هل obama اْفضل منا ؟!!! 2024.

إذا كانت كل اْموال الجزائر في البنوك الامريكية يستعملها obama لحل مشاكل اْمريكا وبدون مشورة اْحد .
فلماذا كل هذه الخزعبلات في اليتيمة التي تشهر بالمعلم . اْليست هذه الاموال في الخارج حق للجزائري .


ممتاز اخي 10/10

من يفهم ؟ الكل ضد المعلم و يعتبرونه ماديا

اموال الجزائر في الخارج يتصرف بها بدون اْي حرج ولا اْحد يتكلم .
وعندما يطلب المعلم تحسين الراتب والاوضاع الاجتماعية كل العام يثور حتى …….اْلي ما يتسماوش .إنك لا تدفع من مالك اْو من مال تركة اْهلك .

صدقت اخي والله تستهل قهو نسكافي شششششكرا

Obama faisant des oreilles de lapin à Bush ? 2024.

Obama faisant des oreilles de lapin à Bush ?


Cinq présidents américains réunis devant un objectif. Le «club le plus exclusif de l’histoire», selon viralread.com, immortalisé pour l’ouverture du centre présidentiel George W. Bush à Dallas. Les cinq hommes fixent l’objectif, tout sourire, et Barack Obama fait des oreilles de lapin derrière la tête de Georges W. Bush. La photo, postée sur la page ******** de l’antenne du Parti démocrate de Dallas, tourne depuis quelques heures (décalage horaire oblige) sur les réseaux sociaux, avec sa légende:

«Le président Obama amuse la galerie lors de la dédicace du Centre présidentiel Bush»

Sauf que cette photo est fausse, annonce le site viralread.com. Retouchée par les militants du Parti démocrate de Dallas, alors même que l’évènement se voulait détaché du champ politique. La photo a déjà gagné plus de 2.400 likes et été partagée plus de 3.500 fois (au moment où on écrit ces lignes).

Face à la viralité de la photo, la légende a été modifiée. Désormais, elle précise aussi que:

«Le président Georges W. Bush comme le président Barack Obama sont connus pour leur sens de l’humour. Cette image humoristique retouchée ne doit pas être prise au sérieux.»

Ce que certains utilisateurs de ******** n’ont pas pu s’empêcher de faire.

Au-delà de la simple blague un peu lourde et malvenue, ce détournement s’inscrit dans un contexte politique particulier. Le Texas, bastion républicain depuis des temps immémoriaux, n’a pas voté démocrate dans une élection depuis 1994. Pour voir un président démocrate plébiscité au Texas, il faut même remonter à 1980. Mais l’Etat aux 38 grands électeurs voit sa population rajeunir, à l’avantage des démocrates, tandis que les minorités, notamment hispaniques, pèsent de plus en plus dans l’électorat. «La communauté latino forme désormais 38% de la population de l’Etat, et pourrait passer majoritaire d’ici 2024», indique ABC News. Une communauté latino acquise à Barack Obama (au Texas, 70% des suffrages en 2024).

Pour les Républicains, il est hors de question de perdre cette place forte. Pour les Démocrates, en revanche, c’est l’heure des préparatifs de guerre. Un nouveau groupe de campagne, appelé Battleground Texas et géré par deux vétérans de la campagne 2024 de Barack Obama, a été dépêché sur place avec pour tâche de conquérir l’Etat. Mais pas pour tout de suite, prévient Jeremy Bird, l’un des deux tacticiens:

«Ça va demander beaucoup d’investissement et d’argent, au vu de la taille de l’Etat. Les Républicains ont gagné les 100 dernières élections par Etat, et nous n’ignorons pas la difficulté qui nous fait face. Mais nous ne devons pas attendre que quelque chose se passe, nous devons changer les choses nous-mêmes.»

ممكن فقرة في الانجليزية عن obama nobel peace prize 2024.

السلام عليكم
من فضلكم ممكن فقرة في الانجليزية عن obama nobel peace prize

??????????????? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the five Nobel Prizes created by the Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel, along with the prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature. Since 1901, it has been awarded annually (with some exceptions) to those who have "done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
Per Alfred Nobel’s will, the recipient is selected by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, a 5-member committee appointed by the Parliament of Norway. Since 1990, the prize is awarded on December 10 in Oslo City Hall each year. The prize was formerly awarded in the Atrium of the University of Oslo Faculty of Law (1947–89), the Norwegian Nobel Institute (1905–46) and the Parliament 1901–04

ملاحظة :
لن اسمح لكم ان استعملتوها للغش

وفقكم الله آآمين

The winner in 2024 is Barack H. Obama
Born: 4 August 1961, Honolulu, HI, USA
Prize motivation: "for his extraordinary
efforts to strengthen international diplomacy
and cooperation between peoples"

 Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States.
His story is the American Story – values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.
He won the NPP for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.

Jiit rày7a nediha bach nediirha copiyyage mais nti 9oltii لن اسمح لكم ان استعملتوها للغش Domagge :/ :/

شكرا لك بارك الله فيك

ما شاء الله فقرة رائعـة
ساحفظهـا باذنـ الله

Barak Obama
president of the u.s.a
born August 4, 1961 is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office. Obama previously served as a United States Senator from Illinois, from January 2024 until he resigned after his election to the presidency in November 2024.
A native of Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2024.
Obama served three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2024. Following an unsuccessful bid against a Democratic incumbent for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2024, he ran for United States Senate in 2024. Several events brought him to national attention during the campaign, including his victory in the March 2024 Democratic primary and his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2024. He won election to the U.S. Senate in November 2024. His presidential campaign began in February 2024, and after a close campaign in the 2024 Democratic Party presidential primaries against Hillary Rodham Clinton, he won his party’s nomination. In the 2024 general election, he defeated Republican nominee John McCain and was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2024.
As president, Obama signed economic stimulus legislation in the form of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2024. Other domestic policy initiatives include the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a major piece of health care reform legislation which he signed into law in March 2024, and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which forms part of his financial regulatory reform efforts, which he signed in July 2024. In foreign policy, Obama gradually withdrew combat troops from Iraq, increased troop levels in Afghanistan, and signed an arms control treaty with Russia. On October 8, 2024, besides The 2024 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2024, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a "new climate" in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.
Obama is the first U.S. president to receive the award during his first year in office (at eight and a half months, after being nominated less than a month in office), although several other world leaders were awarded in the year following their election to national office .
On December 10, 2024, Obama accepted the prize in Oslo. In a 36-minute speech, he discussed the tensions between war and peace and the idea of a "just war". Obama announced early that he would donate the full 10 million Swedish kronor (about US$1.4 million) monetary award to charity. The largest donations were given to the housing charity Fisher House Foundation who received $250,000, and the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund which received $200,000. Eight organizations which support education also received a donation. $125,000 were donated to the College Summit, the Posse Foundation, the United Negro College Fund, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, the Appalachian Leadership and Education Foundation, and the American Indian College Fund. $100,000 was donated to Africare, and the Central Asia Institute.

In Algeria most of the Algerians think that the president abdelaziz boutéflika deserve the nobel peace prize

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