Projet du plan annuel des progressions 3e AP 2024.


يشرفني أن أقدّم لكم
Projet du plan annuel des progressions 3e AP
الخاص بالسنة الثالثة ابتدائي

رابط التحميل


project n 3 in english conversation plan 2024.

msa lkhir ya jma3a ana fi hed les vacances 3andi projet fel l’anglais w mani femhma fih walo sttttp les amis fehmouni rakom tel9aweh fel la page 72.

جاااوبوني وينكم بلييييييز

mm ana matani fahma fih walou w ma3raftch mnin ra7 ndirou

Conservation plan 2024.

الجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالسلام عليكم الجيرياالجيرياالجيريا

ممكن تساعدوني في بحثي حول Conservation plan في مادة الانجيلزية .

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته

اردت فتح موضوعي هذا لكي اطلب من الاخوة الطلاب الجزائريين السنة 2 ثانوي بحث مادة الانجليزية حول a conservation plan

انا في انتظاركم ياالجزائريين الاحرار


عاجل….بحث اللغة الانجليزية للسنة 2 ثانوي

a- Soil:
* The use of modern irrigation technology is encouraged in order to preserve water resources throughout Algeria.
*Southern sand dune is fixed (Biskra-Hassi Massoud…)
* 500 km of farmland is retabilitated in the north.
*The farmers are educated about the right way to use the pesticides and fertilizers in the agricultural field bye the Algerian government.

b- Water:
*Construction of dams to recharge groundwater, and water monitoring systems and rain in the north (algers,Telemcen,Oran…) olso in the south for e.g.;Ghardaïa
*Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment
*-Control of fishing on a regular basis.

c-Mineral Resources:
*The using of the mineral resources will be reduced if :
-The people who mines and digs for minerals will be stopped .
– Plastics will be used in the place of minerals like aluminium..
-This mineral resources will be changed by another energy like the solar energy or bye the energy of winds…
*the General Command of the Algerian National Gendarmerie program information Introduced to the
protection of monuments and historical legacies in Algeria
· Human resources:
*Health services are improved, especially in remote areas.
* 250 hospital construction project in remote areas and deserts
*rehabilitation, medical and social support for people with disabilities, the government has increased the number of care institutions, and also provides financial support for plans to reduce the financial burden borne by the disabled and their families, the Government provides features 110 disability of thousands of Algerians , medical assistance and medical expenses annually to 119 thousand Them. The plans also support self-support loans and educational assistance and support to assistive devices and also provide them with procedures to lift their burdens such as tax breaks and discounts on charges for the use of public facilities.

* to provide the necessary meaof the hospitals.
*-Building schools especially in remote regions.
*-All the schools will be providing with computers.
*-Building private schools to wipe out illiteracy, especially in areas remote and deserts.
*-The education of the rural women.
*-Competent Ministry of Trade and Supply and means to take actions and measures and decisions necessary to protect the national economy from the damage caused by the dumping or subsidies or unjustified increase in imports, as defined in the scope of the agreements contained in the Final Document of the outcome of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations that was approved by the Republic of Egypt president’s decision No. 72 of 1995.
*-Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment

*-Protection of cultural rights in two key areas. The first is Copyright (copyrights), which includes all forms of literary and artistic Alonchae such as writing, music, film and other rights include the moral and material. The monitor and extent of the Bern Convention for the protection of the rights and a physical for 70 year from the death of the artist’s rights are substantive moral never-ending..
the destruction of the fixed or alteration of or damage to or distortion of writing or engraving or change the features is prohibited, also the advertising or flinging signs in the areas of archaeological and historic buildings registeredis prohibited.
Article 7 – —
To be planning projects in developing cities and villages, expansion or Tjamilha or the division of land to build the conservation of monuments and areas where, according to the decision of the competent effects, and may not be Adoption of planning projects or division in which the scope of the effects only after the approval of the competent effects.
On this side effects competent to locate the archaeological sites and published in the Official Gazette and notify the competent authority and planning division.
– Article 8 —
May not be granted building permits and restoration in areas near archaeological sites and historic buildings only after obtaining the approval of the competent effects to ensure the establishment of modern buildings on pace appropriate to the nature of the archaeological.
In the case of the restoration and maintenance of mosques be approved by the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs.
Article 48 —
Punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years and a fine
A – The archeology or assisted or abetted by without a license.
B – The demolition or to destroy or sabotage or any distortion effects, including a change in its character or separate any part of it.
C – have stolen or part of the impact of state-owned, or had participated in hiding or anything like that.

The development and implementation of the national program to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;
Sensitize citizens the importance of vegetation in general and in particular Algappoe
to the human component, particularly with regard to education
Encourage the use of modern irrigation technology in order to preserve water resources;
Rationalizing the use of pesticides and fertilizers in the agricultural field to find solutions and mechanisms for compromise between the requirements of the requirements for lifting agricultural productivity and the need to preserve the environment and natural resources, including the maintenance and development of national biodiversity

Integration of young people in all environmental
· Rational measure of water

Maintaining the existing forests before thinking afforestation;
Solving the problems of people of the mountainous areas in order to reduce the over-exploitation of forests in these areas through holding workshops to study this problem;

Offset some of the effects of the drought-affected forest species capable of withstanding the effects of this

Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment
Control of fishing on a regular basis

شكراا أخي الكريم


a- Soil:
* The use of modern irrigation technology is encouraged in order to preserve water resources throughout Algeria.
*Southern sand dune is fixed (Biskra-Hassi Massoud…)
* 500 km of farmland is retabilitated in the north.
*The farmers are educated about the right way to use the pesticides and fertilizers in the agricultural field bye the Algerian government.

b- Water:
*Construction of dams to recharge groundwater, and water monitoring systems and rain in the north (algers,Telemcen,Oran…) olso in the south for e.g.;Ghardaïa
*Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment
*-Control of fishing on a regular basis.

c-Mineral Resources:
*The using of the mineral resources will be reduced if :
-The people who mines and digs for minerals will be stopped .
– Plastics will be used in the place of minerals like aluminium..
-This mineral resources will be changed by another energy like the solar energy or bye the energy of winds…
*the General Command of the Algerian National Gendarmerie program information Introduced to the
protection of monuments and historical legacies in Algeria
· Human resources:
*Health services are improved, especially in remote areas.
* 250 hospital construction project in remote areas and deserts
*rehabilitation, medical and social support for people with disabilities, the government has increased the number of care institutions, and also provides financial support for plans to reduce the financial burden borne by the disabled and their families, the Government provides features 110 disability of thousands of Algerians , medical assistance and medical expenses annually to 119 thousand Them. The plans also support self-support loans and educational assistance and support to assistive devices and also provide them with procedures to lift their burdens such as tax breaks and discounts on charges for the use of public facilities.

* to provide the necessary meaof the hospitals.
*-Building schools especially in remote regions.
*-All the schools will be providing with computers.
*-Building private schools to wipe out illiteracy, especially in areas remote and deserts.
*-The education of the rural women.
*-Competent Ministry of Trade and Supply and means to take actions and measures and decisions necessary to protect the national economy from the damage caused by the dumping or subsidies or unjustified increase in imports, as defined in the scope of the agreements contained in the Final Document of the outcome of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations that was approved by the Republic of Egypt president’s decision No. 72 of 1995.
*-Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment

*-Protection of cultural rights in two key areas. The first is Copyright (copyrights), which includes all forms of literary and artistic Alonchae such as writing, music, film and other rights include the moral and material. The monitor and extent of the Bern Convention for the protection of the rights and a physical for 70 year from the death of the artist’s rights are substantive moral never-ending..
the destruction of the fixed or alteration of or damage to or distortion of writing or engraving or change the features is prohibited, also the advertising or flinging signs in the areas of archaeological and historic buildings registeredis prohibited.
Article 7 – —
To be planning projects in developing cities and villages, expansion or Tjamilha or the division of land to build the conservation of monuments and areas where, according to the decision of the competent effects, and may not be Adoption of planning projects or division in which the scope of the effects only after the approval of the competent effects.
On this side effects competent to locate the archaeological sites and published in the Official Gazette and notify the competent authority and planning division.
– Article 8 —
May not be granted building permits and restoration in areas near archaeological sites and historic buildings only after obtaining the approval of the competent effects to ensure the establishment of modern buildings on pace appropriate to the nature of the archaeological.
In the case of the restoration and maintenance of mosques be approved by the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs.
Article 48 —
Punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years and a fine
A – The archeology or assisted or abetted by without a license.
B – The demolition or to destroy or sabotage or any distortion effects, including a change in its character or separate any part of it.
C – have stolen or part of the impact of state-owned, or had participated in hiding or anything like that.

The development and implementation of the national program to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;
Sensitize citizens the importance of vegetation in general and in particular Algappoe
to the human component, particularly with regard to education
Encourage the use of modern irrigation technology in order to preserve water resources;
Rationalizing the use of pesticides and fertilizers in the agricultural field to find solutions and mechanisms for compromise between the requirements of the requirements for lifting agricultural productivity and the need to preserve the environment and natural resources, including the maintenance and development of national biodiversity

Integration of young people in all environmental
· Rational measure of water

Maintaining the existing forests before thinking afforestation;
Solving the problems of people of the mountainous areas in order to reduce the over-exploitation of forests in these areas through holding workshops to study this problem;

Offset some of the effects of the drought-affected forest species capable of withstanding the effects of this

Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment
Control of fishing on a regular basis


ربي يحفضك و يخليك خويا ..]

merçi bq mm ana na7tajou

يـسـلـمـوآ ♥

A conservation plan 2024.

Hi guys I want your helps about english project my project is conservation fact sheet ( Natural resources & Human resources; english book 2A.S page 72) I did my project but I didn’t found a good introduction & conclusion so I need your help guys
just the introduction & conclusion


plan de charge 2024.

كما هو موضح في العنوان كلفت بوضع
plan de charge لكنني لا اعرف كيف يكون شكل هاذا الاخير او المعلومات المتواجدة فيه ارجو المساعدة من فضلكم

اريد شكل الجول والمعلوات التي يجب انن تتوفر فيه وشكرا مسبقا

وبعد هذا النداء لم احصل ولا حتى على كلمة تشجيع كل من شاهد الموضوع خرج بدون رد فقررت الاجتهاد وبالفعل فبعد يومين من الإجتهاد وضعت بالفعل هذا المخطط

ولانني وجدت انكم لا تعرفون ماهو؟ او بخلتم علي بمسعدتكم فانني قرت ان اضيف هذا العمل والاجتهاد الشخصي الى رصيدكم المعرفي
وهذا هو شكل الـ plan de charge
حيث انه جدول يبين رقم اعمال المؤسسة التقدير لسنة معينة
ويفصل طريقة وصولها لهذا الرقم
وفي مثال شركتي هي شركة خاصة للاستراد والتصدير وكذا الانتاج المحلي للمواد المرتبطة بالمجال الكهرومنزلي والكهربائي لذا قسمت المخطط الى قسمين القسم الذي يحقق رقم اعمال خاص باعادة بيع المنتوجات المستوردة والآخر للانتاج حيث قدرت حجم الانتاج السنوي ووضعت سعرا تقديريا لكل منتوج وتحصلت على رقم الاعمال التقديري اما رقم الاعمال التقديري الاجمالي فهو مجموع رقم الاعمال النقديري لاعادة البيع ورقم الاعمال التقديري للانتاج المتوقع
ارجو ان اكون قد افدتكم
لا تنسوني من صالح الدعاء
من لم يشكر الناس لم يشكر الله

شكرا على المبادرة..

هذا ليس plan de charge بل هو plan de chiffer de affaire اي تقدير رقم الأعمال المستقبلي أما جدول المصاريف ليس هذا الذي هو عبارة عن جدول له حانات في الاعلى للتدفقات المستقبلية + الحزينة أول السنة و في الاسفل حانات لمصاريف المستقلبية بناء على مصاريف السنة الفارطة و الفرق بيهما يعطنا النتيجة المتواقعة

كيف يسمى plan de charge اذا لم يحدد فيه جميع المصاريف المتواقعة مستقبلا ؟ ….

ثم عندما يتعلم الانسان ، يحمد الله على ذلك
و لا يقول :
ولانني وجدت انكم لا تعرفون ماهو؟ …..

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة BELSYS الجيريا
هذا ليس plan de charge بل هو plan de chiffer de affaire اي تقدير رقم الأعمال المستقبلي أما جدول المصاريف ليس هذا الذي هو عبارة عن جدول له حانات في الاعلى للتدفقات المستقبلية + الحزينة أول السنة و في الاسفل حانات لمصاريف المستقلبية بناء على مصاريف السنة الفارطة و الفرق بيهما يعطنا النتيجة المتواقعة

كيف يسمى plan de charge اذا لم يحدد فيه جميع المصاريف المتواقعة مستقبلا ؟ ….

ثم عندما يتعلم الانسان ، يحمد الله على ذلك
و لا يقول :
ولانني وجدت انكم لا تعرفون ماهو؟ …..

عفوا اخي الكريم الجدول الذي تتحدث فيه عن مصاريف السنوية المتوقعة يسمى بـ plan de financement
وكي عاد عندك معلومات علاش نهار اللي حطيت طلب مساعدة مبنتش خلاص وضرك جاي تعلق على الطريقة اللي هدرت بيها
اسمحلي اذا قاستك ولكن مش مليح فهامة النقص بزاف

مصاريف= Charge
تمويل =financement

ابحث عن pdau Le plan directeur d’aménagement et d’urbanisme لمدينة عنابة لسنة 2024 2024.

ابحث عن pdau Le plan directeur d’aménagement et d’urbanisme
لمدينة عنابة لسنة 2024

merci d’avance

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ramicorp الجيريا
ابحث عن pdau Le plan directeur d’aménagement et d’urbanisme
لمدينة عنابة لسنة 2024

merci d’avance

le pdau et trop lourd si vous voulé le pos d’un cartier ou un truc dans le genre pas de souci
j’essay d’uploadé le pdeau depuis un moment et ça marche pas
si vous avez une solution je vous le passe sans blem

السلام عليكم

أخي bessoumarchi

ممكن تضغط ملف الخاص pdau بواسطة ونرار أكيد سيقل حجم ويكون التحميل أسهل

كما يمكنك رفعه بعد الضغط عبر مديافير وتضع الرابط فقط

ادا امكن ابحث عن منطقة سيدي حرب و بوحديدو ما وراءها


ادا امكن ابحث عن منطقة سيدي حرب و بوحديدو ما وراءها

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة epau الجيريا

esmhli hada esmou un pos ( plan d’occupation des sols)

dsl pour le retard ani juste j le charge et je vous envois le lien

salem je recharge le plan d’urbanisme directeur pud stp et merci bcp

Plan de la lettre ouverte Dans ce modèle de lettre 2024.

Plan de la lettre ouverte Dans ce modèle de lettre il s’agit bien sûr d’une lettre argumentative
voilà le plan que j’ai suivi

Présentation et mise en page de la lettre

destinateurs (expéditeurs) les représentants du quartier X
destinataire (P/APC) – ou – Monsieur Le Maire
Interpellation du destinataire

Le corps de la lettre

– Formule d’attaque ou d’introduction
– constat
– Les Arguments
– proposition d’une ou des solution (s)
– ou de politesse Formule finale

Les signataires

Voici le modèle mais juste le corps de la lettre sur la pose des d’ânes

Objet الجيرياemande de la pose des dos d’ânes

Nous, habitants du quartier sus cité, avons l’honneur de venir respectueusement auprès de votre bienveillance vous solliciter de bien vouloir poser (ou mettre) des ralentisseurs dans notre quartier vu les problèmes suivants :
– La circulation intense surtout le jour du marché hebdomadaire.
– Le manque de loisirs et l’absence d’espaces verts.
Nous vous signalons que ces ralentisseurs seront d’une grande utilité avant qu’il n’ y ait des victimes. En effet, ils permettront la sécurité des citoyens, ça permettra également aux conducteurs de réduire leur vitesse et enfin les mères n’auront plus à s’inquiéter sur le sort de leurs enfants même s’ils jouent dans la rue ou qu’ils la traversent.
En conjuguant nos efforts et avec votre contribution, nous pourrions ensemble résoudre ce problème qui nous préoccupe.
Nous vous affirmons que tous les citoyens du quartier sont mobilisés et prêts à participer massivement à cette opération ( + d’intérêt général), nous avons même fait une collecte d’argent.

Dans l’attente d’une suite de votre part, nous vous prions de croire Monsieur le Maire, en l’expression de notre respectueuse considération.

Les signataires :
Les représentants du quartier Y

Je vous propose le 2ème sujet sur la réalisation d’un cybercafé

Objet : Réalisation d’un cybercafé
au sein de la maison de jeunes

Monsieur le Maire,

Nous avons l’honneur de solliciter votre haute bienveillance de bien vouloir accorder un intérêt particulier à la lecture de notre demande.
Nous portons à votre connaissance que le fléau de l’analphabétisme , de l’ignorance et l’oisiveté prennent de l’ampleur et exposent les jeunes de notre village aux dangers à savoir la délinquance la drogue …..
La réalisation d’un cybercafé au sein de la maison de jeunes est très utile.
En conjuguant nos efforts et avec votre contribution, nous pourrions ensemble résoudre ce problème qui nous préoccupe
Il suffit de faire une collecte d’argent auprès des organismes de bienfaisance ou de lancer un appel ou faire une campagne de sensibilisation et de solidarité pour la concrétisation de ce projet.
La nécessité de ce cybercafé permettra à nos jeunes :
Tout d’abord, de tisser rapidement des liens d’amitié avec des d’autres jeunes du monde entier ce qui favorisera l’échange d’idées , d’avoir une autre vision du monde. Ensuite, il les informe sur des sujets originaux voire politique, sport, culture …. . Par ailleurs, cet outil est source d’enrichissement pour les élèves étudiants et leur permettra d’élargir leurs connaissances. Enfin, il les fait oublier leurs soucis par la distraction comme les jeux, la musique, la Tchatch ……
Dans l’attente d’une suite favorable, veuillez agréer monsieur l’expression de nos salutations distinguées.

Les signataires :
les représentants de la ville ………………..

mercii bcp j’ai depuis long temps et j’ai cherch- a ce plan mercii




abit lettre a monsieur le maire pour demander un bus pour les eleves stp urgent

Merciiii infiniment <3

J’ai besoin d’une lettre ouverte du
programe charger

A conservation plan 2024.

Hi guys I want your helps about english project my project is conservation fact sheet ( Natural resources & Human resources; english book 2A.S page 72) I did my project but I didn’t found a good introduction & conclusion so I need your help guys
just the introduction & conclusion

البحث في هذا الموقع سمي بسم الله وافتحيه هنا المطلوب انشالله يفيدك اختي

وفقك الله ..

* The use of modern irrigation technology is encouraged in order to preserve water resources throughout Algeria.

*-Southern sand dune is fixed (Biskra-Hassi Massoud…)

* 500 km of farmland is retabilitated in the north.

*The farmers are educated about the right way to use the pesticides and fertilizers in the agricultural field bye the Algerian government.

b- Water

*Construction of dams to recharge groundwater, and water monitoring systems and rain in the north (algers,Telemcen,Oran…) olso in the south for


*Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment

*-Control of fishing on a regular basis.

c-Mineral Resources:

*The using of the mineral resources will be reduced if :-The people who mines and digs for minerals will be stopped
– Plastics will be used in the place of minerals like aluminium..

-This mineral resources will be changed by another energy like the solar energy or bye the energy of winds…


*the General Command of the Algerian National Gendarmerie program information Introduced to the

protection of monuments and historical legacies in Algeria

·Human resources:


*Health services are improved, especially in remote areas.

*250 hospital construction project in remote areas and deserts

*rehabilitation, medical and social support for people with disabilities, the

government has increased the number of care institutions, and also provides financial support for plans to reduce the financial burden borne by the disabled and their families, the Government provides features 110 disability of thousands of Algerians , medical assistance and medical expenses annually to 119 thousand Them. The plans also support self-support loans and educational assistance and support to assistive devices and also provide them with procedures to lift their burdens such as tax breaks and discounts on charges for the use of public facilities.

* to provide the necessary meaof the hospitals.


*-Building schools especially in remote regions.

*-All the schools will be providing with computers.

*-Building private schools to wipe out illiteracy, especially in areas remote and deserts.

*-The education of the rural women.


*-Competent Ministry of Trade and Supply and means to take actions and measures and decisions necessary to protect the national economy from the damage caused by the dumping or subsidies or unjustified increase in imports, as defined in the scope of the agreements contained in the Final Document of the outcome of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations that was approved by the Republic of Egypt president’s decision No. 72 of 1995.

*-Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment


*-Protection of cultural rights in two key areas. The first is Copyright (copyrights), which includes all forms of literary and artistic Alonchae such as writing, music, film and other rights include the moral and material. The monitor and extent of the Bern Convention for the protection of the rights and a physical for 70 year from the death of the artist’s rights are substantive moral never-ending..

the destruction of the fixed or alteration of or damage to or distortion of writing or engraving or change the features is prohibited, also the advertising or flinging signs in the areas of archaeological and historic buildings registeredis prohibited.

Article 7 – —

To be planning projects in developing cities and villages, expansion or Tjamilha or the division of land to build the conservation of monuments and areas where, according to the decision of the competent effects, and may not be Adoption of planning projects or division in which the scope of the effects only after the approval of the competent effects. [/CENTER ALIGN]

On this side effects competent to locate the archaeological sites and published in the Official Gazette and notify the competent authority and planning division.

– Article 8 —

May not be granted building permits and restoration in areas near archaeological sites and historic buildings only after obtaining the approval of the competent effects to ensure the establishment of modern buildings on pace appropriate to the nature of the archaeological.

In the case of the restoration and maintenance of mosques be approved by the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs.

– Article 48 —

Punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years and a fine

A – The archeology or assisted or abetted by without a license.

B – The demolition or to destroy or sabotage or any distortion effects, including a change in its character or separate any part of it.

C – have stolen or part of the impact of state-owned, or had participated in hiding or anything like that.

The development and implementation of the national program to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;Sensitize citizens the importance of vegetation in general and in particular Algappoe

to the human component, particularly with regard to educationEncourage the use of modern irrigation technology in order to preserve water resources;

Rationalizing the use of pesticides and fertilizers in the agricultural field to find solutions and mechanisms for compromise between the requirements of the requirements for lifting agricultural productivity and the need to preserve the environment and natural resources, including the maintenance and development of national biodiversity

Integration of young people in all environmental

·Rational measure of water

Maintaining the existing forests before thinking afforestation;

Solving the problems of people of the mountainous areas in order to reduce the over-exploitation of forests in these areas through holding workshops to study this problem;

Offset some of the effectts of the drought-affected forest species capable of withstanding the effects of this

Stimulating economic and financial waste-water treatment

Control of fishing on a regular basis

*-75%from the monuments are protected

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

لاتنسونا في صالح دعائكم