A new BAC English exam about EDUCATION 2024.

تحميل إختبار باك إنجليزية جديد ومقترح لتحضير وحدة Education

هذاهو رابط صفحة تحميل الإختبار


بـــــــــــارك الله فيـــــــــــك


هذا هو رابط تحميل الإجابة النموذجية


good luck

بـــــــــارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك

جزاااااااااااك الله خيرا

Sir, can you tell us about your expectations on the theme of this year’s Baccalaureate? And what are the units that planned and what deleted?

hello sara, just to answer your question, I tell you that you should not plan your BAC preparation in this way.
It’s better to revise and prepare all the units comprised in what is called El-3ATABA.
Thank you for all students and teachers and other free BAC candidates who have put replies so far.


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة teacher06 الجيريا
تحميل إختبار باك إنجليزية جديد ومقترح لتحضير وحدة Education

هذاهو رابط صفحة تحميل الإختبار


ostad snamakanech ethics habatha jiiii bzzf

momkin ji ethics felBAC 2024, lazem terdje3i kolechi..
bi tawfi9

a3tona la correction jma3a


بارك الله فيك

thank you very much sir

3As Exam Education 2024.

DATE:21/02/2017 2 hours stream :3lp
PART ONE. READING (15points)
Read the text carefully then do the activities
Education process
What happens at school is only one part of the education process. As a matter of fact, parents have to play a vital role in determining children’s success at school. There are certain things that are not fundamentally a teacher’s responsibility; these must be taught at home. For example, to value education, children should see their parents sit down and study something from time to time. Parents should also have books and set of encyclopaedias in the house to show their children how to get answers and obtain information. In the case parents are unable to afford books; they should take their children to the library and teach them how to work in it. We have to remember that a home that places no value on education is like a worn-out piece of land where nothing flourishes or grows.
The other important thing that parents must do is teach their children to respect authority. Lack of order and discipline are sometimes the major problems in classrooms. We, adults, must be more careful and demonstrate to our children that we must abide by laws and regulations and respect authority. If children hear their parents criticizing and ridiculing authority, then they will automatically lose respect for their teachers. Parents must teach their children to be honest and responsible.
They must encourage their children to do their homework alone, because there are valuable lessons in having a student complete assignment on his/her own away from the classroom. So when parents sign notes to justify why their children were absent, or why they didn’t do their homework, although they know it’s a lie; they effectively work together with the child against the school. The note may be of help for a moment but what has it done to the child’s value? Parents and teachers must work together to instil right values in children.
1- The text is about….(Choose the correct )
a. Children’s success at school
b.The importance of education at home.
c.Parents ‘ role and responsibilty to achieve success at school

2- Read the text and answer these questions:
1. In the writer’s opinion, how can dishonesty be harmful to a child?
2. What does the writer compare a home where there is no education to?
3-Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false
1. Children’s success depends mainly on their performance at school.
2. The writer’s attitude towards homework is negative.
3. Parents should not justify unfaithfully their children’s laziness.
4- What do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a. These § 1 they§ 2 b.It§ 3

5- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as:
Important = §1 show = § 2 prove=§3
B.Text Exploration( 08 points)

1- fill in the table as it is shown
verb noun adjective adverb
To respect
2- combine the two statements using the connectors between brackets
a/- children hear their parents criticizing authority / they will lose respect for their teachers( unless)
b/- parents are responsible of their children / they don’t take care of them at home(although)
3- Rewrite sentence B so that it means the same as A
A- parents have to play a vital role
B- a vital role………………………………………. ..
A- He asked them why they did not do their homework
B-“…………………………………………. ?” he asks them.
4/- Fill in the gaps with only one word in each gap to make the passage make sense
When I was in ……1……, 100 years ago or so, it was the job of ……2….. to support the school in its efforts to educate their …..3…… Today too many people think it is the job of the school to help parents raise their children. As a parent, that’s a job I’d rather do myself. As a …..4…… it’s a job I’m unwilling — and unable — to assume.

5/ Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final S.
Happens – parents – flourishes – values
/s/ /z/ /iz/

PART TWO: Written Expression (05 points)
Choose one of the following topics.
Topic (1)
today school failure rate has reached such an alarming rate that it threatens seriously the future of many countries .write a composition in which you explain the reasons why such a phenomenon is spreading and the possible solutions that could be suggested
• bad living and social conditions
• the value of school has dropped out
• pupils are absorbed by a complex world
• pupils miss school
• uncertain future after graduation
Topic (2):
What would you do to improve our educational system if you were the Minister of Education?

(BAC 2024 (Education 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

انا تلميذ مقبل على شهادة الباكالوريا والى التلاميذ المقبلين علىها, قمت بانشاء جروب (group) على الفيسبوك BAC 2024(Education) هدفي هو تمكين التلاميذ من مناقشة ما يتعلق بالباكالوريا والدردشة الحية, شرط ان لا يخرج عن اطار الباكالوريا
لمن هو مهتم

تحياتي وبالتوفيق انشاء اللهالجيريا

3AS Exam Education 2024.

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Behind The Times
Caning, the customary British punishment for student misbehavior, did not end with Tom Brown or Nicholas Nickleby. Britain is still behind the times on behinds. so (o speak Even today, according to a survey compiled by the Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment (STOPP). a school child is still thrashed somewhere in the country every nineteen seconds Such whippings may be nearing an end. however, as Britain, the only West European nation that still allows corporal punishment, bows to standards set by the European Court of Human Rights A bill moving through parliament would forbid caning unless individual parents had registered their approval with school authorities
Despite all its intended humanity, the proposed legislation angered some conservative MP’s who, remembering their own public-school days, support caning as a sacred custom. STOPP and other anti-caners oppose the law as unjust One reason is that some students would be caned with others while others guilty of the same infraction would not So far the prospective victims have not been consulted, though they obviously have tender feelings on the matter Unless they have merciful parents, the only protection for potential canes is to be at least 16 years old and to live in Scotland According to Scots law. Students16 or over are Independent of their parents. Under the new legislation, they could decide for themselves whether they cared to be thrashed or not.
Spencer Davidson
1. Choose the answer that best completes the following statements:
A. In Britain. caning students for misbehavior
a. is a new phenomenon
b. has never been used
c. is not a new phenomenon
b.Some public- school students are thrashed because
a. they do not do their homework
b. they do not behave well in class
c. they disobey orders.
2.. say whether these sentences are true / false.
a. all Teachers in Britain Oppose Physical Punishment.
b. Britain is the only West European nation that still allows physical punishment.
c. parliament would forbid caning forever.
3. Answer these questions according to the text.
a) How do teachers In Britain react when their students behave badly?
b) What does ‘STOPP stand for? What is its purpose?
c) Who Is against the law passed by parliament? Why?
d) What ts the difference between a student living in Scotland and another living In Britain?
Text exploration
2. In which paragraph is it mentioned that.
– the public scholars were not invited to give their opinions concerning caning at schools?
3. Give the opposite ot the following words keeping the same roots.
a. Approval b- merciful c- decided
4. Combine the (following sentences using the connector in brackets).
a. Nicholas Nickleby was often punished for his misbehavior. He had good marks in most subjects (although)
b. Nick repeated the year . He had spent most of his time playing electronic games (because)
c .The Smiths are good parents. Their only concern is their children s education (whose)
5.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
Mrs. Peggy Flint teaches English at Charters Comprehensive School She (to become) a teacher in 1991. Since then, She (to teach) at Charters comprehensive school Mrs. Peggy Flint Is for co-education because, according to her, it (to offer) children nothing than a true version of the society in miniature Mrs. Peggy Flint (to come) to Algeria next month to attend a conference on leaching.

6. Fill in each gap with one word so that the text makes sense.
The right to an adequate education is essential. It is not…………important to individuals but families and communities as well All people………..be able to have a Job, or continue their…………as far as they want This is the only…………to contribute to citizenship development.
7. Classify these words according (to the pronunciation of their final ‘ed’.
a. caned b. thrashed c. consulted d. registered

/t/ /d/ /id/

Choose one of the following two topics:
Topic 1. You are a member of an association of teachers opposed to physical punishment Write an article to the local newspaper in which you explain why you are against corporal punishment and what consequences it may have on students You may use the following notes
– loss of self-confidence
– Disrespect and hate towards adults
– Complex of Inferiority
– Hate of studies.
– School failure
• Desire of revenge/ social misbehaviour
Topic2. Imagine you are a psychologist in a school and that you are talking to a child who has been behaving wrongly for the last few weeks Write the dialogue.


موضوع بكالوريا تجريبية إنجليزية جيد جدا لتحضيروحدة education in the world 2024.

سلام على كل الطلبة المقبلين على بكالوريا2015
و أخص بالذكرطلبة أدب وفلسفة وكذا اللغاتالأجنبية ،أقدم لكم اليوم موضوع لتحضير كلا اإمتحانات التجريبية و كذا البكالوريا الرسمية من خلال هذاالموضوع الذي أعدته شخصيا ،إنه جديد .

كيفية تحميل الملف :أولا أنقر على الرابط ،تضهرلك صفحة أخرى وعلى تلك الصفحة أنقر مجددا في أسفل الصفحة على اليمين داخل المستطيل الأخضر مكتوب بداخله كلمة DOWNOAD
ملاحضة /لا تبخلوا على زملائكم في شعبتكم و كذا للغات،إتصلوا بهم لنسخ الموضوع ونشا الله تنجحوا كامل،بالتوقيق

هذا هو رابط التحميلhttps://https://www.mediafire.com/?d0e8pmmcm4e2jma

هناك مشكل مع الرابط السابق ،هذه روابط جديدة لتحميل الملف

الرابط الأول


الرابط الثاني لنفس الملف


إن لم تنجحو في تحميل الملف تصفحوا منتدى اللغات الأجنبية لتحضير الكالوريا فالرابط هناك جيد لنفس الملف وشكرا

Méérci sàà7bbii
Nmout 3la Education hhhhhhhh

bayn 3lik yaraouf ana tani ta3jabni hhhhhhhhhh aftah skybe

سلام ما حبوش يطلعو ياشيخ

أين هو العضو education algérie ؟ 2024.

لقد طال غياب هذا العضو في المنتدى ، و لم أرى له لا موضوع و لا تدخل ، فإذا كان مريضا ندعو له بالشفاء العاجل ، و إذا كان بسبب آخر أتمنى عودته إلى المنتدى ، حقيقة رغم إختلاف إنتمائنا النقابي ، إلا أنني أثمن إخلاصه لنقابته و بئس النقابي الذي كان يدعو إلى نقابته بالحكمة و الذكاء، ،

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

نتمنى خيرا ان شاء الله

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

شكراً جزيلاً لك اخي. والله يرجعه سالما…

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

نتمنى أن يكون سبب غيابه، أخذ عائلته الكريمة في رحلة إستجمام في عطلة الربيع هذه

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

نتمنى خيرا ان شاء الله

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة zma28 الجيريا
لقد طال غياب هذا العضو في المنتدى ، و لم أرى له لا موضوع و لا تدخل ، فإذا كان مريضا ندعو له بالشفاء العاجل ، و إذا كان بسبب آخر أتمنى عودته إلى المنتدى ، حقيقة رغم إختلاف إنتمائنا النقابي ، إلا أنني أثمن إخلاصه لنقابته و بئس النقابي الذي كان يدعو إلى نقابته بالحكمة و الذكاء، ،

بارك الله فيك أخي zma على سؤالك عليه… فالأستاذ عبد الحميد رغم اختلافنا معه نقابيا .. إلا أنني أحترمه جدا فهو إنسان رائع وقلبه ناصع كالثلج ..
أتمنى أن يكون المانع عن حضوره خيرا ويعود إلى المنتدى في أقرب وقت إن شاء الله

ملاحظة : أظنك تقصد ((نعم النقابي الذي كان يدعو ……بدل بئس ))

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

خونا عبد الحميد استاذ الفيزياء…. والله ذاكرتك قوية.
الرجل باين عندو النيف نتاع الصح لانه ادرك بان قاعة الاساتذة سحب منها البساط و اتخذت قرارات ارتجالية دون الرجوع للقاعدة.
ناهبك عن تبخر مطلبي الترقية الالية و الادماج بلا قيد او شرط
تحياتي له و لابي فاروق و عزالدبن و الاخرون

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)


الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الحـ)حسام(ــقّ الجيريا
بارك الله فيك أخي zma على سؤالك عليه… فالأستاذ عبد الحميد رغم اختلافنا معه نقابيا .. إلا أنني أحترمه جدا فهو إنسان رائع وقلبه ناصع كالثلج ..
أتمنى أن يكون المانع عن حضوره خيرا ويعود إلى المنتدى في أقرب وقت إن شاء الله

ملاحظة : أظنك تقصد ((نعم النقابي الذي كان يدعو ……بدل بئس ))

بالفعل كنت أقصد نعم النقابي، وشكرا للجميع على التفاعل.

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة االصريح الجيريا
خونا عبد الحميد استاذ الفيزياء…. والله ذاكرتك قوية.
الرجل باين عندو النيف نتاع الصح لانه ادرك بان قاعة الاساتذة سحب منها البساط و اتخذت قرارات ارتجالية دون الرجوع للقاعدة.
ناهبك عن تبخر مطلبي الترقية الالية و الادماج بلا قيد او شرط
تحياتي له و لابي فاروق و عزالدبن و الاخرون

رسالة مسمومة،تكشف سوء باطن صاحبها

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رغم أنفك الجيريا
رسالة مسمومة،تكشف سوء باطن صاحبها

من و ماذا تقصد يا أخينا أبو فاروق؟
أقسم بالله أن نيتي صافية و أعز كل النقابيين الأخيار حتى من نقابة الإجيتيا،

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رغم أنفك الجيريا
رسالة مسمومة،تكشف سوء باطن صاحبها

هههههه …وحدك يا خويا وحدك !!

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

نتمنى خيرا ان شاء الله

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة zma28 الجيريا
من و ماذا تقصد يا أخينا أبو فاروق؟
أقسم بالله أن نيتي صافية و أعز كل النقابيين الأخيار حتى من نقابة الإجيتيا،

لم اقصدك ،أيها البجاوي،بل هناك اقتباس لمشاركة الصريع عفوا الص ريح بل االصريح

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رغم أنفك الجيريا
رسالة مسمومة،تكشف سوء باطن صاحبها

انا بلغت تحياتي الخالصة لهؤلاء كزملاء و اصدقاء يجمعنا بهم فضاء افتراضي ، بكل ود و صدق ولكن لا ازال اختلف معهم في الراي و اختلافنا هذا لا يفسد ودنا يا صديقي
اما وصفك لي بسوء الباطن فهذا يرجع لثقافتك و لباقتك وحسن خطابك فحسن الكلام من حسن التعلم

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg FB_IMG_1426457012491.jpg‏ (23.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 42)

بحث في فائدة الأخ education algerie 2024.

تشير المعلومات على صفحته إلى ما يلي:

آخر نشاط: 2024-06-21 06:58.

أما آخر مشاركة له فكانت في :2015-06-05, 23:41.

أتمنى أن يكون الأخ الكريم بخير و معافى.

لقد وعدت الأعضاء باستقبالهم في زموري و أكل طبق السردين و الحوت ،

فهل مازلت عند وعدك؟؟؟

اتمنى ان يكون المانع خير تعال فقط وشاركنا الفضفضة المفيدة في غيابك تعاركنا وتصالحنا واستفدنا وافدنا

ان شاء الله يكون بخير و عافية

ان شاء الله يكون بخير و عافية

ان شاء الله يكون بخير و عافية

هي استراحة يلتقط فيها أنفاسه
إن شاء الله يكون بخير.

…..مياه البحر في زموري باردة جدا……….ازورها كل يومين……………ونسيت العرضة….ههههههههههه

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ahmedchek الجيريا
…..مياه البحر في زموري باردة جدا……….ازورها كل يومين……………ونسيت العرضة….ههههههههههه

على سلامة هذي غيبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة

اتمنى ان يكون المانع خير

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة احمد1974 الجيريا
على سلامة هذي غيبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة

…….شكرا استاذي……….انا متواجد يوميا هنا…………..اكتفي بالاطلاع والشكر………..العطلة افضلها للراحة والاستجمام والتفرغ لصغيرتي فهي تحب البحر……………..فرمضان الكريم على الابواب

ان شاء الله يكون بخير و عافية

in challah qu ‘il soit bien

إن شاء الله يكون بخير

هل من مجيب؟؟؟؟؟

بارك الله فيكم

3As Exam Education 2024.

The Republic of Algeria Democratic and Popular

March, 2024 Classes :3AS LP & F.LG English Second Term Exam
PART ONE: READING (15 pts) A/ Comprehension : Read the text carefully and do the activities:

“It feels like a time –bomb ticking in your head”, a student describing the exact feelings he endures at exam time , when stress levels are higher than usual , and when students feel overwhelmed, fearful, confused, exhausted and edgy.
But is this pressure actually necessary? Are exams a successful way of assessing a student’s capabilities ?
A research project undertaken by T.J.Palmer tested stress caused by exams and found that, when applied to the examination room setting , an intelligent and well-schooled student could fail an exam due to nerves alone . The researcher deduced that if that were the case, then , the examination is not a test of knowledge or educational ability , but of stress coping ability.
Another survey came to the worrying conclusion that the mental health of students is thought to be worse than that of the general population, since about 30 to 40 percent of students suffer from varying levels of anxiety and depression.
One conclusion brought up by the Palmer project is that stress awareness and the learning of coping strategies should be an integral part of the education programme. Students , at the very beginning of their school life , should be taught how to cope with the stress of exams . It could save a lot of anxiety in the long run.
(adapted from ‘Coping with Stress’ by Garry Crystal)

1/ Circle the letter that corresponds to the best answer: 1PT
a/ The text is : a)Descriptive – b) Argumentative – c) Expository – d) Narrative .
b/ The text is about: a) The causes of exam stress – b) Exam stress management – c) Exam stress and its effects .
2/ Are these statements TRUE or FALSE according to the text? 2PT a/ At exam time , stress decreases.
b/ Students feel self confident at exam time.
c/ Nervosity can cause students to fail an exam.
d/ Students should learn at school how to manage exam stress.

3/ Answer the following questions according to the text: 3PT
a/ How do students feel at exam time ?
b/ Does exam failure imply that students have little knowledge? Explain.
c/What did T.J.Palmer conclude about examination ,in his research?
d/ What advice does T.J.Palmer give about stress at the end of his research?

4/ What do the underlined words refer to in the text? 0,5
That §3 – Their § 4

5/ a/ Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: 1PT
a) Nervous §1 =…….. b) evaluating §2=…………
b/ Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: 1PT
a) Succeed§ 2 ≠……. b) better § 3≠…………

B/Text Exploration
1/ Complete the following table: 1,5
Noun verb adjective
confusion ………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………. successful
………………………………………………….. educate ……………………………………………………

2/ Complete sentence (b) so as to mean the same as sentence (a): 2PT
1/ a- The mental health of students is worse than that of the general population.
b- ………………………………the mental health of the general population, that of the students is very bad.
2/ a- Students should be taught how to cope with stress.
b- Teachers ……………………………………………………..how to cope with stress.
3/ a- ‘ I was quite stressed and fearful ‘ , the student said.
b- The student said that ……………………………………………………………………………….
4/ a- You must prepare yourself to take your bac exam or it will be stressfull.
b- Unless……………………………………………………………………….,it will be stressfull.

3/ Fill in the blanks with words from the list 2,5

Watching – study – breaks – time – stressful
Exam time can be extremely ………………1……………..So, it is important to have regular study…………2…………
and time relaxation to overcome this stress. Going for a walk, ……………3………………your favourite TV shows is not a waste of ………………4………..It is a great way to clear your head and help you……………5…………better.

4/ Mark the stress on the right syllable in the following words 1PT
Educate – examination – economy – statistics.

Choose ONE topic
Topic ONE: Use the following notes and write a paragraph advising students to manage exam stress:

-manage time wisely/ set up a plan for study(beginning of the year)
-get organized/ keep a calendar . Time for work/
Time for sleep/ time for eat/ time for relax
-wait until the last minute to prepare.
-take drugs ( caffeine)

Topic TWO :Write a paragraph saying how you would like to be tested by your teachers. Suggest the ways you would like your exams to be .


two new English exams about Education in Scotland and Ancient Rome 2024.

Hello students and teachers in all Algerian scondary-schools. I send you today two new English exams for BAC PREPARATION related respectively to the Units of EDUCATION and ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS

رابط تحميل موضوعAncient Rome


رابط تحميل موضوعEducation in Scotland


Thank you Boss
We Need One In Ethics
thank you very much
Give us the correction please
as soon as possible

thank u so much

Goodluck cool students

3 AS Education Exam 2024.

The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of National Education Second Term Examination
Third Year Duration: 2 hours

Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Once, Mr Meadowes had himself been a teacher. Thirty years in the classroom, in the smell of chalk and cabbage and mown grass and socks and wood-polish. Of course, in this year of 2023 there were no more teachers. After all, computers were far safer and more efficient, but the school still looked so familiar, so real in the sweet October light that he could almost ignore the chain- link barriere that reared mightily above the little wall and ran all the way around the playing field, the lightning-bolt electrification symbol and the lettered warning school -no unaccompanied adults- bolted to the post.
But Mr Meadowes was remembering his own classrooms; the scarred
wooden floors stained purple with ink and polished to a type of paint by
generations of young feet; the passageways soft with blackboard dust; the flying
staircases of books, words and drawings on desks with their secret slogans, tne crushed work sheets, confiscated cigarettes, copied homework mysterious messages, and other forgotten arte facts of that lost and long-ago state of grace.
Of course, it wasn’t really like that: nowadays each pupil had a workstation ; with a plastic desktop, a voice-activated monitor, an electronic pen and a computer-generated private teacher with an ageless and intelligent face ( new type of device selected from thousands of designs by the Centre for Generational awareness to inspire confidence and respect).
All lessons were taken from the workstation-even practicals were performed under virtual conditions. In the barbaric old days children had been acid-burned in chemistry, had their bones broken in various sport, skinned their knees in asphalts playgrounds and were intimidated and victimized in countless ways by their human teachers nowadays, all children were safe. And yet they still looked much the same as He remembered thought, Mr Meadowes.
1. Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer
The text is
a) argumentative
b) narrative
c) expository
2. Are the following statements true or false?

a) Mr Meadowes was a supervisor.
b) Mr Meadowes didn’t suffer from ancient classrooms.
c) There is no difference between ancient and modern classrooms.
d) Mr Meadowes thought that the children still looked the same.
3.Fill in the following table.
Means of studying
old Modern

4. Answer the following questions according to the text

a) Did the story take place in the past? Justify your answer.
b) What’s the difference between the past classrooms and the present ones?
5. What do the underlined words refer to in the text.

a) himself (§1) b) their (§2) c) their (§3)

B/ Text exploration
1. Match words and their synonyms.

– Bolted
– Reared
– Practicals – Raised
– Examination
– fixed

2. Give the opposites of the following words keeping the same root.
Educated, distinct, *******,
3. Connect each pair of sentences with one of the words given. Make changes where necessary: nevertheless, unlike, in order to
a- An educated person pays attention to many things. An illiterate ignores many things.
b- Today’s government is working to rectify the imbalances in education. The syllabus remains.
c- Tuitions are paid by students. They are going to do further studies.
4. Match pairs that rhyme.
– Numeral
– Generalize
– Afford – Accord
– Penalize
– General
5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list:
Qualification, secondary, literacy, kindergarten, discipline.
Education is a long process that only provides us with basic skill such as ……… and numeracy. But it is also essential in shaping our future lives from the moment, we enter ……….. as small children and as we progress. Though primary and………… education, we are arranging the foundation for the life ahead of us. We must ……… ourselves work hard so that we can pass exams and gain …………. We will need in our life.

Part two Written Expression
Choose one of the following topics.
Topic one : In no more than 80 words explain if you are for or against teaching.

Topic two : in 12 lines compare the Algerian and the British educational system.