for my friends in Djelfa 2024.

salam alikom sorry for writing in English but i havent the arabic in my keyboard,so my congratulation for all the people contractual whom take a job and hard luck for the others and i am one of the losers, any way hamdoulillah allah gave me better than this job thank goodness for that, now i am outside of Algeria,but wallah i dont forgive any one who did that to us ,we were in our country but we were not a citizens, we were citizens 4th degree, allah la ytrabahom,any way thank to allah for every thing happened ,and i a happy for every one and inchallah the rest of them can take thier posts, i wanna know whats happen with my friends in djelfa,and did they get thier money or yet, salam

السلام عليكم اخي الحمد لله على كل شئ اقولك لك شئ ما ؤراك خاسر م والوا الحمد لله على الصحة و العافية و ربي يفتح عليك حبسيت نعرف خلصوك و لا م زال ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ شفت اخر مرة مقلقق و زععفان تقبل مروري اخ حسان سلام

wa3alikom salam wa rahmato allah, merci khouya gladiator mais wallah mazal ma hkmet frak fi jibi allah la ytrabahom rahom klawhom hada al3am surtout ki la3bou avec les postes, matansache fi debut nat3 janvier 2024 kanou puisque 450 prof contractual , men ba3d manich 3aref mnin kharjou des poste jdod ana chahed 3la poste kan fermer fi hbb ki khrej idmaj darou fih wahd quand quoi rah khdem 3am kamel , welkhafi a3dam, mais hamdoulillah 3la kol hal , ana dork rani khrejt l etranger wbalak manarja3ch 3la 2ans ou bien 3 ans bessah wallah ki marja3 ndirlhom bayga kbira law kan matodkholech drahem,wmayhemni fiha ni ben 3ami ni sahbi ni dzayer ,na3raf haja wahda haki neddih ya law kan tfout la justice etrangere contre lihom,, a toute facon rabi yjib lekhir lelblad helko chabab nta3ha, yakraw men ba3d yticho les diplome fi chare3 wkilhom rabi, samhouna fi bladna ,

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