prepare your BEM Exam2024 2024.

Here is a text as "report" good luck
here is the link:…as_Report.html

for MR Samir Bounab I have not understood the terms ATF and AEF because I found these *in your sheet please answer me thank you so mutsh

well the ATF
A= ALgerain
T= teaching
F= forum

and this deals with the competenices that the teacher has to apply in teaching and there are nine
for the AEF
A= Algerian
E= English
F= forum
and this deals with the objectives of teaching what do we expect from our learners
good luck

Hi mr. Bounab… I’d like to give me something about the history of english in algeria as 2nd ******** and the objectives of teaching english in our country in arabic or any other ******** or just tell where to search for such an informatrion that i’m looking for and till now no one has given me what i need ….thanks…

THANK YOU Mr.SAMIR الجيرياالجيريا

habso chuiya l’englais dawakhtouni

salam Bich64
thanks for ur message well concerning ur request u have to see at the school library there some books called
1) le programme (vous trouveriez ça en "arabe – français -angalis)
2) le document d’acceompagnement
je n’es pas bien compris l’objet de votre requette
veulillez bien preciser et Inchaa Allah j’essayerai de vous aider

salam Allaa
you are welcome

السلام عليكم..
اود منك افادتى بمكانة اللغة الانجليزية فى الجزائر..اعنى تاريخ تدريسها..مناهجها المتبعة… و مدى نجاحها فى وطننا ان امكن بالطبع………


salam Bich 64
well for ur inquiry it’s bit hard you want to know the history of teaching english in Algeria all what i can tell u is the approaches adopted in Algeria before 1986 we dealt with the structural approach which focused only on grammar and neglected the functional aspect of the ********
since 1986 there was a new approach called "communicative approach" here we tackled the "use" of the laguage without neglecting the grammatical aspect of the ******** "no grammar lessons" were given just the "form" we carried on with that approach till the new reforms and in 2024 we started the "competency based approach" CBA
I think for ur inquiry u need to consult official documents like "journal officiel" which will give u more details
good luck

merci beaucoup

Thanks a lot Mr. Bounab………

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr.samir bounab الجيريا
here is a text as "report" good luck
here is the link:…as_report.html

جزاك الله كل خير على هذه المواضيع

welcome Sir all the honor is for me
Mau God Bless you

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