ثلاثة صفحات مرفوقة ب02تمارين توضيحية حول Reported Speech 2024.

Hello dear students wherever you are in Algerian schools,I give you today THREE PAGES on REPORTED SPEECH To revise them:
ON FIRST PAGE: you find the changes frequently held when we change to Reported Speech
ON THE SECOND PAGE:you find some examples
ON THE THIRD PAGE:you find two exercises for you

هذا هو رابط التحميل


أتمنى لكم كل التوفيق و النجاح إن شاء الله

please i want correction of the test of yesterday sir

Tomorrow or may be tonight enchalah I will send you the CORRECTION OF THE EXAM PAPER ABOUT EDUCATION



thank u mister u are the best of the best inchalah we can get our bac this year witha good marrk

I think you have already started your revision,accordingly , I say :"GOOD FOR YOU AND ENCHALAH WITH YOUR CONSTANT WORK YOU WILL SUCCEED AND JOIN UNIVERSITY"

written by:teacher06

Direct Speech / Quoted Speech

Saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech sometimes called quoted speech

Here what a person says appears within quotation marks ("…") and should be word for word.

For example:

."She said, "Today’s lesson is on presentations


.Today’s lesson is on presentations", she said"

hello students ,it’s time to prepare seriuosly,good luck

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة teacher06 الجيريا
hello students ,it’s time to prepare seriuosly,good luck

svp dir directement les lessons sans telechargements welah manaeraf ntelechargi

the direct speech 2024.

ارجو المساعدة في درس الانجليزية direct speech

حددي السؤال

في الانجليزية ينقسم الكلام :
direct speech and indirect speech
direct speech .we repeat the original speaker’s exact words.
example:he says:"the train is late".l
indirect speech .we give the exact meaning of a remark orspeech with out using the speaker’s exact word.
he says:i am ill."….direct
he says that he is ill…..indirect.
قواعد عامة:
اذا كان فعل القولمصرف في الحاضر فلا نفعل سوى اننا نحذف الاقواس و النقطتين و نكمل الجملة
he says:"the train is late.".jdirect
لا نفعل سوى اننا نحذف و لا يتبدل الزمن لان say مصرفة في الحاضر.
فتصبح الجملة :he says that the train is late
2/*عندما يكون الفعل مصرف في الماضيsaid يتبدل كل شيء في التصريف:
present(simple.perfect.continuous(b…………… …….تولي تصرف رفي الجيرياast(simple.perfect.continuous)
و هذي التحويلات اكيد قريتوها في القسم.


وذكرت الكلام reported speech 2024.

السلام عليكم اعضاء المنتدي الكرام
كيف حالكم
ارجـــــــــــــــــــــــــــو ان يكونـــ الجميع بخير
المهم درنا الدرس تاع reported speech
وشوية جانا صعيب على هادا بحثت شوية وجبت هاذا الموقع فيه تمارين ارجو ان تكون مفيدة
ربي يوفقكم جميعا ان شاء الله

شكرا لك اخي

العفو ………الجيريا

lمشــــــــكور على مجهــــــودك ^_^

وسمحولي اعرف انو مشي حاجة كبيرة
انتوما تستاهلو كل خير والله
ان شاء الله المشاراكات الجاية تكون افضل بعون الله[/b]

merci bien

merci beaucoup

شكرا لك اخي

derien …………………….الجيريا

merci beaucoup


merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bcp

thank you so much may ALLAH help you

thank you very much

Is it a lesson ta3 literair?

…Because we didn’t do this leson

(Mixed Activities (Reported Speech 2024.

Hello !!

My Name is Hireche Rafik And I’ll Give You Mixed Activities Of Reported Speech

And Thunk You (Don’t Forget to Put Reponse)


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ThAnK yOu vErY MuCh

thank you
the first one :

i said to her that i had something to show her
it’s correct !!

thank you veryyyyyyy much

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة moussaab s الجيريا
thank you
the first one :

i said to her that i had something to show her
it’s correct !!

i thik that is correeeeect

thank’s that’s Will help us to understand this lesson very well it’s very beatiful leson الجيريا


Merrrrrrrrrrrrrrciiiiiiiiiiii الجيريا


speech about peace 2024.

Is peace is truly possible on earth? Many times we’ve heard
the call to peace, yet somehow another war of words, another
bombing, another invasion seems to undermine the permanence of peace. We wonder, when will people finally stop using violence as a solution? Or we ask, when will a permanent peace finally take hold?
Yet we assume peace can be achieved through negotiation, through coercsion, through compromise, through disarmament, or even through the threat of war itself. Yet, peace is not a condition dependent on external circumstances.
Peace is our true nature calling us to bring forth our true reality of
eternal calm, eternal wisdom, and eternal respect for life. This is not about whether or not we use arms to defend ourselves. It is about
bringing forth the reality of peace that has far too long been dormant on this planet.
“Solutions for Peace” is a call for each of us to explore Peace in a new and lasting way. Instead of seeing Peace as a condition outside of ourselves and dependent upon the behaviour of others, we see Peace as our true nature as humans and a reality we can each start to experience today. Peace depends not on what others do, but how we choose to see and relate to others and the world around us. We see that the solutions to create Peace are within each of us and practicing them can change our world dramatically.
I am not a victim. I choose to be free.
The world as we’ve known it encourages people to perceive themselves as victims. Our world looks for blame and justifies harming others to avenge suffering. When we feel victimized we are not free. Being a victim is not the same as being a survivor. A survivor looks to the future, while a victim looks to the past. Victimhood is our greatest bondage. The only way to loosen the chains of victimhood is to grieve our suffering, express our legitimate suffering or the suffering of others. And then we let go. Victims never allow themselves to be freed from the past. One way victims renact victimhood is by becoming perpetrators. Perpetrators relieve victimhood by victimizing others, believing such perpetration is a kind of justice for past wrongs. But by being perpetrators, we do not escape the cycle of victimization and perpetration. Instead, to leave this cycle, we choose to be free. We seek safety for ourselves and work to heal our wounds, not create new ones. We seek to join with others who will help us to express our grief and losses. We can accept that others have acted out their victimization in harmful ways, but we can also choose to end the cycle of victimization. We become free people once again.
Peace is Freedom
When we are truly at peace, we find ourselves living the freest lives possible. When we are engaged in conflict, we are most burdened and imprisoned in cycles of suffering. While occasionally strong force or strong action may end unacceptable violence against others, we acknowledge that force alone does not create peace. Only a decision to be peaceful creates peaceful world. Peace and freedom are interchangeable, because when we are at peace we have the most available choices to us that encourage and strengthen our humanity. When we choose violence instead of peace, we become captured by the tolls violence takes on our bodies, minds, and souls. We have learned through experience that violence impacts not only the one who receives it, but also impacts the one that delivers it. Peace, on the other hand, acknowledges the humanity of all–even those who seem to deserve it the least. For it is the humanity within us that peace calls back to each of us, so that we may heeds its call again. Peace ultimately brings us back to the freedom of choice.

Be the change the world seeks.
The world waits for each of us to do our part, however "small." We wish the world to be different and to change, and yet we hold on to our own prejudices, resentments and bitter memories, convinced that only if others changed we would be happy. We find that when we wait for others to change, we will probably never be happy, because they will likely never change to our satisfaction. However, when we realize that we can influence our small part of the world, we become empowered to be greater than we are, and to bring happiness and joy where we can. It doesn’t mean we have to hold offices to influence men and women in power; we can simply bring positive energy and peace to our families, to our neighbourhood, to our community. Perhaps we need to reach out to people who have been alienated or ostracized or misunderstood. Perhaps it means we look others in the eyes or talk to those we may have ignored. Or perhaps we can find time each day to pray or meditate for ways to increase the peace we seek in our lives.

passive,active and reported speech 2024.

سلام عليكم
اليوم حبيت نشرح درس passive et active و reported speech
اولا في passive
مثلا فالجملة يقولك the postman delivers the mail
فالجملة الفعل هو delivers ومصرف في present معناها نديرو l’auxiliaire to be في le present مع le participe passé تاع الفعل لعندنا وترجع
the mail is delivered by the postman
كون مثلا قلنا the postman is delivering the mail هنا الفعل راهو مصرف في present continuous معناها l’auxiliaire نصرفو في نفس le temps بدون ان ننسى le participe passé تاع الفعل
الجملة تولي the mail is being delivered by the postman
نعتبرو الجملة هكدا the postman delivered the mail هنا الفعل راهو في past معناها نديرو l’auxiliaire في past ومتنساوش le participe passé تاع الفعل
the mail was delivered by the postman

الان ننتقل الى reported speech
في reported speech تعاود واش قال الشخص مثلا
he says :"it is cold"
هنا le verbe introducteur راهو في le present معناها الفعل ليكون داخل quotation marks يبقى هو مايتبدلش فقط نحو les deux points and the quotation marks ونزيدو that بصح لازم ديرو في بالكم بلي that is optional معناها اختيارية تقدر تحطها ولا لا
بصح مين يكون le verbe introducteur في le passé راح تكون تغيرات فيما يخص الفعل داخل quotation marks
ادا كان الفعل داخل quotation marks في
present يرجع past
past يرجع past pefect
present perfect يرجع past perfect
past perfect يبقى هو مكانش تغير
here ترجع there
this ترجع that
now ترجع then
tomorrow ترجع the coming day
yesterday ترجع the previous day
these ترجع those
ان شاء الله تكونو فهمتو شويا وادا مزال عندكم اشكال سقسو عادي
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله

شكرا جزيلا لكي يا اختاه جعلها الله في ميزان حسناتك و افدتني كثيرا

بارك الله فيك اختي الغالية

Mais kFààch yJiii question

الاخت الكريمة اريد شرح موضح حول
although ,enspite,unless
و كيف تكون الازمنة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة stardiamond الجيريا
شكرا جزيلا لكي يا اختاه جعلها الله في ميزان حسناتك و افدتني كثيرا

امييييييييييييييين يارب

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة djamel morghad الجيريا
بارك الله فيك اختي الغالية

وفيك بركة اخي المحترم

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة kader.ch الجيريا
الاخت الكريمة اريد شرح موضح حول
although ,enspite,unless
و كيف تكون الازمنة

اولا although and in spite express concession
وبالعربية معناهم بالرغم
مثلا نقولو although she was ill,she went to school
يعني بالرغم من انها مريضة راحت تقرا
اما عن in spite لازم يكون وراها اسم
مثلا فالجملة لدرناها ب although نجربو نديروها ب in spite تولي هكدا
in spite her illness ,she went to school
فيما يخص الازمنة مع although,in spite مكانش تغير le temps يبقى هو هو كيما مدهولك

نروحو الان unless
unless راهي منفية يعني if not
مثلا unless you hurry,we will miss the school bus
بالعربية معناها كون منسرعوش الحافلة راح تروح علينا
unless+prsent simple=future كيما فالمثال

ان شاء الله تكون فهمتي شويا وادا مزال كاين اشكال سقسي وان شاء الله نقدر نجاوبك

mrc bcp bcp

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة algerienne92 الجيريا
mrc bcp bcp

avec plaisir

present continuous يرجع past continuous
past perfct continuous يبقى كيمن راه

نعم present continuous يرجع past continuous

mer6 o5ti la3ziza……rabi y3aychek

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nayomi sweet الجيريا
mer6 o5ti la3ziza……rabi y3aychek

امييييييييييييييين يارب

sahiti khti rabi yousoutrak w yahmiiiiiik


Direct and indirect speech 2024.

السلام عليكم

حبيتكم تعاونوني شوي في Direct and indirect speech

first i will give you some lessons





when we finish we do the third and fourth activity all to gather
انا حليت 1و2
we try let’s start

a peaceful football speech 2024.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this meeting, to talk about a very important topic, the peace in football.
At the beginning, weprovidethe concept offair playwhich is considered one of the most important elements in the game of Football. It is included as a major rule in F.I.F.A.’s own code of conduct.
To play fair is to play with grace and dignity; it is to promote the more encouraging points to the supporters and to the younger generations so that the game is turned around into a more socially enjoyable experience. The idea of “Fair Play” is the equal chances of both sides, combined with a total respect for the rules of the game.
The game of football has been associated with violence since its beginnings in 13th century in England.
In most European countries, football-related violence is currently a predominantly internal problem, with the majority of incidents occurring at club-level matches, while supporters of the national team abroad are generally better-behaved. The English are an obvious exception to this rule, and rivalries between some other nations (e.g. Germany and the Netherlands) have led to violence, but these incidents seem recently to have diminished.
There is also the racism among football supporters which is almost impossible to quantify. Extensive speculation and debate on the subject is not supported by much reliable empirical data.
For the media and public opinion, however, racism among football fans is a serious problem, and often blamed for outbreaks of violence, particularly at international matches.
The problem is certainly being taken seriously across Europe, and a number of initiatives have been launched, including the ‘When Racism Wins, The Sport Loses’ campaign in the Netherlands, ‘No al Razzismo’ in Italy and the Europe-wide initiative, ‘All Different – All Equal’.
Football hooliganism is a highly visible phenomenon, as journalists and TV cameras are present at virtually every match. Since the 1960s, journalists have been sent to football matches to report on crowd behaviour as much as on the game itself.
As a result, the media’s coverage of football hooliganism, be it through television or newspapers, is very significant as it is the media that help construct the public’s understanding and perception of the problem. It is often claimed that hooliganism at football matches became much more ubiquitous in the 1970’s and 1980’s, with more reported wide-scale violence at matches. However it is difficult to know whether the amount of disorder increased or whether the growing media interest in (and coverage of) crowd disorder meant it was reported far more regularly.
The tabloid press in particular have found hooliganism to be an easy target and have often, as some have said, sensationalised the problem to boosts sales of their paper. The tabloid press therefore may have helped to intensify the problem to a wider extent than the reality of the situation. Since the 1960s, in fact, journalists have been sent to football matches to report on crowd behaviour, rather than just the game.
Stadiums violence in England was phased out in 1989 after Lord Justice Taylor’s report into the Hillsborough disaster. During an FA Cup semi-final match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at the Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield, ninety-six Liverpool fans were killed because of over-crowding.
Immediately after this disaster, Lord Justice Taylor suggested the compulsory distribution of identity cards to every football fan attending league, cup and international matches played in England and Wales. Under this system it would be possible to identify any known football hooligans and prevent them from entering stadiums. This system was first experimented with throughout the sixties and seventies, with clubs using their own membership schemes.
At the end, the violence and deaths caused by the hard-line fans (hooligans) in soccer stadiums worldwide must be stopped before FIFA and the six confederations stop the sport itself. Hooligans have become powerful within the past forty years causing soccer stadiums to become dangerous where violence is affecting the teams and referees, as well as innocent bystanders. These hooligans exist since the 13th century and have been expanding to other countries ever since, influencing historical, social, political and cultural factors. Hopefully, increasing security in the stadiums, the media, and legislation will be able to control hooliganism.
There are several types of solutions proposed to address this phenomenon. Prevention comes first, followed by sporting sanctions, and finally the penal sanctions.
Violence hasn’t anything to do with sport! Violence is the virus of the society, it takes the boys and transforms them into monsters….in a stadium the violence is an element which is perceived as a model to be followed. It’s a wrong thing….
Thank you for your time and attention; we hope that we have given you a view of the importance of the phenomenon, thanks again.

درسين حول if conditonal و Reported Speech مرفقة بتمارين محلولة 2024.

درسين حول if conditonal و Reported Speech مرفقة بتمارين محلولة (إنجليزية)

رابط تحميل Conditioal exercises with correction


رابط تحميل Reported Speech exercises with correction


OH MY GOD help me
l’anglais fais mal au coeur beaucoup d’information elle est trop dificile
ppffffffff elle m’as derangééééééééééééééééééééé

je suis desolé jai oubliée d vous dire merci

شكرا استاد ربي يحفظك

salam ila koul talaba bac 2024 , aya courage dirou fiha chouya jus de citron ,m3a chouya chicoulat
we etehalaw fi emoradja3a
bi emouradja3a nachou9o tari9 ila eldjamii3a

جزاك الله خيراااا و بالتوفيق

دروووس في القمة

جزاك الله خيراااا و بالتوفيق