in the gaps with only four words of the following list :
results – survey – reading – interviews – informants – questionnaire – writing
This is a report of the findings of a ……………… about teenagers newspaper ……………… habits . I submitted a ……………. to thirty informants . Surprisingly , i found out that most of the ……………. did not read newspapers at all . Therefore , i recommend that these teenagers spend more time reading newspapers .

جربو فيه مبعد نحطلكم الحل

thank you very much

english 2024.

اريد مساعدة في هذه التمارين في الانجليزية 2as
page 81 82
read the text again and answer the questions below


ارجووووووكم يا اخوتي والله احتاجه غدااااا

النقسام المنصف

1*the plane geometry is: a study of points . linesand figures occuring in planes
2* yes . there is a difference between a point and a dot . because the point has neither length nor thickness . but the dot has length . width end thickness
3* the teacher advices his students to revise the lesson
after reading task page81
1 * result clause in sentence 1 is in the future
* the result clause in sentence2is in the present simple
2* the condition in sentence 2is always true
3* when two lines cross. the opposite angles are always equal
when there are two points . the shortest distance between them is called a straight line
a* we will get wet if it rains
b* if you boil water at 100degrees centigrade it evaporates
c* if you throw water on fire . it will stop buring
d* if you take an aspirin. you will feel better
e* she will fall sick . if she drinks of that polluted water

please help me in english 2024.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

Notre prof d’englais nous a donné un exércice page 97 / numéro 5 paragraph . Svp aidez Moi j’ai besoin de sa Demain svvvvvp الجيريا

big book or small book

biiiiiig boook


: The paragraph
A terrible accident happened near a school yesterday morning . a car driver who was driving very fast came out of a very sharp bend he lost control over his vehicle and he knacked a child who was playing with a ball . a lorry which was coming from the opposite side stopped just befor running over the child who was lying on the ground , badly in jured .the car driver who was fortunately safe , immediately took the child to hospital


pas de quoi

merci moi aussi j’avais l’attention de posée cette question sur l’exercice meeerciiii beaucoup AICHOUNA

[thank you veryyy much

The first term exam of english 2024.

Classes: 2LPH, 2FL

Duration: 2hours READING AND INTERPRITING:Read the text carefully then do the activities that follow The opinions that the people of the past had about some of the realities around them were wrong because they were not based on precise observations.The limited means that they had at their disposal and the absence of scientific research at that time did not enable them to understand exactly the nature of various things that took palce in the world. During many centuries they used to believe that the planet earth was the central element of the universeand that the stars in the sky were the lights that illuminated the heavens.They also used to think that the volcanoes,earthquakes an d other voilant happening were signs that the God sent to his creatures to express his anger and dissatisfaction about their bad behaviour and immoral attitudes.As regards diseases, they used to stick to the idea they were caused by monsters and horrible beings that were ready to punish the inhabitants for their conduct.In addition for several generation,they kept on holding the view that their rulers had a devine origin and because of that noboy could fight or rebel against them. A/1-Are there any negative sentences in the text ? if yes,how many? 2-Choose the correct answer: a-people of the past had wrong 1.research

b– The God’s dissatisfaction was because of pople ‘s 1.dreams
c-People of the past couldn’t rebel against their 1.rulers
3-Answer the following questions according to the text:
a-how did people explain the stars in the sky?
b-What did the population of the past think about their rulers?
4-Match words in "A" with their synonyms in "B" :
a-precise 1. opinion
b-limited 2.sruggle
c-fight 3.accurate
d-view 4.insufficient
5- Find in the text words that are opposites in meaning to the followings :
A-a-true §1 ≠…….,b-hapiness §2 ≠……., good §2≠…….. …………
6-Put the adjectives in the comparative or superlative form :
a-The Excelsior Hotel is (big) the plaza.
b-Antartica is(cold)place in the world.
c-Paris is (beautiful) London.
d-It was (happy)day of their lives.
7-Give the correct form of the verb between brackets:
a-Years ago,people (use to believe)in many Gods.
b-I know that she doesn’t live in Algeria now but where she (live before)?
8-Cross the wrong answers :
a-Christmas is a time (when/which) people relax.
b-Amnesty Interrnational,(whose/which)was found by Peter Benson, is a charity.
c-The soldiers (who /whom) burnt the peasants’ home should be punished.
9-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of final "s"
Opinions-regards-inhabitants-rulers- inhabitants
10-Complete that paragraph using the following words: the most – who – of –for-they –an.
The society ….the past showed….exceptional respect…people among them…had moral qualities…considered to be …..valuable in their philosophy.
WRITTEN EXPRESSION:Choose one topic:
1-Use the following notes to write an essay about the Algerian ‘s life before and after independence
Before independence
-Live in a measery.
-Bad living conditions(diseases,low payment).
-Girls didn’t go to school.
-The Algerian work was difficult.
After independence:
-Life is comfortable.
-Improvement in the living conditions.
-Girls are allowed to study.
-Less work 8hours aday.
2-Write a short paragraph explaining the habits that Muslims used to following Eid Al-Fitr.

thank u very much

بارك الله فيك و بارك لك في كل مجهوداتك .

Thank you very much

merci pur le partage

Thank you a lot

thank you very much

thnx thnx thnx

thank u very much

الموضوع راااااااااااائع
بارك الله فيك

thank yoùùù so match sister الجيريا

many thanx may Allah bless u

Thank U

thank u very much

A new BAC English exam about EDUCATION 2024.

تحميل إختبار باك إنجليزية جديد ومقترح لتحضير وحدة Education

هذاهو رابط صفحة تحميل الإختبار


بـــــــــــارك الله فيـــــــــــك


هذا هو رابط تحميل الإجابة النموذجية


good luck

بـــــــــارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك

جزاااااااااااك الله خيرا

Sir, can you tell us about your expectations on the theme of this year’s Baccalaureate? And what are the units that planned and what deleted?

hello sara, just to answer your question, I tell you that you should not plan your BAC preparation in this way.
It’s better to revise and prepare all the units comprised in what is called El-3ATABA.
Thank you for all students and teachers and other free BAC candidates who have put replies so far.


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة teacher06 الجيريا
تحميل إختبار باك إنجليزية جديد ومقترح لتحضير وحدة Education

هذاهو رابط صفحة تحميل الإختبار


ostad snamakanech ethics habatha jiiii bzzf

momkin ji ethics felBAC 2024, lazem terdje3i kolechi..
bi tawfi9

a3tona la correction jma3a


بارك الله فيك

thank you very much sir

please le projet nta3 english 2024.

salam mes amis 3andi talab fi engish ana mafhamtech wach ndirou fi projet nta3ou w zid rah l prof nta3na 9assemna w darni raisat le groupe nta3i tasama ana lazem neb7eth fi le sujet nta3ou ya3ni n7awess ndir le projet nta3 le groupe nta3na 3la internet momkin t3awnouni fi hada l projet wla nn …/salam lwajhi elah 3awnouni الجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيريا

ما هي الاجزاء الي لازم تتكلمي عليها في البحث:؟؟؟؟
تعريف الانترنت
فوائد الانترنت
سلبيات الانترنت

nn mechi ya3ni enternet ya3ni wa7ed chra pc w y7awas ya5dem bih ùen awel 5otwa w kifah yda5el internet w kifah ysale7hou bidoun maydeih l préparateur

project n 3 in english conversation plan 2024.

msa lkhir ya jma3a ana fi hed les vacances 3andi projet fel l’anglais w mani femhma fih walo sttttp les amis fehmouni rakom tel9aweh fel la page 72.

جاااوبوني وينكم بلييييييز

mm ana matani fahma fih walou w ma3raftch mnin ra7 ndirou

help me in english please!!!!!!!!!!!! 2024.

i need a small pragraph about peace and pollution please soon it possible =) thnx

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة hell boy الجيريا
i need a small pragraph about peace and pollution please soon it possible =) thnx

Pollution is when something is added to the environment that is harmful or poisonous to people, animals and other living things. Smoke in the air from factories is a type of pollution as it is bad for your lungs when you breathe it in. Sewage in drinking water is another type of pollution as it can make you unwell if you drink it because it contains germs and viruses. People living next to a building site where there is too much noise can become sick as they cannot sleep or relax. We call this noise pollution.

Peace is a time without any fights or wars. In a larger sense, peace (or peacefulness) can mean a state of harmony, quiet or calm that is not disturbed by anything at all, like a still pond with no ripples.
Peace within and among states is a goal of many people and organizations. One organization that was set up to bring peace among the nations and try to make war a thing of the past was the League of Nations after World War I. When it failed to stop World War II, it was replaced by the United Nations which tries to make the world peaceful by standing for collective security between all the members.

مشكورة اختي على المبادرة

thnx sister god bless you =)

PeacE_ It Is NOt oa samll Word Peace Is a bIg World Where We chare HAppinEss and Smille
EvRy One Needs PeaCE In His LIFE FoR This We çHouLd KeeP It anD look For It FOR ThIs PeaoPLe had CReatEd MaNY OrganizatIons To MAke PeaCe Like THe UNO

Help me in English 2024.

Hello my friends!.

Can you help me for giving opposites to the following words by keeping their roots’’

the last one i don’t have an idea

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة said2808 الجيريا
the last one i don’t have an idea

thank you very much I will try on my own to find opposite the last word. no problem.


هاذي هيا لي معرفتوهاش نورمالمون


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sara_h الجيريا

thank you my sisier but are you sure? i think that the meaninig don’t change if we turn the word to opposite
mistreat=abus=يسئ استعمال.

Sorry I have no idea about these terms
wh y need it

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة **خليصة ** الجيريا
Sorry I have no idea about these terms
wh y need it

no problem khalisa .. i have an other exercise and i need you for choose the appropriate word in this text..
the UN warns that many ill people will …(1)… as a result of taking…..(2)…drugs.
The…….(3)…….. very cleverly,copy the details on the packaging and labelling of the …..(4)….. and ensure that all tablets and pills look identical to the real one.

Are there words proposed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة **خليصة ** الجيريا
Are there words proposed

no , did not propose any words .. we must fill the gaps on our own.

و الله لم اتمكن علاما يتحدث الموضوع يعني هناك كلمات لم افهمها جيدا
سأعود بعد قليل

انا فهمت treat بمعنى المعاملة وقلت بلاك قصدها المعاملة الجيدة او …

وعكسها هو mistreat ونتي هنا قصدك المعالجة ملا عكسها هوا كيما قالك untreated


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sara_h الجيريا
انا فهمت treat بمعنى المعاملة وقلت بلاك قصدها المعاملة الجيدة او …

وعكسها هو mistreat ونتي هنا قصدك المعالجة ملا عكسها هوا كيما قالك untreated


thank you.. can you help me in the other exercice .

هذه محاولتي:

the UN warns that many ill people will die as a result of taking much drugs.
The smuggled is very cleverly,copy the details on the packaging and labelling of the fake (counterfeit) and ensure that all tablets and pills look identical to the real one.

تاليه اجابتك مووفقه
The smuggled very cleverly
هنا اين الفعل؟ لازم تضيفي is