please help me in english 2024.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

Notre prof d’englais nous a donné un exércice page 97 / numéro 5 paragraph . Svp aidez Moi j’ai besoin de sa Demain svvvvvp الجيريا

big book or small book

biiiiiig boook


: The paragraph
A terrible accident happened near a school yesterday morning . a car driver who was driving very fast came out of a very sharp bend he lost control over his vehicle and he knacked a child who was playing with a ball . a lorry which was coming from the opposite side stopped just befor running over the child who was lying on the ground , badly in jured .the car driver who was fortunately safe , immediately took the child to hospital


pas de quoi

merci moi aussi j’avais l’attention de posée cette question sur l’exercice meeerciiii beaucoup AICHOUNA

[thank you veryyy much

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