Please Help me in English page 86 2024.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

Notre prof d’englais nous a donné un exércice page 86 / numéro 1 et elle a dit revenez a la page 83 pour vous aidé au paragraph . Svp aidez Moi j’ai besoin de sa Demain svvvvvp الجيريا

مساء الخير خويا هك الحل

svp khouya et le paragraph kifésh ndirou ? je n’est auccune idée et le prof nous a rien éxpliqué mércii pour ton aide

this is a report of the finding of a survey about student ‘ s leisure time activities . I submitted a questionnaire to my classmates surprisingly most student send that they took part in team sport I found natural that they didn’t go to concerts because they lived in a small town
As I excepted ;most of the students enjoyed listening to and watching tv.

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