english 2024.

please help me i need write it out page 91

where are you please help me

if i pass my baccalauréant, i will be happy .
…………., I will go to university
………….. I will spend a great summer holiday
i will regester in الشعبة الي راك حابة تقاريها……

if i fail my baccalaureat ,I will halt my sudying
if i fail my baccalaureat ,I will be ashamed and depressed
if i fail my baccalaureat ,I will hang myself
"don’t try that" hhh"
if i fail my baccalaureate exam i’ll rpeat the yaer and try again to get it but i will work more than the laste yaer

نتمنى نكوم عاونتك

مذكرات السنة الأولى إنجليزية All Files of English 1AM 2024.

السلام عليكم
لتحميل مذكرات السنة الأولى إنجليزية
All Files of English 1AM

من هنا

test of english 2024.

FIRST Term Examination 3 ASGE /ST/M/TM

Part 1 . Reading
A-Comprehension : Read the text carefully then do the activities. 7PTS

The theft of intellectual property has become as serious for society as the theft of physical property. Not only has the problems grown in size-now accounting for $600 billion per year in counterfeit goods worldwide-but also in the range of products and the geographic scope.
Almost every successful product-pharmaceuticals, toys, spare parts for cars and aircraft, software entertainment products, clothes, cosmetics and fashion accessories-is being copied. All regions are now both production and consumption areas, and almost no country is unaffected by the problem.
Intellectual property theft has become a sophisticated industry using high technology, the Internet, and the networks and know-how of organized crime. Counterfeiting and piracy are more profitable than narcotics but without the risks; they are becoming the number one crime of the 21st century. Combating them has become a priority for society, and not just for intellectual property right holders.

The daily Telegraph
May,13th 2024
1)What type is the text? 1PT

a- a prose b- a poem c- an article

2) Are the following statements true or false? 2PTS
a-The theft of intellectual property has grown both in size and the range of products. ———–
b- Only a few successful products are being copied. ————-
c- Almost all countries are affected by counterfeiting. ————–
d- Fighting counterfeiting and piracy is not the responsibility of society. —————

3) Answer the following questions according to the text: 2PTS
a- List three products copied by counterfeiters. ——————————————————
b-what is the difference between counterfeiting and narcotics? ————————————————–
4) Choose a title that best suits the reading passage: 1PT
a- Counterfeiting is out of control.
b- The spread of intellectual property.
c- The efficient measures to fight piracy.
5) In which paragraph is it mentioned that the majority of countries are affected by imitation?

B) Text Exploration 8PTS
1- Match words with their synonyms. 1PT

1) theft
a) precedence
2) counterfeit
b) possession
3) property
c) stealing
4) priority
d) forget

2) Give the opposite keeping the same root: 1PT

Successful – honest – legal – moral. ——————– ————————————————

3) Join the following pairs using the appropriate connector: 2PTS
So ——-that – provided that
1- I do not mind if you go out for lunch. You are back for the meeting.

2- The road was wet and slippery. There were many accidents.
4) Combine the sentences expressing wishes: 2PTS
1- Someone regretting having bought fake medicines.

2- Someone desiring to live in an anti- corrupt society.

5) Express it differently: 2PTS
1- Corruption must be reduced. ————————————————
2- Peter Eigen said: “ Corruption is a major cause of poverty.”


Part Two: Written Expression 5PTS
Write a composition on one of the following topics.
Either topic one:
What should be done to combat counterfeiting?
*People must boycott fate products.
*Companies should reduce the price of their brands.
*The government must pass stringent law to fight imitation.

Or topic two:
Would you prefer genuine or copied articles? Why?


موفقون ان شاء الله

لا تنسوا الدعاء

شكرا لك اختي انوار اريد مساعدتك في الغة الانجليزية
ان اردت


بآك تجريبي ~English~ 2024.

السلام عليكم بدون إطآلة عليآ و عليكم
DaroùLna 2 sùJet nass ta3
Cheating in schools –الغش
w nass ta3
child Labour
le travail des enfants
ana 5ayart lghich

w ntOùma wach 5ayaRtoù !!

حطنا الامتحان بليييييييز ربي يوفقك ان شاء الله احنا في 12 نبداو

ahNA a3TaWeLNa la EDucATIoN w aNcient CiviLIzATION
Ana kHEyarT eDUcATIOn

إختيآر موــفق ….

حتى حنا مدولنا الحضارة الاغريقية و مدونا نص مضمونو كيفاه تأمن بقدراتك

انا خيرت الحضارة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة marwa miri الجيريا
حطنا الامتحان بليييييييز ربي يوفقك ان شاء الله احنا في 12 نبداو

nchLh le3chya neskaniiiH w n7oto

إختيآر موــفق ….


ntiii scientifiiiQùe !!

عالم الانجليزية~ مرحبا بكم لنتحدث ال english ! 2024.

Peace upon you
I wanted to dedicate this topic to speak English in order to develop our ideas in which
And I hope you like my idea of ​​this topic
= Note this topic is dedicated to chat in English in order to benefit


there one hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


there one hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

good morning
i am here


Let’s Speak ..

DID YOU write it again ??


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة كنوز المعرفة الجيريا
DID YOU write it again ??

how are you sweetyyyyyyyyyyy

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة OŲSSAMA الجيريا
Let’s Speak ..

let s goooooooo : )

i’m fine & u ? any thing new ?

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة كنوز المعرفة الجيريا
i’m fine & u ? any thing new ?

i am veryyyyyyyyy fine
gust i won t to tell you somtinggggggg

ok go on then

Review in English bac2024 مراجعة كاملة ورائعة باكلوريا 2024 2024.


بارك الله فيك

ربي ينجحكم

بارك الله فيك اخييييي سارق الاحزان


ربي يسترك خويا
بارك الله فيك
لوكان وحدة تع فرونسي كيما هاك ؟


ربي ينجحكم

شكرا جزيلا بارك الله فيك

يلا مزية خاوتي

بارك الله فيك