production ecrite 04ap urgent .svp 2024.

je dois presenter un exposé sur la p. ecrite en 04ap devant mes collegue.
veillez m’aider svp.

Que ce que vous voulez exactement

une présenetation powerpoint ….. pour présenter l’activité avec vos élèves
ou bien une fiche ..ou un exposé sur la PE ….pour formation

هذه بعض الدروس بالباور بونت ..نجحت معي …ارجو ان تنجح معك …ان استخدمت الاسقاط Datashow مع طبع التمارين و توزيعها على الافواج بعد تقسيمهم

je veux un exposé pdf svp

voilà …………..الله يعاونك

merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii abbas

allah yahhafdak ya bni abbas w ydakhlak aljanna

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahfod175 الجيريا
allah yahhafdak ya bni abbas w ydakhlak aljanna

شكرا ….نحن في الخدمة

production ecrite sur un voyage spatial svp 2024.

vous etes en 2180 et vous faites un voyage interplanitaire abord un visseau spatial
Rédigez un recit en décrivant le visseau et en choisissant les
personnage de votre histoire
my friends i really need it for tomorrow if u have done it please show it to me and if you can do it please write it to me and i will never
forget your service

waiting for your help

,????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????

على الأقل قولوا مانقدروش نعاونوك ………حتى هادي تاني ولاة معريفة ..؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟…………….ماعليش ………

لالا خويا ما تزعفش راح نعاونك باللي نعرفها

لموضوع :
كنت في 2180 وكنت تسافر لأول مرة تزور سطح اخر في الفضاء
كتابة رواية تصف فيها زيارتك واختيار
الاشخاص في قصتك
vous etes en 2180 et vous faites un voyage interplanitaire abord un visseau spatial
Rédigez un recit en décrivant le visseau et en choisissant les
personnage de votre histoire
اولا يعني هادي هي ترجمة المطلوب ديالك
و لو اني ما نيش فاهمو مليح

يعني ليماجينار
تخيل روحك زرت سطح في الفضاء و احكي واش صرا و واش هوما الاشخاص الي تختارهم و تتخيلهم تما اوكي

في ٢١٨٠ و لاول مرة اصعد الى الفضاء للتعرف على الحياة الجديدة هناك و التعرف على بعض الاقمار و الكواكب
En 2180 et pour la première fois, aller jusqu’à l’espace de connaître une nouvelle vie là-bas, et d’identifier certaines des lunes et des planètes
الان هادي هي المقدمة

في ٢١٨٠ و لاول مرة اصعد الى الفضاء للتعرف على الحياة الجديدة هناك و التعرف على بعض الاقمار و الكواكب
زرت كوكب المريخ انه كوكب جد رائع و بالرغم من عدم امكانية الحياة فيه الان ان العلماء اخذوا كل ما ينقصهم على سطح هادا الكوكب
لو تخيل اني وجدت هناك مدارس مبنية بالحديد فوجئت
وجدت تلاميذ مثلنا يدرسون
كان يتواجد هناك اشخاص اخرين منهم السكان و المعلمين و..
حتى بعض الحيانات وجدتها هناك اخذوها للتغذية و نباتات مزروعة في بيوت جد صغيرة و معلقة بالخيوط

En 2180 et pour la première fois, aller jusqu’à l’espace de connaître une nouvelle vie là-bas, et d’identifier certaines des lunes et des planètes
J’ai visité la planète Mars a été une très belle et malgré l’absence de la possibilité d’une vie, maintenant que tous les savants ont pris ce qui leur manque sur la surface de la planète Hada
Imaginez si j’y ai trouvé surpris par les écoles à base de fer
L’étude a révélé des étudiants comme nous
Nous avons des gens, il y avait d’autres, y compris les résidents, les enseignants et ..
Même certains Alehianat et sa grand-mère l’a emmenée là pour nourrir les plantes et plantés dans des maisons très petites et les chaînes de suspension

Ce fut un voyage à l’une des planètes et de la belle et merveilleuse
qui dépassent votre vision
هده الخاتمة
لقد كانت هذه رحلتي الى احد الكواكب الرائعة و الجميلة و التي تفوق تصوركم

ارجو ان تكون قد استفدت اسمحلنا خويا

Une région magnifique où je me suis sentie vraiment bien et si bien accueillie.
Des montagnes à perte de vue, toutes plus belles et plus grandes les unes que les autres. On a l’impression qu’elles sont très loin, donc inaccessible, et non ! en quelques instants on y est. Bien sûr, il ne faut pas avoir le vertige, il n’y a pas de rembardes de sécurité. Il ne faut pas non plus avoir peur de croiser d’autres voitures, les routes ne sont pas très larges. Disons, pour être franc, qu’elles ne sont pas entretenues. Ce qui est dommage. Mais en même temps, c’est une nature à l’état brute. Une nature ou l’homme n’est pas encore passé, donc elle est jolie.
Il faut voir la montagne Ima Gouraya, pardon pour les fautes. On dirait une femme allongée.
Votre arrivée en avion, une chose fantastique. Après les nuages, vous apercevez les montagnes et la mer. Vous pensez que vous allez atterrir sur la mer et non la piste est bien là. Des impressions énormes.
Les gens sont sensas.
J’y suis allée 2 fois, et j’y retournerai encore et encore, et peut être n’challah, j’y partirai pour y vieillir. On y est tellement bien. Pas besoin du confort, il suffit de savoir profiter de chaque chose et de les apprécier à leur juste valeur. On a beaucoup de choses à apprendre de là-bas.


Production écrite ‘ français ‘ 2024.

Voici Le Shéma De Comunication qui résume une catastrophe
Qui ? : Des Pluies Abondantes – Des Pluies Diluviennes
Quoi ? : Sont Tombées – Se Sont abattues
Où ? : Atravers le pays ( plusieurs wilayas )
Quand ? : La Semaine Derniere
Conséquence ? : Débordement des oueds – Routes coupées à la circulation – Régionalisées
Consignes : A Partir de ce tableau , rédige un faut divers relatant l’évènement

Criteres de réeussite :
– Respect le structure du fait divers ( titre nominal en gras , chapeau , colonnes , source .. )
– Emplois le passé composé .
– Utilise la voix Passives

رجااااااءااا ديرولي هاد الفقرة نحتاجهااا قبل الاسبوع القادم ……

moi je expré sa
sorry pardon????!!!!!
atamana istifada men akharinnnn

production écrite .Ecrire un conte 5AP 2024.

production écrite …Ecrire un conte

Voici un cheminement prpposé pour le 2 projet
Ecrire un conte

La fiche pédagogqie


Production écrite ——————- —–classe 5°AP

Entrainement 45 mns / Production 45 mns

N° 2

Thème :Les contes / Textes narratifs
Compétence : Ecrire un récit / conte
Objectifs : Construire des phrases simples / Respecter le temps / Reconstitution d’un conte /
Raconter un conte
Matériel : Fiches imprimées / tableau / ciseaux / colles

Le déroulement

1ère séance / Entrainement à la Production. Ecrite

1. Rappel / Mise en situation
. Tracer un tableau et demande aux élèves de le classer ces ( situations ) dans le colonne qui convient
( Depuis ce jour . il était une fois . un jour . il y a bien longtemps . En fin

Après un moment –il y avait )


2. Travail en groupes /
La tache à vtre choix
: 1 ° ex Mettre en ordre les contes /2 ° ex Compléter le tableau
· Répartir les élèves en groupes .
· Distribuer les fiches et expliquer la consigne suivante :
( 1°ex :Couper les étiquettes . Choisir ceux qui correspondant au conte choisi
Mettre en ordre les étiquettes pour former le conte . Coller
2°ex : Inviter les élèves à compléter le tableau avec les informations )

Chaque groupe doit designer un rapporteur / Porte parole pour présenter le travaille

· Ajoute des illustrations / images / cadres …… décoration .
· Afficher les travaux dans le coin du projets ou bien Mettre les travaux réalisés dans un enveloppe porte le titre ( des contes )

Travail individuel :

– Demande aux élèves de copier les contes sur leurs cahiers de classe .
– Attention au écriture cursive / majuscules …..

2ère séance / la Production. Ecrite
1. Préparation / Mise en situation :

Compléter le tableau suivant par les mots suivants :


Petit Lapin

Il était une fois un petit lapin qui habitait sous un arbre .
Monsieur Lapin n’aime plus les carottes.
Il quitte la maison pour aller regarder dans l’assiette de ses voisins.
« Que manges-tu ? » demande-t-il à la grenouille.
« Je mange des mouches », répond-elle.
« Pouah ! » fait Monsieur Lapin.
« Que manges-tu ? » demande-t-il à l’oiseau.
« Je mange des vers », répond l’oiseau.
« Beurk ! » fait Monsieur Lapin.

Claude Boujon

2- Production écrite : ( situation d’intégration )
La consigne : Tu vas participer à un concours de contes d’animaux . Dans 4 à 6 phrases raconter un conte en employant les situations ( initiale . finale ) et l’imparfait de l’indicatif .
– Explique la consigne .
– Travaille orale : qui peut nous dire qu’est ce qu’en va écrire ?
– Travaille individuel sur les cahiers
3 Correction de la Production écrite :
– Corriger et redresser les erreurs commises par les apprenants


بارك الله فيك

شكرا جزيلا ………..حفظكم الله

merci infiniment continuez !

merci infiniment

Merci Frère pour le partage.Mais fais attention aux fautes On dit par ex Tracer un tableau et demander aux élèves de classer les articulateurs dans la colonne qui convient


الجيرياجزاك الله خيرا

merci infiniment

written production 2024.

written production
subject n1
prepare a short talk about the following topic
"modern civilisation has kept changing at fast space

A century ago, people were able to live in better conditions than their parents thanks to the progress made in science and technology. But in practice, the outcome of this progress was slow to materialise. For instance, most people still used to travel long distances on foot or by stage coach. And as mechanisation was not introduced significantly in daily activities, household chores still had to be done manually, and were therefore time consuming.
On the other hand, community life was still an asset for social cohesion, since people had more opportunities to meet and interact. So they were able to chat with neighbors at shops or in clubs and have a cup of coffee with friends or relatives and tell stories and jokes. Likewise, family visits were frequent and kept the folklore alive, with the grandparents who used to tell traditional tales or sing lullabies or folk songs to their grandchildren. Unfortunately, with the development of audiovisual means such as the cinema, radio, television and then personal appliances like the computer, CD-roms and DVDs, the chances of socialisation are dwindling and the lack of interaction between people may increase stress, loneliness and anxiety.
Could we then complain that we are missing out on some ingredients in life which used to make our great grandparents happier? This is probably so, since closer contacts among neighbours, friends and families had to be beneficial for communal harmony. However, scientific progress in all fields, particularly in medicine, modes of transportation and communication, and agribusiness can only show that our lives are today quite fulfilling and, if anything, more comfortable than a century ago.

subject n02
write an essay about the challenges faced by modern civilisation

There are three major threats to our civilisation, which can lead to the destruction of mankind. We have first nuclear energy, which has been a constant liability ever since the explosion of atomic bombs in 1945; there is also pollution, a major cause for concern with the massive and noxious increase in industrial activities and mechanisation; finally, climate change constitutes another threat, as an outcome of the first two mentioned problems.
The escalation of nuclear weaponry since World War Two has exposed humanity to a nuclear war that would not compare at all with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, since it could wipe out life on earth many times over. The Cold War was a period of tension between the two most heavily equipped nations in terms of nuclear warheads, the USA and the USSR. The Détente that came after did not suppress all worries, since other countries have the bomb, and could use it any time.
There are also indirect consequences to owning nuclear energy. Indeed, a lethal form of pollution can originate from it if accidents in nuclear power plants occur. But apparently less dangerous forms of pollution, generated by an ever- increasing industrialisation, can also cause severe illnesses and deaths. We can think of all the chemicals dumped by factories underground, or in rivers and seas, or of the enormous amounts of smoke emitted in the air by factories and vehicles. All of these are causing all sorts of illnesses in humans and threatening wildlife.
Apart from these direct consequences, the third threat to our civilisation, climate change, is directly related to the first two mentioned. Smoke has resulted in the greenhouse effect, responsible for the increase in mean temperature in the world. Consequently, the ice caps in the north and south poles are shrinking, the sea level is rising, rains have become irregular, hurricanes are more frequent, monsoons are more destructive, droughts have intensified, and have reached usually wet parts of the world. Therefore, the danger of famine is real , and can even lead to dramatic wars over the possession of the meagre resources remaining. Surely the impending threat of nuclear warfare, and the lethal chemicals spread in the environment make the world a dangerous place to live. The tons of smoke sent out in the atmosphere also constitute a health hazard, and are responsible for climate change. There are indeed urgent measures to be taken by governments to make human activities safer if our civilisation is to survive and thrive.

subject 03
write an opinion article about counterfeiting disadvantages

Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality and do not last long. There is then no guarantee of value for money and more importantly, that fake goods are not safe. Imagine how much damage low quality parts fitted in a car can do to the driver and passengers when they fail!
Secondly, if we think of fake foods or medicines, and the criminal procedures used by the people who make them, we can only remain firm on buying genuine products. There are several cases of substitute edibles which have caused dangerous diseases to people and which have resulted in long-lasting law suits. The outcomes could only be compensations paid for irreparable damage but the moral damage caused to the victims can never be repaired! Recent figures released by the European Union show that the customs are confiscating 100 million fake items every year.
Thirdly, it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown. Pirating products is indeed imitating other people’s property, and refusing to engage in a creative act. It is much more rewarding to turn one’s abilities to creating new objects of value that could serve the community, or improve the performance of existing ones.
Fourthly, pirating objects is by essence theft, especially when the producer of a fake item affixes the label of a well-known trade mark on it. Some countries are notorious for their practice of counterfeit objects. One wouldn’t like Algerians to be known for practising this dubious trade, as much as one wouldn’t like to see them buy cheap, fake products and head into unsuspected troubles.

subject 04
write a letter to a friend describing your school

Dear Linda,
Today, I’ll write to you about my school. And the least I can say is that I feel quite happy and comfortable in it.
First, let me mention its old stone building, surrounded by a nice flower garden. The flowers are carefully arranged, and in spring, they give off a nice scent when we head for the classes through the garden. Further back, there are two large courtyards with enough space and benches to play or relax. There are also big, ancient olive trees near the walls, where birds perch and nest. We can hear them warble and chirp all year round.
Let me also describe my classroom. It is large and well decorated, with old-fashioned brown desks, and posters and pictures all over the walls. And then, there are those cabinets full of books which smell of old paper. Actually, I like borrowing a book from to time and dream of all the adventures and mysteries I read about.
I’ll finally say a few words about my teachers. I’m lucky to have such good and considerate people around me. They are so keen to see the students do well. They are always prepared to answer our questions, and they really want to make sure we understand the hard parts of the lessons and exercises. I like the way teachers get us involved. They surely have children of their own at school, which explains why they understand how we feel.
So if there is one good reason why I like my school, it surely is because the teaching staff are so caring, and so friendly. I can’t dream of a better school!

subject 05
prepare a speech about the the possible changes that are likely to happen in our lifestyle

We may live a totally different life in the next few decades because modernity has brought with it a new life style. Nowadays people take less time to eat, go to fast food shops to gulp hamburgers, hot dogs and chips. In the future, we might have conventional food being replaced by food substitutes like pills, or we might get our nutrients out of crude oil; that would shorten meal times even further. Conversely, many people are prepared to spend more time shopping in supermarkets (and even on the Internet). A lot of them are now becoming shopaholics, buying products that they don’t really need. Their number will rise further in the near future.
This is partly because it is much easier to shop, especially as more and more supermarkets are equipped with fast serving cash desks which prevent long queues. In the future, shop assistants may be replaced by robots which could actually do the same job as them, with greater efficiency and in less time. That of course would probably have side effects like an increase in unemployment.
Leisure will also change, because of the development of all sorts of electronic devices, like the multimedia, cable television and other contrivances. People will be less tempted to go out for a film, a play or a concert. They’ll pay even less visits to each other because the cell phone is such a convenient way to keep in touch. And what to say about the Internet through which people can instantly chat with and watch each other via the web cam! Alternatively, we’ll have more free time to enjoy holidays at lower prices in distant places. But is this life of the future the kind of life people would like to have? Couldn’t modernity preserve social relations and be a means to an end rather than an end in itself?

subject 06
food safety

Food safety has become one of the major worries for mankind. This worry has three major sources: the chemical contamination of agricultural products, the use of additives, preservatives and colourings in a large number of food products and the consumption of ready-made food.
Perhaps the first cause for worry about food safety is the highly intensive mode of farming and agribusiness now prevailing in industrialised countries. This has led big companies to use chemicals, fertilisers and pesticides to ensure maximum output. As a result, fruits and vegetables are contaminated by chemicals which may prove harmful to our health.
The second cause for concern is again related to mass production, and the need to keep products fresh and attractive. Consumer requirements have led manufacturers to introduce colourings, additives and preservatives. Some of them have been suspected of being dangerous while others have definitely been classified as harmful by independent research laboratories. Scientists maintain that some colourings and sugar substitutes can cause cancer, diabetes and other ****bolic disorders.
Finally, fast food and ready-made meals have led people to take undesirable eating habits, like nibbling at work or at home, or having frequent snacks in front of the computer or the TV set. More worrying is the fact that the younger generation are the most prone to consume fast food and soft drinks. These eating habits, as shown in “advanced” countries especially, have caused a large part of the population to become overweight or obese, and to develop diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure. These are due to an excess consumption of animal fat and fried food, as well as sugar and salt.
In conclusion, the conjunction of contaminated agricultural products, processed foods and poor eating habits is indeed a good reason to worry about food safety and to take corrective measures to change or improve our attitudes to eating.

subject 07
a presentation of the moon

The Moon is an earth satellite orbiting our planet from a distance of 384,000kms on average, and its orbit is in a west-to-east direction. Its surface gravity is only 0.16 that of the Earth (one sixth), and it does not seem to have life on it, since it has neither atmosphere nor water. Minimum and maximum temperatures on it are wide apart, with +110˚C on the sunlit side and –170˚C in lunar nights. The geology of this satellite is rock only, and its age is about 4,6 billion years.
Plans to reach the Moon on space crafts have been on scientists’ minds since early 20th century. But they became more concrete when the Russians launched space crafts Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2 in 1957, the second one carrying dog Laika. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth, followed by the American astronaut John Glenn in 1962. Finally, America won the honour of reaching the Moon before Russia, when Neil Armstrong set foot on it on July 21st 1969.
There are at present plans to build a space base on the Moon, to set a giant telescope and launch space ships from there to distant planets, and perhaps to other solar systems.

subject 08
what would happen if a comet collided with the earth ???

I sometimes think with awe about the possible consequences for life on earth if a comet collided with our planet. I can imagine it hurtling through the atmosphere before it makes its terrible impact on some part of a continent. Scientists do say that a similar incident took place many thousand years ago, and provoked the extinction of many giant animal species, including dinosaurs.
An enormous crater would form, and possibly cause a volcanic eruption which would send a heavy layer of particles and ash high up in the sky to stop the sun rays from reaching the Earth. Our planet would then be in the dark for many years, and consequently the temperatures would drop considerably.
A change in the climate could indeed occur, rainfalls and snowfalls would be frequent, heavy and long lasting, and floods would result from them; the sea level would probably rise, and cause some flat regions of the Earth to be totally immersed.
Another possible consequence of the impact would be a gigantic earthquake which would destroy many inhabited areas and kill a huge number of people. If the impact were near an ocean, a tsunami could develop and flood vast areas of flat land, causing many people to die or become homeless.
Facts in the past have shown that a disaster like an impact of a heavenly body on Earth could destroy life, or at least alter living conditions dramatically. The same could be repeated if another collision occured. This is why scientists are thinking up space programmes to find ways of preventing another accident of this kind.

subject 09
solar eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes in front of the Sun as seen from Earth, and can happen only at new Moon. During a total eclipse the Sun’s corona can be seen. A total solar eclipse can last up to 7.5 minutes. When the Moon is at its farthest from the Earth it does not completely cover the face of the Sun, leaving a ring of sunlight visible. This is an annular eclipse. Between two and five solar eclipses occur each year but each is visible only from a specific area. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth, becoming dim until emerging from the shadow. Lunar eclipses may be partial or total, and they can happen only at full Moon. Total lunar eclipses last up to 100 minutes; the maximum number each year is three.
A total solar eclipse visible from southwestern England took place on 11 August 1999 and lasted for two minutes. This was the first total solar eclipse to be visible from the UK since 1927, the next will be in 2090.

subject 10
imagine you are an agony aunt givin advice for teenagers about the panic that comes with the baccalaureate exam

Dear Miserable,
I’m very sorry to hear that you are having difficulty coping with stress and anxiety, due to the forthcoming final examination. I more than sympathise with your being depressed. Let me tell you however that taking a few commonsense steps would restore confidence and cheerfulness in you.
I think you are working too hard, and not taking enough time for breaks. Do you know that cramming and doing exercises endlessly produce more anxiety in you? That’s why you don’t feel you have time to spare for your friends, and to enjoy some of the pleasures of life you are entitled to.
So, as I said, you should relax and sleep regularly, meanwhile leaving your brain to process the hardest points of lessons and activities. You should go out for walks or practise some sport everyday to help you relax. You ought not to worry constantly about the time when your exam occurs, lest you would lose your concentration on the appointed day.
Think that after all, you have reached a good level of competence, and that you have enough strategies at this stage to decide how to organise your work. Let me tell you again that when the exam comes, always start with the things you can do easily and leave time for the most tricky parts.
I’m sure that when the time comes, you will be able to overcome your stress and perform quite successfully.
I wish you all the best.

subject 11
describe the feelings and emotions expected from algerian in various situations

The death of a close friend or a relative, the occurrence of a natural disaster or an accident, and other fatalities are likely to generate different feelings and emotions in people.
Actually the difference in reaction is more particularly a question of gender. Men will tend to hide their grief over the death of somebody they know, or their awe when they witness a tragedy; during a natural disaster, they will try not to panic and control their emotions; instead, they will react by taking steps to protect their families and neighbours. Women will show their emotions more openly. They will express their sadness and mourning, and cry profusely when they learn about a relative’s death. Likewise, they will be rather shocked and terrified when they see an accident in which there are casualties. Finally, they are likely lose their self- control, and fail to take the right decisions to protect themselves in an emergency.
The difference in response regarding the expression of love and affection will most likely follow the same pattern. Men always try to avoid excessive sentimentality. They generally avoid showing in verbal manner too much emotion and feelings to their families and friends; they will express their care in a different way; for instance by showing concern, offering help or giving presents. Women are again prone to showing their feelings more openly. They would more often than not use terms of endearment, and they often hug and kiss family members, especially children.
The differing levels of sensitivity between men and women concerning the facts of life is probably the reason why their marks of sympathy and affection are dissimilar. But the male and female attitudes are complementary, and both necessary for good human interaction


thank you so much

you are welcome

Revision générale en Français ** + Comment faire une production écrite 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تفضلوا :



بالتوفيق ان شاء الله

بارك الله فيك

السلام عليكم
رجاء رابط تحميل ان لم يكن مانع

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة شمـس الـديـن 24 الجيريا
بارك الله فيك

و فيك بركة اخي الجيريا


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة *** ترانيم الوفاء*** الجيريا
السلام عليكم
رجاء رابط تحميل ان لم يكن مانع

تفضلي اختي :

بالتوفيق الجيريا

بارك الله فيك الجيريا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ai*cha الجيريا
بارك الله فيك الجيريا


و فيكي بركة الجيريا


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nawel bejawiya الجيريا


العفو اختي الجيريا

بالتوفيق ^_^

انت تربح يا خو

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة le docteur الجيريا
انت تربح يا خو

آمين و انت ايضا ان شاء الله الجيريا


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة aboumeriem1992 الجيريا
merci thank you

العفو الجيريا


بوركت مشكور

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة aboumeriem1992 الجيريا
بوركت مشكور

العفو اخي

بالتوفيق الجيريا

شكرااااا جزيلاااا اخي
ربي يوفقك ان شاء الله

fiche Modèle .Production écrite .Présenter un métier 2024.

fiche Modèle …Production écrite …Présenter un métier

Voici un Modèle d’un cheminement – Proposé – pour la production écrite
—- Présenter un métier –
pour les 5AP
vous allez trouver un fichier DOC ( à modifier ) contient 4 métiers
– ….( Jardinier . cuisinier . jardinier . maitre )

Le titre : Présenter un métier
Matériel : tableau .fiches / étiquettes . colles . ciseaux ….cahier de classe
Remarque : Introduction du ludique pour plus de motivation

Le déroulement de la séance

A 1° Phase …. Avec les élèves on va faire un petit rappel sur les métiers
déja étudiés ou bien le métier de l’avenir
En 2° Phase ….. Vous allez tracer ce tableau sur le tableau de la classe
Ensuite collectivement inviter vos élèves à le complèter


A 3° Phase d’application ….Vous allez distribuez les fiches imprimées ( téléchargezici… )
… Après que vous avez réparti vos élèves en Groupe …

Couper les étiquettes ..choisir les
étiquettes correspondant au métier demandé ….
et les coller dans le texte à complèter
pour former un petit paragraphe …
et complèter le tableau avec les informations concernées

chaque groupe choisit un pour lire / Présenter le paragraphe / le travaille
….M°l’enseignant(e) doit passer par chaque groupe pour orientations et correction

A 4° Phase de produire ….Dans le cahier de classe …Chaque élève doit écrire un petit paragraphe
pour présenter un métier ( bien sur ) choisi par le groupe
vous pouvez dire …Réecrire le texte
On peut les laisser utiliser les informations du tableau dont on déja complèter collectivement

A 5° Phase de correction ….Les fiches réalisées par les groupes deviennent des références pour
faire l’autocorrection ou en changeant les cahiers par les élément du meme groupe


L’enseignant peut met les travaux dans un grand envelope collé au fond du classe
ou bien au dessous du tableau porté le titre ( Présenter un métier ) ….et à chaque fois il ajoutera d’autres fiches


شخصيا كانت تجربة جد مثمرة من حيث النشاط و تفاعل التلاميذ
كما انه اعطاهم ارضية يمكنهم من كتابة فقرة بسيطة عن المهن
من خلال تجميع المعلومات الخاصة بكل مهنة
ننتظر افكاركم و اقتراحاتكم

المرفقات :

merci beaucoup


merci pour le partage

très interessant merci pour le partage

Merci collègue bonne idée.

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nasmlahok3 الجيريا
Merci collègue bonne idée.
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ام ريم الجيريا
très interessant merci pour le partage
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة العدناني1 الجيريا
merci pour le partage
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة gueffaf الجيريا
merci beaucoup
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة العرابه الجيريا
De rien ……c’est mon devoir de partager avec vous mes expériences ….En fin nous sommes une famille الجيرياالجيريا

السلام عليكم

مذكرات رائعة جدا جدا ………………
شكرا جزيلا ننتظر المزيد من هذه المذكرات الرائعة حتى نستفيد منها

ان كان لديك شيء منها فالرجاء الافادة

تقبل تحياتي

المعذرة عن الكتابة العربية

السلام عليكم من فضلكم ساعدوني في موضوع les métiers document قال الاخ راني حطيتو قبل اللي عندو يبعثهولي في رسالة خاصة لاني لا اعرف طريقة التحميل وجزاكم الله خيرا

ربي جزيكم عاونونييييي

merci pour le partage

Merci infiniment pour le partage

merci c’est très gentil j’avais un grand problème en présentant cette activité

[QUOTE=osa-mail;1054888660]السلام عليكم

مذكرات رائعة جدا جدا ………………
شكرا جزيلا ننتظر المزيد من هذه المذكرات الرائعة حتى نستفيد منها

ان كان لديك شيء منها فالرجاء الافادة

تقبل تحياتي

المعذرة عن الكتابة العربية[/QUOTE

ربي يبارك فيك ……… عموما عندما يكون لي شيء خاص بي اضعه فورا و يكون مجرب
لا احب النسخ اللصق …….. لذلك فور وجود مذكرة مجربة و درس عملي اعطى ثكاره اشارك به الاحباب

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اماه الجيريا
السلام عليكم من فضلكم ساعدوني في موضوع les métiers document قال الاخ راني حطيتو قبل اللي عندو يبعثهولي في رسالة خاصة لاني لا اعرف طريقة التحميل وجزاكم الله خيرا
ماهو المطلوب بالضبط

production écrite 2024.

rédigez un texte explictif qui parle de l’nternet (son role,son importance ,c’est quoi,comment se connecter sur l’internet …)

نتمنى تساعدوني فيها طالبتني فيها صديقتي ومش حابة نبخلها

Les différentes étapes de la production écrite 2024.

Premièrement: La lecture du sujet
Le sujet proposé doit être lue plusieurs fois et avec attention

Deuzièment: La planification
Elle devrait portée sur le type de texte dont il est question (historique, argumentatif, exhortatif ou narratif). Il est à signaler
que chaque texte a son propre plan

Troisièment: La mise en texte
Elle se fera sur un brouillon où l’élève mobilisera toutes les caractéristiques linguistiques propres au thème dégagé et au type de texte (constructions syntaxiques, choix lexicaux, cohésion, cohérence

Quatrièment: La révision
Elle est très nécessaire pour apporter des retouches ou des corrections

Cinqièment: La mise au propre sera la dernière étape

Le résumé
Pour résumer n’importe quel texte il est nécessaire de suivre les étapes suivantes
– Réduire le texte au quart de sa longueur
– Ne pas changer le système d’énonciation (pronoms personnels, temps)
– Reformuler avec concision et corriger les idées principales
– Ne pas déformer les idées du texte
– Respecter leur enchaînement (le plan) en utilisant des articulateurs
– Ne pas ajouter de commentaire personnel
– Supprimer tout ce qui n’est pas nécessaire (explications, exemples, les détails

Le compte rendu critique

Il permet de dégager les composantes essentielles d’un texte ou d’un ouvrage : son contenu, son organisation interne, ses grandes thématiques auxquelles on apporte une appréciation personnelle qui permettra aux lecteurs de situer le texte dans une perspective plus vaste
Le compte rendue critique se compose de deux parties : le résumé et la critique

أرجوكم صوتوا لكريم لقد أصبح في المركز الثالث بعد أن كان الأول أرجوكم صوتوا…x?voteItemID=2

Qui veut aller loin ménage sa monture

المهم نديرو Résultat في جنوب إفريقيا باش يعرفو الخونة أن فريقنا فريق محترفين وليس فريق دورات محلية

!Aidée Moi Production écrite Beeing able to read in minds – 2024.

Aidée Moi a faire cette Production ecrite en englais : Beeing Able to read I minds . الجيريا

DZL…. Beeing able To read in minds