From Spanish to English 2024.

Hi guys! Let’s write a little bit in English الجيريا I chose Spanish, but I changed my mind and I will change it on 14 th and choose English, because I graduated from the university and I think I studied enough الجيريا I really wish if I could study Spanish at the university but Moustaghanem is too far away from my home town and I hate to stay in the residence at the university, so I decided to study English and at the same time I will try to find a job as a teacher. I didn’t want to choose English, because I already graduated from night university (UFC) I got a good average this year and I chose high schools in Constantine but if they give me French teacher I will ask them to not accept me when I have an interview. Please, be careful when you choose what you want to study at the university. All the langu ages are great. I prefer Spanish, but English is good too. French isn’t my cup of tea, I like it and I prefer french than English but to study it at the university no way. Try to choose what you like to study not what others want. Good luck!!!! Saha shourkoum

great me as student of *bac2015* am verrry good perfect if u want in the 3 ********s but me i love am queen on spanich i want study it my mother is a teacher of englich she can helpe me if i do it but all my thinking is spanich although mostaganem is tooooooo far from the south to the ouest i will fiight to get it i love french too am verry good in it but as you said to study it int the univ. no way never i love the 3 ********s and their 3 teachers but spanich a lot goood luck for us

the spanish ******** is the best for me,the english one is also good
good luck

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asala2 الجيريا
great me as student of *bac2015* am verrry good perfect if u want in the 3 ********s but me i love am queen on spanich i want study it my mother is a teacher of englich she can helpe me if i do it but all my thinking is spanich although mostaganem is tooooooo far from the south to the ouest i will fiight to get it i love french too am verry good in it but as you said to study it int the univ. no way never i love the 3 ********s and their 3 teachers but spanich a lot goood luck for us

I would fight for it too if I was young like you. I studied eight years at the university and I stayed at the residence and I know how someone studies far away from his home. But I recommand you to study Spanish, because it’s a beautiful langu age. Don’t worry about the exam, it will be easy I have never studied Spanish and I got 14.5. You just need to focus. Good luck

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Assouma 93 الجيريا
the spanish ******** is the best for me,the english one is also good
good luck

I totaly agree with you. Me gustaria mucho aprender el espanol, pero moustaghanem esta muy lejos, asi que voy a estudiar inglés a la universidad y aprender el espanol solo. Todavia mi nivel es basico. *Dime estudia espanol a la universidada

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fireman1904 الجيريا
I totaly agree with you. Me gustaria mucho aprender el espanol, pero moustaghanem esta muy lejos, asi que voy a estudiar inglés a la universidad y aprender el espanol solo. Todavia mi nivel es basico. *Dime estudia espanol a la universidada

seguro ,yo estudio espanol a la universidad es mi deseo ser una maistra de espanol ojalaالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيريا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Assouma 93 الجيريا

seguro ,yo estudio espanol a la universidad es mi deseo ser una maistra se espanol ojalaالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيريا

Ojala que puedas hablarlo tan bien como los nativos الجيريا*

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fireman1904 الجيريا
Ojala que puedas hablarlo tan bien como los nativos الجيريا*

en general muchas gracias y buena suerte queridaالجيريا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Assouma 93 الجيريا
en general muchas gracias y buena suerte queridaالجيريا

de nada الجيريا

yo voy a elegir ingles aun que puedo hablar en espanol , yo creo que cada persona tiene el derecho de elegir que la conviene en la unviersidad y depende sobre su capacidades , suerte por todos

la otra razon por que no quiero estudiar espanol o frences es que el ingles tiene mas importencia que las otras lenguas y se usa mas que antes

prèsk 7alték ki 7alti mèm ana je préfère l’espagnole mais b3ida moustaghanem bzzzzzzzf 3la darna ..ana nekn fi batna ..
ra7a ndir anglais ana tani w n’ry7

Spanish lesson 2024.

Hi guys! I am beginner in Spanish but I will try to tell you some basic
Let’s talk abut the auxiliary verbs
In spanish we have four verbs "Tener" and "Haber" which mean to have and "Ser" and "Estar" wich mean to be
We don’t use Haber very often. In other words we use it when we want to conjugate the verb in Pretérito perfecto e.g: He hablado and we can also use when we want to say that there is something in somewhere, e.g: Hay dos hombres en la casa . In the other cases we use tener, we can use it when we talk about the age ; cuantos anos ; . tienes? Tengo 27 anos. and you can use it to talk about things that you have . tengo tres hermanos y dos hermanas.
It’s kinda difficult when we talk about Estar and ser
In this cas we have to practice to be familiar with the languge, then everything is getting easier.Anyway I’m gonna explain it to you. Let’s start with Estar. We can use it when we mention to the place of something. e,g La caja blanca està sobre la mesa. We can use use it also when we talk about something happens in a short time. e.g: Estas muy guapo and eres muy guapo when I use Estas that means you wear something that fits you and you look good but when I use Eres that means you are handsome for always. When you talk about your situation for example I am tired or sick you use Estar; e.g: Estoy cansado. the same thing when you talk about things; e;g La mesa està rota . Moreover, you can use it when you want to describe food; e;g Esa comida està caliente.
Now it’s time to talk about Ser. You can use it when you want to say that someone is part of the family or when you talk about notionality. e.g: Es el hermano de mi amigo. Somos argelinos. We can also use it when we wanna describe something or someone; e.g: Eres alto. Esa camisa es blanca. We can use it when we wanna talk about profession. e;g: Soy médico and to mention to the time son las 8 de la manana. In addition, we can use it to talk about the material of things that we use in our daily life. e.g : La mesa es de madera.

I hope that will help you to learn Spanish. Take care

por moi jespagnol sehla mais mahabitch ngol ywelo y golo ray tzokh ana nelhab bihom les langues tres facile l annee kamel nedi fiho 19 jamais nahbat konti kadra tgoli tahlik بطريقة مهذبة احترمي مشاعر الناس

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asala2 الجيريا
por moi jespagnol sehla mais mahabitch ngol ywelo y golo ray tzokh ana nelhab bihom les langues tres facile l annee kamel nedi fiho 19 jamais nahbat konti kadra tgoli tahlik بطريقة مهذبة احترمي مشاعر الناس

first of all; I am not a girl. Second, I didn’t say anything wrong to show me how talk to others. what did I say that hurt your feeling. If you put a lesson on here that doesn’t mean that you are a teacher and don’t expect that we all will say thank you that’s great. I recommanded you to do it better, what’s wrong with that. If you want to be successful in the future try to learn how to listen to others and not react as a little girl. So don’t be selfish and continue putting Spanish lessons. I am not here to put you down. I wish you all the best and I hope you will pass the exams next year with a good average. *

♥ كتاب لتعليم الاسبانية♥ Comic Mnemonics for Spanish Verbs 2024.


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