The silent letters 2024.

silent letters in the English ********:
* The letter B is silent when it’s at the end of the word and is immediately preceded by the letter M (e.g. dumb,
* The letter C is silent only in words ending in "scle" (e.g. muscle).
* The letter D is silent in only three words of the ********, namely sandwich, Wednesday and handkerchief.
* The letter E is silent when used at the end of words and is immediately preceded by a consonant (e.g. mine,
* The letter G is silent when followed by N (e.g. foreign, sign).
* The letters G and H are silent when used together and are final or are followed by T (e.g. daughter, right).
* The letter H is silent when used after W (e.g. whether, why) and, sometimes, when used in the beginning of
words, followed by a vowel(e.g. honest, hour, heir,honor,herb) (not always, though, so it’s tricky).
* The letter K is silent when followed by the letter N at the start of a word (e.g. knife, knowledge).
* The letter L is silent when used before the following letters: D, F, K, L and M (e.g. talk, calm).
* The letter N is silent when followed by M at the end of a word (e.g. hymn).
* The letter P is silent at the beginning of words when it is followed by N or S (e.g. psychiatrist, pneumatic).
* The letter S is not pronounced only in the following words: island, isle.
* The letter U is not pronounced when used after G and before the following vowels: I, E (e.g. guitar, guest).
* The letter W is not pronounced when used at the start of a word and followed by the letter R (e.g. wrangler,
wrong). It also isn’t pronounced when used in the following pronouns: who, whose, whom.

Thank u sister

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Sadjia-ikram الجيريا
Thank u sister

you’re welcome sweety

thank u ^_^

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ttsounami07 الجيريا
thank u ^_^

don’t mention it

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