write it right ص123 في الانجبيزية ساعدوني 2024.

السلام عليكم
ارجوم ساعدوني في فقرة الانجليزية ص
ص 123هيااا يا اصدقاء الاوفياء الي داروو هد الفقرة اي write it right يساعدني انا بحاجة الى مساعدتكم

write it right p142 plz ^^ 2024.

السلام عليكم

من فضلكم أريد حل write it right p142 في الانجليزية

الي داروه يرفعهولي الجيريا

من فضلكم نجتاجو درك الجيريا

سلام الجيريا

هذا درتو انا في القسم وقاتلي مليح
ممكن يفيدك اخي
تفضل ]

وهذا رابط الصورة ان لم يظهر لك

svvvvvp b3tohalé makhrjli walou :/

i need write it right page 83 please 2024.

i need write it right page 83 please

اين انتم؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Like air, water is found almost everywhere. It is familiar to us in different
forms, as drinking water, water vapour, ice and snow.

Water has some surprising qualities. For example, most liquids freeze and
become denser, but water becomes lighter. When you fill a pan of water, with
ice cubes, you note that unmelted particles remain on the surface. The reason
is that frozen water is lighter than water in liquid form. When water expands,
it becomes ice and it exerts pressure. If you fill a glass bottle and put it in the
freezer, the bottle breaks. As the frozen water expands, it exerts pressure on the
glass bottle.

Water molecules have a strong attraction to each other. The force of attraction
is called cohesion. If you moisten two pocket mirrors and stick them together,
you will not be able to pull them apart. The water molecules on the surface of
the pocket mirrors attract each other. But it is not difficult at all to separate dry
mirrors because …

merciii bcp bcp rabi yekhalik الجيريا

بارك الله فيكم

thank you it’ very helpful

merci beaucouuuuuuuuuuuuuup

]merciii bcp bcp


mrc bcppppppppppppppppp الجيريا

طلب إخواني في مادة اللغة الحية Write It Right 2024.

السلام عليكم
من فضلكم أريد مساعدة في إنشاء فقرة
Write It right page 83
من فضلكم لو تكون من كتابتكم الشخصية فأنا جد متأخر في الدروس و لم أفهم شيئا فيها
هناك فقرة في المنتدى لكن كل اصدقائي في القسم نقلوها
ساعدوني من فضلكم و شكرا لكم مسبقا

Brainstorm the topic with your students. The topic is familiar to them. So they

54 can add other interesting ideas about water properties. Like air, water is found almost everywhere. It is familiar to us in different forms, as drinking water, water vapour, ice and snow. Water has some surprising qualities. For example, most liquids freeze and become denser, but water becomes lighter. When you fill a pan of water, with ice cubes, you note that unmelted particles remain on the surface. The reason is that frozen water is lighter than water in liquid form. When water expands, it becomes ice and it exerts pressure. If you fill a glass bottle and put it in the freezer, the bottle breaks. As the frozen water expands, it exerts pressure on the glass bottle. Water molecules have a strong attraction to each other. The force of attraction is called cohesion. If you moisten two pocket mirrors and stick them together, you will not be able to pull them apart. The water molecules on the surface of the pocket mirrors attract each other. But it is not difficult at all to separate dry mirrors because …

write it right P63 please 2024.


write it right page 63

we make our sincere apologies for the damage cased by the wreck of the Exxon Valdez yesterday .
we promise that : 2024 workers will be recruited doon , and the oil will be recuperated with special machines , than beaches will be cleaned and bids will be washed out , after that the marine life will be restored .. Inadition tourits industry will be compensated for it’s less and the hotel workers will be employed by the company ..

finally .. we are so sorry for all what it happened , trying to recuperate all that damage , hoping that you accept our apologies , promissing that we well do all what we can for that this damage will be never happen again

أرجوكم أريد المساعدة في حل التمرين صفحة68
write it up
أرجووووووووووووووووووووكم ساعدوني

اسفففففففففة اختي بالتوفيق

thanksss ^_^

Press release
We make our sincere apologies for the damage caused by the wreck of the Exxon Valdez yesterday. Oil will be recuperated with special machines and the spoilt beaches will be cleaned. Marine life will be restored; birds will be washed out. We promise that 2024 workers will be recruited soon. Hotel workers will be employed by the company and the tourist industry will be compensated for its loss. … (Students can add examples of their ownالجيريا

and their functions. Explain the difficult vocabulary if necessary.
Ladies and gentlemen….
During winter, ouside air is captured by warm glass roof panels. Then,
warm air is forced down into a water tank by an air handling unit.
Next, the water in the tank is heated and greater quantities of warm water
air are released. The hot air is then sent down a duct to the crawlspace in
under-floor area. After that, warm water rises through floor registers to the
¸/ 4647
living space. Some of the heated air is absorbed by concrete slabs . It is
released at night. This process is reversed during summer.

mrcccc bccccccccppppppp

svp aidez moi pour write it righit p 83 1as

Thank you so much