Ethics in business 2024.

Bribery is a form of corruption. It is the offering and receiving of any item of value; money property or advantage, its aim is to influence the action of any official. This unethical practice has become so widespread that it’s difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, governments must do their best to eradicate it first, a well implemented system of law should be implemented in order to prevent bribery, also, and bribers must be punished severely so that they will become examples for the others. In addition, companies have to sign commitment contracts which they promise not to break the law .fur there more, work of public officials, must be inspected regularly in order to ensure that they don’t receive any bribe. I Think that when regulatory controls are strict, official are afraid of committing such offences. However, when thy feel that no one is controlling their action, they will commit more and more crimes.
To sum up, I would say that no nation will develop or prosper if it doesn’t fight this dangerous phenomenon urgently .also I wish all citizens contributed in this battle so as to eradicate all forms of corruption.

thanks for this good paragraph
about bribery

essem7ili sweet 7abbit nzid 3la mawdho3ek

Education in Algeria

Education in Algeria is free of any charge, but private schools are authorised by the law. It is also compulsory under the constitution. All Algerian schools are mixed sex. The academic year starts in September and ends in June for southern regions and July for the other parts of the country with two 15 days break in December and March.

The educational system is structured as follows: the pre-school, the primary school, the middle school, the tertiary is the secondary school and at last comes the university level. At five years old, the Algerian children go to the pre-schools which are generally close to their houses. At the age of six, they often start their primary education in the same school. At the end of this stage pupils should take a final exam to be able to move to the middle school where they fulfil their four years of study. Later on, they should sit for another exam called the “BEM” that they must pass for admission to secondary education which begins at age 15 and ends when students take the baccalaureate examination before they proceed to one of the universities, state technical institutes, or vocational training centres which fall under the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as by institutes run by other ministries. The specific degrees awarded are determined by the field of study, not the institution. The Ministry of Higher Education approves the curriculum, which is standardized for each field of study. Algerian institutions also award graduate degrees in most fields in which a Licence or DES is awarded


Corruption is a dangerous social phenomenon which can undermine the development and well being of a country this is why we must combat it with our might( power ).what would i do if were elected a president ؟

If i were elected a president of this country , i would pass severe laws to punish corrupt people in onder to protect honest citizens from their wrong doings.

More over ,tax evasion should be punished severely as it constitutes a serious threat to the existence of the nation is projects since most of them are dependent on the collection of taxes.

Then , I think that work , being the most valuable richness of the country ,should be rehabilated .If i were elected president .I would do my best to reconcile our countrymen with work .

Last but not least ,I would appoint honest , hard working ,and sincer civil servants who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the welfare of their people.

To conclude,to combat corruption effectively, I would use all powers.All means,all people of different parties as soon as possible before it is too late and the sooner ,the bette


thanks a lot of

plz li 3andou kech paragraph yektebha hna

thanks …………………..

شكرا جزيلا بصح بغيت نسقسيكم منين بتوهم اسكو اسلوب الخاص فالتعبير ولا نقلتوهم ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

khti chayma yakhi lmouhim jebna w lakan lgiti kechma khata’e sa7ih madabiya hannouna
l7asoul 7abba ta3erfi ana n9alethoum bach nfidkoum bihoum

merciiiiiiiiiii..thnkSsSs..yarabé twafkana bac 2024

peaaaaaase guys …where’s ur paragraphs


thanx my sister

merciiiii bcppp allah yahfdekkk w yf9akk inchalhh

Business ethics text with comprehension questions 2024.

هذا هو رابط التحميل


this is the main vocabulary of unit three for other classes

رابط التحميل


Nearly all magazines depend on the revenue generated by their advertisers to stay in business. 2024.

Typical Essay:

Magazine advertising is the ads you see placed throughout publications. Starting up or maintaining a magazine is dependant on a few factors, but one of the most important is advertising. Magazine advertising can make or break a publication. Nearly all magazines depend on the revenue generated by their advertisers to stay in business.
It is very important to have magazine advertising in place before a new publication is placed on the market. At the beginning, the revenue from ads can pay for staff wages and help with the start up costs. Not only that, but the right type of advertisement placed through a magazine can also boost the magazine’s sales.
The diversity of magazines available today is staggering. From dog lovers to funeral directors, there seems to be a magazine for everyone. Advertisers are aware that a strategically placed ad in the right magazine can improve their business many times over.
If you look at the glossy magazines, they seem to be almost 80% advertisements. The reason for this is that magazines such as GQ or Vogue are seen as aspirational magazines. The magazine advertising within their pages reflects the message of the magazine and the audience they are trying to reach.
People who read GQ or Vogue are supposedly the elite in terms of lifestyle. They are up to the minute in areas such as fashion and they have a large disposable income. The magazine advertising in GQ and Vogue caters specifically to that audience – designer clothes, high performance cars, luxury living. Whole features can be written around a product.
Sometimes a product is interwoven through a feature without the reader being aware of it. It may be a feature on a day at a certain spa in which a number of products are mentioned. The magazine advertising in this feature is not only the spa, but also the products used at the spa. These types of articles are seen as advice givers, and their potential for pushing a product is huge. They can market the product to millions of people through their recommendation in the magazine.
Billions of dollars are spent annually on magazine advertising. Because of the amount of money involved, the brands that are being advertised, more often than not, have a say in what will be in the magazine. They can stipulate where they would like the ad, what type of ******* should be placed next to it and even what should not be in the magazine in which they are placing the ad.
Magazine advertising is one of the most powerful marketing tools available. An ad placed in a magazine can improve sales enormously. Editors are, however, aware of the editorial changes that can be made by corporations through magazine advertising. Magazine advertising by major corporations nearly always has a ******* impact on the magazine. This editorial power has to be weighed up when deciding on the advertising and the money involved.

شُكْـــــــــــــــــــــرًآ لَكُمــــْ عَلَى الْمُروُرْ

Merciii Poùr l£ Pas$age

Merciii Poùr l£ Pas$age

اهم المصطلحات المستعملة في الوحدة الثانية Ethics in Business 2024.


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة youcef94 الجيريا

de rien ……………

جزاك الله الف خير

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة afrahe الجيريا
جزاك الله الف خير

واياكم …..

Thank you very much Professor

not at all

thank you sooooo much



جزاك الله الف خير

شكرا لك اخي.

thank you very much my teacher

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة جلول22 الجيريا
thank you very much my teacher

not at all

شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا
شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا
شكرا شكرا شكرا
شكرا شكرا

Ethics in business لاول مرة على الانترنت 2024.

لاول مرة في الانترنت نضع الكتاب الالكتروني للسنة الثالثة ثانوي لغة انجليزية وهنا قمت باعداد الوحدة الثانية Ethics in business ولازالت هناك 5 وحدات اتمنى من الزملاء التعاون من اجل اعدادها وهي تتطلب وقتا من تصويرها الى تعديلها الى تحويلها الى البي دي اف الى دمجها في ملف واحد.

رلبط التحميل:
03 ميقا ونصف

thanks a lot
بارك الله بك و فيك

شكرا اخي لقد مللت من البحث عن الكتاب المدرسي
مجهود معتبر الله يجازيك

لقد صورت اليوم الوحدة الرابعة وسوف ادرجها بعد قليل

May Allah reward you with peace ,health & happiness

ma machalich siteeee
:'( [FONT="Time
s New Roman"][/FONT]

thank you soo much , may allah reward you

بآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآرك الله ف يكم على المجهوووووووووووووود

الرابط لا يعمل

Ethics in business لاول مرة على شبة الانترنت 2024.

لاول مرة في الانترنت نضع الكتاب الالكتروني للسنة الثالثة ثانوي لغة انجليزية وهنا قمت باعداد الوحدة الثانية Ethics in business ولازالت هناك 5 وحدات اتمنى من الزملاء التعاون من اجل اعدادها وهي تتطلب وقتا من تصويرها الى تعديلها الى تحويلها الى البي دي اف الى دمجها في ملف واحد.

رلبط التحميل:
03 ميقا ونصف


I don’t have a scanner to do the same

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lotfi69 الجيريا

I don’t have a scanner to do the same

why do not you afford one . It is very useful

first I am just a teacher of primary grad, so i appreciate what you are doing.
what i say is : may God guide and bless and protect u.

سوف نحاول تكملة الباقي

باركـ الله فيــــــــــــكـ أخي ..
حبيت نعطـــــــي رأي فقـــــــط : ..
خويا هذا التعب كاامل كون صورت شي كتاب خارجي تفيدنا أو وثاائق عندكـ مثل فرووض و اختباراات تاع ثانويتكم للعاام المااضي …
جزااك الله خيرا أخي الكرييم
في امان الله

thank you so muchالجيريا

بارك الله فيك

thank you so much

لقد صورت اليوم الوحدة الرابعة وسوف ادرجها بعد قليل

كل مصطلحات وحدة Ethics In Business 2024.

شكرا جزاك الله خيرا أختي

merci khtitou rabi ynaj7ek

مشكورين…..ياريت تنزلوا مصطلحات باقي الوحدات

جزَاكي الله خَيرًا ..


بارك الله فيك

شكرا لك

بارك اللع فيك

شكرا جزيلا اختي بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك وممكن تنزلي باقي مصطلحات الوحدات الاخرى

بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك

مشكور على المجهود العظيم

كل مصطلحات وحدة Ethics In Business مترجمة للغةالعربية 2024.


كل مصطلحات وحدة Ethics In Business مترجمة للغةالعربية

التحميل من هنا

لا تنسى أن تترك ردا

كيف احملها


merciiiiiiiiiiiiii و بارك الله فيك ربي ينجحك و ان شاء الله تفرح وتفرح والديك

بارك الله فيك



المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sami4 الجيريا

كل مصطلحات وحدة Ethics In Business مترجمة للغةالعربية

التحميل من هنا

لا تنسى أن تترك ردا

lah yahfdkoom wa yanadj7koom ba9i 8 jours zayroo ro7koom bach jibooh bon moyen

mais kifah nhamalhom khawti ???????????


le grane et le plus grand meeeeeeeeerci



شكرااا جزيلا

بارك الله فيك