dear english teachers. 2024.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله

Dear English teachers

i want to invite you to visit

it is a very special website that can help you

in every part of the teaching process.

all i’m asking for is just to not forget me in your prayers.

thank you very much
it’s really an interesting web-site.

not to forget me

thnx may allah bless u

english teachers ” help”me 2024.

hi ,this is the question : use the connector however, though , even though to combine the following:
They were made caoutchouc and wax
The 1st cable laying of an ocean telegraph didn’t last very long
thanks 4 answering.

i want an answer from teachers of english 2024.

1/world book 2024
is a book or encyclopedia?
2/dream is the story that a person watches: that refers to dream or the story

i think it’s a dream because we watches the dreams not the story……….

thanks 4 ur answer.
but when we dream we see a story or images we don’t see the dream itself dreaming is an action that our brain do,
and if we ask question: the person watches what :dream or story

u r welcome

for english teachers 2024.

i need your evaluation to this article
and if there are any mistake please

The education in Alegeria
The education is our window to the technology and development .unfortunatly if we think we can be in the top without it , it will be like a dream never comes a true since it’s the transmission of civilization .

We suffer from many reasons which made our level bad in education ,first. Our programs doesn’t give us enough information and knowledge that we need in our practical life , beside that. They are too long so we don’t even find time to do our own searches in order to develop our skills .All what we do is studing just to pass the year

Second .the absence of entertainment activities and clubs where the students can express their ideas and opinions, on one hand. they learn how to respect, understand, share and tolerate differences, on another hand. They are major to take time off from the stress of study.

Third. The huge technology that we got nowadays is killing our creation and motivation to study .the most dangers thing is it’s made us lazy .As we deal with that progress .the study should be boring and unexciting .

Fourth. Our community doesn’t give to education its real value and importance .this due to the lack of culture .in addition to other points like poverty , social problems carelessness of parents and some incompetent teachers
On the end .the aim is not speaking or mentioning the reasons the aim is finding solutions because other nations are looking for a good culture when we are looking for a good education .الجيريا

there are many reasons that makes our..1-…… ….2-researches 3-look for the discoursقالة اولا المقدمة العرض ثم الخاتمة e markers try to use them and pay attention to commas nd fullstops 4-make it look like an article هذي مهيش مقالة انا كتبت الان بالعربية لا اعرف اي سسنة انت و لكن اجعليها كم

To English Teachers

i need your evaluation to this article
and if there are any mistakes please

Education in Algeria
The education is our window to technology and development .Unfortunately, if we think we can be in the top without it , it will be like a dream that will never come true since it’s the transmission of civilization. .

Many reasons makes our level in education weak.first, Our curriculum doesn’t give us enough information and knowledge that we need in our practical life .Beside that, they are too long to find enough time to do our researches so we can develop our skills .All what we do is just studying to pass the following grade

Secondly .the absence of entertainment activities and clubs where students can express their ideas and opinions, but i admit that we learn how to respect, understand, share and tolerate differences, and we are major to take time off from the pressure of school

Third, the high technology that we got nowadays is killing our creativity and motivation for school .The most dangerous thing is being lazy .As we deal with that progress .the study should be boring and unexciting .

Fourth. Our community doesn’t give education its real value and importance due to the lack of culture .in addition to other points like poverty , social problems carelessness of parents and some incompetent teachers
In the end .the aim is not speaking or mentioning the reasons, but to find solutions, because other nations are looking for a good culture when we are looking for a good education

التصحيح بالأحمر.
و الله أعلم.

thank you so much
well i’m technique mathematics student and there will be magazine in our school and because it’s my last year there i wanted to participate in it

hello! i am not a teacher but i would like to help, i think you’d better say " other nations are looking for a good culture while we’re looking for a good education" if u mean that they’re doing that at the same time and also it’s " many reasons make…"
ps: I quite like your article and i totally agree with you

To all English teachers I’m hopeless please help me!! 2024.

I’m new in the field of teaching I came across the use of should have and shouldn’t have (task 1 page 45) 2nd year classes. I have no idea how am I going to explain the use of these two to apologize and criticize because it’s a bit ambiguous, especially having some pupils who really want to learn english and who question a lot. Would you please give me some instructions on how to teach the use of "should have and shouldn’t have"? I’m so hopeless please help me.

i hope you find evry thing in these files

السنوات الثانية : الرابط

generally we use " should have" to express appology
eg: sorry, i should have give him his money.
and shouldn’t have for criticizing things
eg: normally, i shouldn’t have do that

generally we use " should have" to express appology
eg: sorry, i should have give him his money.
and shouldn’t have for criticizing things
eg: normally, i shouldn’t have do that

اساتذة الانجليزية– English teachers 2024.

.Hello, I just want to ask about question #3 inText Exploration

:Ask question which underlined words answer

We use the telescope to magnify distant stars.
:and I answered as follows
?what do we use telescope for

and I know it shouldn’t be like this: why do we use the telescope? that’s absurd
because the underlined words are telling the use of the telescope not the cause
plz point me to the right direction
Thx in advance…

my answer was :

what do we use the telescope for?

i think it’s the right answer

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة tahayass الجيريا
my answer was :

what do we use the telescope for?

i think it’s the right answer

that’s what I thought, so I was right ..

Stpd idiots, they make mistakes in very small things and let us pay for them….what a jok.. anyway.. thx for the reply



my answer was : why do we use the telescope
but i think that ure answer is true 2

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة louiza94 الجيريا
my answer was : why do we use the telescope
but i think that ure answer is true 2
الجيريا .. 4sure , 10x

for what we use the telescope ..صحيحة ول غالطة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 3ab2ou الجيريا
for what we use the telescope ..صحيحة ول غالطة

]?for what do we use the telescope

i guess like this it would be right

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 3ab2ou الجيريا
for what we use the telescope ..صحيحة ول غالطة
Probably …Yes

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة aiisshsaak الجيريا

that’s what I thought, so I was right ..

Stpd idiots, they make mistakes in very small things and let us pay for them….what a jok.. anyway.. thx for the reply


Your sentence is grammatically incorrect, yet you dare insult the ones who wrote the question. Have some respect. Oh and by the way, their answer is in fact correct. That’s because we don’t use the word why just to inquire about the reason, We can use why to ask "what…for", and as you can see"what….for" is the same formula you used, therefore both your and their answer are correct.

teàchers f sujet 1 english filiàre lettre philoooo
f làst kestions
gàlk dir l kàlimàt f blàyàshm
l kàlmà 2

everydày ou bien helpless

for what we use the telescope

خاطئة أخي لأنو لما تجاوب لازم يكون الجواب يبدأ ب for لكن في الجملة لا وجود ل for

the right answer is :

why do we use the telescope?

هام جدا لأساتذة اللغة الانجليزية Teachers of English 2024.

هام جدا لأساتذة اللغة الانجليزية Teachers of English
نظرا لغياب الكتب المدرسية (الالكترونية ) للمرحلة الثانوية حيث لاتوجد على شكل word ولا على شكل PDF ولا أي شكل اخر . اقترح ان نتعاون نحن اساتذة الانجليزية ونقوم بتصوير تدريجي للكتب المدرسية الثلاثة ونشرها في المنتدى كي يستفيد الاساتذة والتلاميذ معا حيث تسهل الكتب الالكترونية في العمل حيث نتجنب اعادة كتابة التمارين والنصوص ونكتفي بنسخها من اجل الاقصاد في الوقت ومن اجل استعمالها في تحضير المذكرات .
ومن اجل هذا اقترح ان نبدأ بتصوير كتاب السنة الثالثة ثانوي عن طريق السكانير وليبدأ كل واحد في تصوير وحدة واحدة من بين 6 وحدات 6 units.
قد نحتاج الى 6 اساتذة كل واحد يقوم بتصوير وحدة .
1- ancient civilization
2- ethics in business
3- education
4- advertising
5- astronomy
6- feelings


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عمر45 الجيريا

no , not this one
we have the guide
we need the pupils book not the teachers book


I’m quite aware of your initiative that I much appreciated .
Unluckily I don’t have a scanner at home; otherwise I would be glad to engage myself with you and lend my support on this noble task..
For the teacher’s book which I submitted here , I believe the electronic version would help easier and quicker browsing of the book .
Best regards

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عمر45 الجيريا
I’m quite aware of your initiative that I much appreciated .
Unluckily I don’t have a scanner at home; otherwise I would be glad to engage myself with you and lend my support on this noble task..
For the teacher’s book which I submitted here , I believe the electronic version would help browsing the book easier and quicker.
Best regards

يحيا الماسح الضوئي scanner

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عكس التيار الجيريا
يحيا الماسح الضوئي scanner

vive Khamenei!!!

أردت أن أستفزك يا عكس التيار لانني أود أن أرفع هذا الموضوع لأهميته. و أود أن يطلع عليه الزملاء لعلهم يساهمون في انجاز هذا المشروع المقترح من طرف الأخ أبو وسيم.

هام جدا لأساتذة اللغة الانجليزية Teachers of English 2024.

هام جدا لأساتذة اللغة الانجليزية Teachers of English
نظرا لغياب الكتب المدرسية (الالكترونية ) للمرحلة الثانوية حيث لاتوجد على شكل word ولا على شكل PDF ولا أي شكل اخر . اقترح ان نتعاون نحن اساتذة الانجليزية ونقوم بتصوير تدريجي للكتب المدرسية الثلاثة ونشرها في المنتدى كي يستفيد الاساتذة والتلاميذ معا حيث تسهل الكتب الالكترونية في العمل حيث نتجنب اعادة كتابة التمارين والنصوص ونكتفي بنسخها من اجل الاقصاد في الوقت ومن اجل استعمالها فيتحضي المذكرات .
ومن اجل هذا اقترح ان نبدأ بتصوير كتاب السنة الثالثة ثانوي عن طريق السكانير وليبدأ كل واحد في تصوير وحدة واحدة من بين 6 وحدات 6 units.
قد نحتاج الى 6 اساتذة كل واحد يقوم بتصوير وحدة .
1- ancient civilization
2- ethics in business
3- education
4- advertising
5- astronomy
6- feelings
