this is the correction of the long exam to prepare the unit of ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS 2024.

Hello teachers and students ,here is the correction of the long exam about ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS

هذا هو رابط التحميل…CIVILIZAT.html

Hello Professor
Thank you very much
We owe you

thank youuuuuuuuu

Hello cool students and teachers

thanksssssssssssssssssss a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttt

MAKENCH 7 ja bla telechargement psq maymchiche ta3i

Good luck cool students

Write a composition on the scientific achievements of the ancient Egyptian civilization. 2024.

Typical Essay:
Egyptian scientists were generally most interested in observing nature and practical engineering, and they were very good at both of these things. The pyramids and temples, for example, show good knowledge of geometry and engineering. Egyptian engineers used the Pythagorean Theorem, thousands of years before Pythagoras was born.
Because the Nile flood was so important to Egyptian farming, scientists also worked out good ways to measure how high the flood was going each year, and kept accurate records and good calendars. You can see here how the Egyptian wrote down numbers. The device they used to measure the height of the Nile flood is called a Nilometer.
They also worked out good ways to move water from the Nile to outlying farms in the desert, using hand-powered irrigation pumps (shadufs) and canals.
It may also have been Egyptian scientists who first figured out how to make yeast-rising bread.

Mercii Poùr le Pa$sage


great informations from you الجيريا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة abdodido الجيريا
great informations from you الجيريا

Thankkkss !
شكــرا على المرور و الرد العطر الوضوع منقول للإفاآآآآدة !!!

Merciii Poùr le Passage iCii ..Ed3iiiWliii

momkin tshih ta3 sujet had

Mazal madirnach nhar l7ad nchlh njiBoùlKoùm

ok merciiiiiii

ya po de mzYa !!


ancient civilizations paragraphs 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بعض فقرات للحضارات
هذه الفقرات تساعد في فهم النصوص المطروحة في البكالوريا وفي التعبير الكتابي وتنمية القدرات واكتساب المفردات
1حضارة بلاد مابين النهرين

Civilization developed slowly in different parts of the world. People began to settle in areas with abundant natural resources. A section of the Middle East is called the Fertile Crescent. The Fertile Crescent is a rich food-growing area in a part of the world where most of the land is too dry for farming. The Fertile Crescent is a quarter-moon shaped region that extends from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf.

Some of the best farmland of the Fertile Crescent is on a narrow strip of land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Greeks later called this area Mesopotamia, which means “between the rivers.” Many different civilizations developed in this small region. First came the Sumerians, who were replaced in turn by the Assyrians and the Babylonians. Today this land is known as IraqThe Nile River

2 الحضارة المصرية – نهر النيل-

The Gift of the Nile

Like a giant snake, the Nile River slithers through some of the driest desert on earth to isolate a narrow green valley. The Nile was also home to one of the earliest civilizations in history. Today, more than seventy million people live along the banks of the Nile, the world’s longest river. The Nile was also home to one of the earliest civilizations in history.

Ancient Egypt could not have existed without the great river. Every year, the snow in the mountains of East Africa melts, sending a torrent of water that overflows the banks of the Nile. The river picks up bits of soil and plant life called silt. The silt is dropped on the banks of the Nile as the flood recedes, and creates excellent topsoil that provides two or three crops every year. The ancient Greeks spoke with envy when they referred to Egypt as “the Gift of the Nile.”

الحضارة الإغريقية

The Cradle of Western Civilization

The Acropolis was built in the fifth century BC.The civilization of ancient Greece flowered more than 2500 years ago but it influences the way we live today. Greece is a peninsula in southeastern Europe. The people of the region attempted to explain the world through the laws of nature. They made important discoveries in science. They developed democracy, where people govern themselves rather than being ruled by a king. The Greeks also valued beauty and imagination. They wrote many stories and plays that continue to be performed today. The ancient Greeks developed a great deal of what we take for granted. This is why Greece is often known as the Cradle of Western Civilization


The people of ancient Greece could not farm most of their mountainous, rocky land, so they became excellent sailors who traveled to distant lands. The Greeks learned the alphabet from the Phoenicians, a sea faring people from modern day Syria and Lebanon. The mountainous land also meant that it was difficult to invade Greek lands. The Balkan Mountains in the north and the Mediterranean Sea form barriers that made it difficult for outsider to attack


Ancient Greece was not a unified nation, but a collection of poli. Poli is the plural of polis, a word often translated as city, but a polis is much more. When we think of a city, we generally think of a place. A Greek polis consisted of a small walled area that was generally no larger than a few city blocks, the farmland that surrounded it, and most importantly, the people who lived there. Today we think of the people who live in a place as citizens, but to the ancient Greeks the people were as much of the poli as the land or the buildings. The word politics is derived from the Greek polis


The poli often developed alliances, called leagues, for protection against other cities and foreign invaders. The poli of ancient Greece were eventually conquered, but their advanced ideas eventually spread across Europe and have influenced the way we live today


Each polis was a nation of its own, but the poli of ancient Greece had many things in common. The Greek poli developed independently of one another because they were isolated by rugged mountains or were located on small islands, but the poli spoke a common ********. The poli were also small and often had to depend on one another to survive. Further, the poli met every year at a great athletic contest known as the Olympics. Poli that were at war would suspend hostilities until after the contests. There is a modern nation known as Greece, but the poli of ancient Greece extended east to land we today know as Turkey

الحضارة الرومانية

A New Power Rises

RomanThe earliest empires had been in the east. Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Greece were all home to at least one powerful civilization. About 387BC, a city on the Italian peninsula began acquiring land and building an empire. That city was Rome. For more than one thousand years, Rome controlled the western world.

Rome grew into an empire in part because of how it treated the people it conquered. If a city was defeated by another empire, its citizens were forced from the land if they were lucky, and enslaved if they were not. Initially, the Romans extended the rights of citizenship to the people they conquered. Rome conquered many of its allies by force, but once the new people became citizens, they often joined the Roman army. Rome managed to unify most of the modern nation of Italy by 265BC.

Rome is an ideal place for a city. It is located along the banks of the Tiber River. The river made it easy to travel to and from the sea. The Tiber is very shallow near Rome. A shallow portion of a river is called a ford. The ford made it easier for people to cross the river. Seven hills surround Rome. The hills make it harder for invaders to approach the city and served as lookout areas for the Romans. Rome is also close to excellent farmland and an abundance of wood and stone. Civilizations have grown and prospered in Rome for thousands of years, which is why Rome is nicknamed “the Eternal City.”


دمتم في رعاية الله وحفظه …فقط أشير أن الحفظ يكون أسهل بأخذ الأفكار العامة وبعض النقاط المهمة



thank a lot !!! … from A

thanks merciiiiiiiiii

thanks a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot

thank you for these texts

thank you….that’s what i’m looking for

شكراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا باك2016 ان شاء الله

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

بارك الله فيك

thank you sooooooooooooooo mutch my precious

thank you

Merci beaucoup pour ces Paragraphe
vraiment nous sommes besoin de ca

thank you toooooooooooooo much

موضوع باك مطول لتحضير وحدة ancient civilizations 2024.

I send you today a long BAC ENGLISH EXAM containing 04 pages to prepare the unit of ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS and may be next Sunday I send you its correction.

هذا هو رابط التحميل :…_PREPARAT.html

thaanks teachr ghadi nhawel fih

hello students ,about the corresction of the long exam of anciant civilizations, i shall send it to you next saturday
good luck

نرجو مواضيع اخرى مثل هذا الموضوع في

education and ethics in bussiness

thank you boss

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة teacher06 الجيريا
I send you today a long BAC ENGLISH EXAM containing 04 pages to prepare the unit of ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS and may be next Sunday I send you its correction.

هذا هو رابط التحميل :…_PREPARAT.html

thnks a lot teacher but now we look for the correction plz


Written by : teacher06

Thank you very much Sir for the work. It’s really interesting. Could send the correction, please. I shall be very grateful.الجيريا

good morning teacher where is it the correction i cant find it

Write a composition on the ancient Sumerian civilization and its achievements. 2024.

Typical Essay:

The people who settled down and began to develop a civilization, in the land betweenthe Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers, are known as the Sumerians. About a thousand years later, the Babylonians took over in the south, and the Assyrians took over in the north, but the Sumerian culture lived on.
The Sumerian civilization probably began around 5000 BCE. In the beginning, they were an agricultural community. They grew crops and stored food for times of need.
The ancient Sumerians were very smart. They invented, amongst other things, the wheel, the sailboat, and the first written ********, frying pans, razors, cosmetic sets, shepherd’s pipes, harps, kilns to **** bricks and pottery, bronze hand tools like hammers and axes, the plow, the plow seeder, and the first superhero, Gilgamesh.
They invented a system of mathematics based on the number 60. Today, we divide an hour into 60 minutes, and a minute into 60 seconds. That comes from the ancient Mesopotamians.
Some Mesopotamian words are still in use today. Words like crocus, which is a flower, and saffron, which is a spice, are words borrowed from the ancient Mesopotamians.
The ancient Mesopotamians created a government that was a combination of monarchy and democracy. Kings ruled the people. Elected officials who served in the Assembly also ruled the people. Even kings had to ask the Assembly for permission to do certain things.
Law held a special place in their civilization. In Babylonian times, laws were actually written down. But there were always laws. The laws clearly said how you had to behave and what your punishment would be if you did not behave correctly. And the laws that were later written down, for the most part, were laws created by the ancient Sumerians.
Ancient Sumer was a bustling place of three or four hundred people. The ancient Sumerians built many cities along the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. Archaeologists believe that their largest city, the city of Ur, had a population of around 24,000 residents!

Mercii Poùr le Pa$sage

t9dar tmdlna tashih namodaji ta3 had sujet

wina sujet ranya !!!!!!

Merciii Poùr le Passage iCii ..Ed3iiiWliii

sujet ta3 hadara misriya

MadarOùlNACH acd 3la l7adara lmassriYa !!

thnxxxxxxxxxx a loooot

شكرا اختي ربي ينجحنا نالله

Algeria was the cradle of many ancient civilizations. Discuss. 2024.

Typical Essay:

Algeria is a huge country in Northern Africa. It covers 920,000 square miles (2,380,000 sq. km), making it more than three times the size of Texas, and the 11th largest nation on Earth. It shares borders with Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia, and Western Sahara, and has coastline on the Mediterranean.
People have been living in the region that is now Algeria, and the surrounding Maghreb, for more than 200,000 years. The first civilizations sprang up between 4000 and 8000 years ago, eventually forming a cohesive population, usually referred to collective as the Berber culture.
From about 900 BCE Algeria has been invaded repeatedly by various peoples, mostly from across the Mediterranean. First the Phoenicians came, trading along the coast and eventually establishing Carthage in nearby Tunisia and various outposts in Algeria. Then came the Romans, who conquered the Berbers more-or-less completely by 24 AD. By the 4th century Algeria had been converted to Christianity.
Beginning in the 8th century Algeria, and the greater Maghreb, became a strategic target for the expanding Islamic world. By the end of the first decade of the 8th century the Umayyads had conquered all of North Africa, including Algeria. Over the next few centuries Algeria converted to Islam and was Arabized dramatically.
In the 16th century Algeria came under the control of the Ottoman Empire, and became a center for Mediterranean piracy and privateering. It was in Algeria that the infamous pirate Red Beard (neé Barbarossa) eventually was based, as a provincial governor. During this period both Arabs and native Berbers saw their roles diminished, as Turkish became the national ******** and Turks became entrenched in most positions of power. Piracy continued to spread and become institutionalized in Algeria, as well as its neighbors, in a confederacy known as the Barbary States. In addition to capturing the wealth of European traders, these pirates also began capturing Christians as slaves, a turn of events that eventually led the young United States to enter into two of its earliest wars against the Barbary Coast.
In the early 19th century Algeria was conquered by the French, who began to settle and develop the region. Although infrastructure developed under French control, to the majority of the Muslim inhabitants of Algeria, France was seen as a harsh colonial power. Resistance and open revolt continued throughout all of the French occupation, but it began to grow substantially and develop during the 1930s. Although relatively peaceful attempts were made for a Constitution and more equality in the mid-1940s, these were met with no support by the French government.
By 1954 the situation had gotten bad enough that the citizenry revolted on a massive scale. The National Liberation Front was the main body of revolt, launching a full-scale civil war that would last for eight years. In that time nearly two million Algerians would die, and another two to three million were relocated. Independence was finally achieved in 1962, after one of the longest, bloodiest wars for independence in modern history.

merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii
my sister

bla mziya jariiii

Merciii Poùr l£ Pas$age

two new English exams about Education in Scotland and Ancient Rome 2024.

Hello students and teachers in all Algerian scondary-schools. I send you today two new English exams for BAC PREPARATION related respectively to the Units of EDUCATION and ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS

رابط تحميل موضوعAncient Rome…ROME_EXAM.html

رابط تحميل موضوعEducation in Scotland…LAND_EXAM.html

Thank you Boss
We Need One In Ethics
thank you very much
Give us the correction please
as soon as possible

thank u so much

Goodluck cool students

This is an interesting video about the process of Mummification by Ancient Egyptians 2024.

Hello everybody, I put online today this interesting educational video in which you are going to find
explanations about how and why did Ancient Egyptians mummify their dead people.
Explained by the famous Egyptian Archaeologist: Dr ZAHI HAWAS with his specific Egyptian accent .

This video can be used in the classroom by teachers of English

هذا هو رابط التحميل…ns_Ancien.html


thank you sir it s very beautiful

thank you sir it is very interesting video

Thank you so much . May Allah reward you brother