Which one is the best????? ffffff 2024.

welcome back everybody


just kidding, I like coming here

as you may see I like speaking English
just because I speak English very well
I speak English fluently , English is very easy for me

I can speak English easily and WITHOUT thinking

And I’m here to help YOU too to improve your English,

if you have any question with English you can ask me, I’ll be glad to help you

I’ve already given you some links to help you, if you used them I think you will know
how to start improving right now

if you haven’t seen them yet, you can get them here at

And finally tell me which one is the best

Thank you sir

Thanks for being with me minar_2

never mine

thanks you this great gob by your done you can help us
thanks a lot

if you have any question with English you can ask me, I’ll be glad to help you

Not much fryingالجيريا

Thanks a lot

thanks a lot

Thanks a lot my friend we are very glad that u r one from the djelfa forum member chining i have a quetion
how can i improve my english pronounciation because even in the school there are no one can help us in this domain or please give me a simple way which help me

go at the last post here: https://www.djelfa.info/vb/showthread.php?t=350327

you’ll find a link named: improve your English accent


Hello thank you very much for the effort made to improve the level of students in English because it’s catastrophic So good luck friend for me I’m good to some extent i obtained a score of 18.75 in the baccalaureate So be careful, I am a strong competitor to you hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

بـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــارك الله فيك يا لوخي…….. ثنك يو فيري مــــــــــــــتش الجيريا

I like this on: "ثنك يو فيري مــــــــــــــتش" It makes me smile

YAO YAO Whasup ?!! this for the assholes showing off ther pathetic poor english skills "no one is better than me" i never heard such a dickhead talking this way you shouldn’t see down see the ones better than you and don’t show off for the ones worst than you this for miss "ridanrekas "
PS: i’ve got 19 in english bac offcourse
i repeated this one so that everyone knows ther limits

Write a letter to one of your friends in which you describe your class/school. 2024.

الجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيريا:m h92:الجيرياالجيريا
Write a letter to one of your friends in which you describe your class/school.
lest’s goooooooooooooo

Typical Essay:

Dear Linda,

Today, I’ll write to you about my school. And the least I can say is that I feel quite happy and comfortable in it.
First, let me mention its old stone building, surrounded by a nice flower garden. The flowers are carefully arranged, and in spring, they give off nice scent when we head for the classes through the garden. Further back, there are two large courtyards with enough space and benches to play or relax. There are also big, ancient olive trees near the walls, where birds perch and nest. We can hear them warble and chirp all year round.

Let me also describe my classroom. It is large and well-decorated, with old-fashioned brown desks, and posters and pictures all over the walls. And then, there are those cabinets full of books which smell of old paper. Actually, I like borrowing a book from time to time and dream all the adventures and mysteries I read about.

I’ll finally say a few words about my teachers. I’m lucky to have such good and considerate people around me. They are so keen to see the students do well. They are always prepared to answer our questions, and they really want to make sure we understand the hard parts of the lessons and exercises. I like the way teachers get us involved. They surely have children of their own at school, which explains why they understand how we feel.
So if there is one good reason why I like my school, it surely because the teaching staff are so caring, and friendly. I can’t dream of a better school.

Merciii Poùr l£ Pas$age

Write a composition in which you discuss the importance of reading. 2024.

Typical Essay:

It is a well-known fact that when there were no televisions or computers, reading was a primary leisure activity. People would spend hours reading books and travel to lands far away-in their minds. The only tragedy is that, with time, people have lost their skill and passion to read. There are many other exciting and thrilling options available, aside from books. And that is a shame because reading offers a productive approach to improving vocabulary and word power. It is advisable to indulge in at least half an hour of reading a day to keep abreast of the various styles of writing and new vocabulary.
It is observed that children and teenagers who love reading have comparatively higher IQs. They are more creative and do better in school and college. It is recommended that parents to inculcate the importance of reading to their children in the early years. Reading is said to significantly help in developing vocabulary, and reading aloud helps to build a strong emotional bond between parents and children. The children who start reading from an early age are observed to have good ******** skills, and they grasp the variances in phonics much better.
Reading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of the eyes. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds to the conversational skills of the reader. It is an indulgence that enhances the knowledge acquired, consistently. The habit of reading also helps readers to decipher new words and phrases that they come across in everyday conversations. The habit can become a healthy addiction and adds to the information available on various topics. It helps us to stay in-touch with contemporary writers as well as those from the days of yore and makes us sensitive to global issues.

شُكْـــــــــــــــــــــرًآ لَكُمــــْ عَلَى الْمُروُرْ

Merciii Poùr l£ Pas$age

Write a composition in which you discuss the advantages of private schools. 2024.

Typical Essay:

One of the advantages of private schools is that they have a small community atmosphere that allows for a lower student-to-teacher ratio. With smaller class sizes, teachers are able to focus more attention on individual students, and have more time to get to know students better. Classmates also get a chance to form more intimate bonds, when there are fewer students.
Other advantages of private schools include fewer disciplinary problems. When teachers and staff know students better, they are able to take appropriate measures applicable to particular students. This works far better than, for example, punishing the entire class, which holds no one accountable. The children that behave properly are not motivated to continue good behavior, if they are going to be punished for someone else’s actions.
Private schools also have the option of expulsion, which is rare in public schools since public education is considered a "right" rather than a privilege. While this may not seem like one of the advantages of private schools, the possibility of expulsion might make some students less likely to fight, to take drugs, or to cut classes.
When parents pay for their children’s education, they enjoy more of the advantages of private schools, because they have a say in how things are done. When children attend public school, parents who voice concerns frequently complain of being treated as "nuisances." In the private school setting, they are paying customers. The tuition factor enables other advantages of private schools, such as well-maintained campuses, and excellent books and learning materials.
Many parents who return their children to public school soon miss the advantages of private schools. They immediately learn that their children are well ahead of their classmates. They are frequently offered the opportunity to allow their child to skip a grade, because their children have already surpassed what the public school has to offer at their grade level–even in most honors classes–and the students quickly become bored.
Aside from the many other advantages of private schools, students who receive private schooling also have a lower drop out rate, experience fewer drug problems, and report less violence. They also tend to have higher scores on standardized tests and college entrance exams. One of the most important advantages of private schools is that by percentage,

شُكْـــــــــــــــــــــرًآ لَكُمــــْ عَلَى الْمُروُرْ

شُكْـــــــــــــــــــــرًآ لَكُمــــْ عَلَى الْمُروُرْ

Thank you so much la Mignonne!

thank you dear

شُــــــــــكْرآ لَــــــــكُمـْ جَميِعاَ علَى الْمرورْ الــكَريمْ

Merciii Poùr l£ Pas$age

ارجوكم صححوا لي اخطائي i went with a group of tourists to the plant Mars which is a planet in the solar system. It is n 2024.

i went with a group of tourists to the plant Mars which is a planet in the solar system. It is not far from the solar; thus, it is very hot .it is called * the red planet *, moreover there is no inhabitants in Mars because there exist no water, no food, it is a boring life no leisure and of form life ……………………..
in conclusion . this vacontion is bad and it is not a nice places to visit
