bac blanc astronomy 2024.

الجمهــوريـة الجــزائــريــة الديمـوقــراطيـة الشـعبيـــة امتحـان بكالوريا التجريبي دورة ماي 2024 اختبار في مـــادة الإنجليزية الموضوع الثاني
Part One: Reading a) Comprehension
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Mission to Venus or to Hell ?(An article by Michael Hanlon)

Until recently, most astronomers thought Venus was very like Earth. It is a planet roughly the same size – merely a couple of hundred miles less in diameter I with pretty much the same material. The two planets are assumed to be the same age, and both. have thick, cloudy atmospheres.
For a long time, Venus was supposed to be covered with swamps and forests. Indeed, the first. Russian probes which were sent to the planet were designed with much of these beliefs in mind. Because it was thought that much of the surface might be covered with deep, carbonated oceans, the probes were designed to float.
No swamps, no oceans, no dinosaurs. Instead, a crushing, toxic, carbon dioxide atmosphere so thick that a man suitably protected, could strap in some stubby wings and fly in it with ease.
The question is: why is Venus awful? Hopefully the unmanned craft that pill arrive next year and spend 500 days orbiting the planet and probing its atmosphere, will find out.
Three million years ago, Venus may indeed have been much more like the Earth – with oceans and even life. Those seas have long since boiled away and any life will exist as fossils in the oven-baked Venusian rocks.
Despite the "greenhouse effect" fears of some environmentalists over the use of fossil fuels, it is unlikely that Earth will turn into a Venus even if we burn every gallon of oil in Arabia. But understanding just how Venus became the place it is – in effect an Earth that went horribly ‘wrong’ – will help scientists understand climate change on Earth.
(From Daily Mail, Monday, November 7, 2024, p. 15)
1- The text is about :
a- Our planet and Venus.
b- The solar system.
2/ Are the following statements true or false?
a- Some astronomers thought that Venus was unlike Earth with different size and material.
b- Venus was supposed to be covered with soft wet lands and forests.
c- Venus may really have been similar to our planet 3 million years ago.
d- Even if life we burn every gallon of oil, it is likely that Earth will turn to Venus.
3/ Answer the following questions according to the text.
a- How did most astronomers think about Earth and Venus?
b- Explain the first Russian probes which were sent to the planet?
c- Pick out from the text 2 sentences expressing similarity and two others expressing difference.
comparison Sentences
– Similarity – ……………………
– ……………………
– Difference – …………………….
– …………………….
4/ Find in the text the words whose definitions follow
a- Animals or plants that lived thousands years ago and turned to rocks . §5
b- Areas of soft and wet lands .§2
c- Very bad or unpleasant. §4
Part two : Text Exploration
1/ Fill in the table with the missing word category
Nouns Verbs Adjectives
………………………. Assume
…………………… ……………………
2/ spot the mistake and correct it.
a- Astronomers are thinking that Venus is like Earth.
b- Scientists are understanding the effects of climate change on Earth.
3/ Give the comparative and the superlative forms of these adjectives.
Much- wet- unpleasant- -wide
4/ Rewrite sentence b so that it means the same as the one given
a- “ Life will exist only on Earth” specialists said.
b- Specialists said ………………………………..
a- The surface might be covered by oceans.
b- Oceans …………………………………………
5/ Give the plural form of these words.
Life- Crisis- size- Path-

PART TWO: Written Expression
Choose one of the following topics.
Topic 1: Do you think that life is possible in Venus or any other planet? Explain..
Topic 2: What would happen if a comet collided our planet?


بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك

موضوع باك إنجليزية جيد جداو جديد لتحضير وحدة astronomy 2024.

ملاحضة :لتحميل الملف يطلب منكم التسجيل في موقع التحميل.

هذا هورابط التحميل

Thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Thank you so much Mr Nourredine , We Appreciate Your Work , I’ll try to upload my attempt and you evaluate it

thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank uuu so much

merci bcppppppp

hello everybody ,i want juste to inform you that i shall send you the correction of the exam about ATRONOMY in 2 or 3 days

Goodluckkkkkkkk for everyone who is preparing 4 the bac exam

thanks so much

i’ll try it الجيرياالجيريا

can you pgive us the vocabulary of this unit (astronomy) and the second unit (junk food …) please i need them

and thanks againالجيرياالجيريا

بآرك الله فيك أخي

Hello Teacher , Can you give us the Correction of Your Astronomy Exam , I really need it , and i hope you put more from these exams they are simply very good

Thank you so much



Part One: Reading (…..points )
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Text : Astronomy

A)-Comprehension (07 points)
1-Are the following statements True or False according to the text?(02points)

a)-Planets, comets and meteors are studied by Archaeologists.(false

b)-Modern Astronomy is divided into: astrometry, celestial mechanics, astrophysics and cosmology.(true)
c)-A long time ago, people observed the movement of heavenly bodies.(true)
d)-Specific star groupings are called constellations.(true)

2-Answer the following question according to the textالجيريا02points)
a)- Astronomy, science dealing with all the celestial bodies in the universe, including the planets and their satellites, comets and meteors, the stars and interstellar matter, the star systems known as galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and quasars.
b)- No, it is not?
c)- The celestial pole is a fixed point in the sky around which constellations are rotating permanently.
d)-Yes, they did.

3-Complete the table below according to the textالجيريا02 points)

Branches of Astronomy
1.Astrometry →
the observational study of the positions and motions of these bodies
2.Celestial mechanics→
the mathematical study of their motions as explained by the theory of gravitation
3.Astrophysics →
the study of their chemical composition and physical condition from spectrum analysis and the laws of physics
4.Cosmology →
the study of the universe as a whole.

4-In which paragraph is it mentioned thatالجيريا01points)
►A long time ago, men noticed the regularity existing in the movement of celestial bodies.(in paragraph 3)

1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following (01point):
►heavenly (§1)=celestial
►endless (§3)=permanent

2-Complete the chart as shown in the example (01point):

Ex: to explain
To compose
To rotate

3-Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables (02points):

Telescope – Mars – Astronaut – Solar

1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables

4-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”(01point)

Bodies – planets – physics – positions


5-Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (02points):

a)- Martians are imaginary creatures from the planet Mars.
b)-In the 1600s, Galileo Galilei peered into the night sky with his newly invented telescope, recognized
mountains on the moon, and noted that other planets were spheres like Earth.

Part Two :Written Expression (…..points):

Here it depends on student’s answer.


شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااا لك

جزاكم الله خيرا أستاذ…وجعل لكم ذلك في ميزان الحسنات-ان شاء الله

بآرك الله فيك أستاذة

تحميل موضوع باك إنجليزية للشعب العلمية والتقنية لتحضيروحدة Astronomy 2024.

هذا هو رابط تحميل الملف

بالتوفيق للجميع

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركآته
أسعد الله مساءك بكل خـــير

جــزآك الله خيرا
سأحاول حــله

في أمــآن الله

وفقك الله و جعلها في ميزان حسناتك

السلآم عليكم …
جــزاكك الله خيرا أخي على المجهـود ..

أريد مقال حول Astronomy .Safety.Ethics . 2024.

السلام عليكم
الله يحفظكم شباب أريد مقال حول Astronomy .Safety.Ethics.Education
والله يحفظكم

السلام عليكم
ربي يوفقك و يوفقنا
هادو مجموعة من النصوص
انشاء الله تساعدك
Ethics ;
ethics is principles and moral’s also ethics is the set of moral rules that the professionals in any field are expected to respect when they deal either with each other or with the business,ethics represents the attitudes that individuals and firms should comply with in the actions they perform and the decisions they take at every level of their realizations.such a philosophy does not exist everywhere because it needs the existence of important conditions to apply it.
in societies where both political and cultural conditions exist for making everyone obey this practice,the main principles that those engaged in the economic branches should follow involve a good number of the qualities that have always served as the basis for civilization.among them we find the obligation to be honest and lawful in one’s activities.

corruption is dangerous and harmful for all society to sum up,the moral values in use in modern societies necessitate from businessmen and companies alike a strict observance of the different precepts on which the efficiency and the prosperity of the whole community depends.


bribery is the crime of giving or receiving something of value to influence official action.both the person giving and receiving the bribe are guilty of bribery.

bribery is illegal for two reasons:firstly,it usually involves a public official using his or her office for personal gain.secondly,it can cause officials to make unfair decisions that affect citizens.
bribery is a very old crime.there is evidence of bribery dating back more than 4,000 years.usually,a person who bribes a public official is paying to get special treatment.this special treatment can come in many forms.for example,a company might bribe an official to win a government contract.bribing a public official is the most common type of the united states,officials convicted of bribery may be fined,removed from office,and sent to prison for up to 20 years.
commercial bribery,the bribery of owners or employees of private companies,is also illegal in many places,but it is less commonly one knows how often people commit bribery,but many experts believe that most people who bribe officials are never caught.
bribery is most common in some countries or parts of countries than in others.
many countries have made it illegal to bribe officials from other countries

1حضارة بلاد مابين النهرين
Civilization developed slowly in different parts of the world. People began to settle in areas with abundant natural resources. A section of the Middle East is called the Fertile Crescent. The Fertile Crescent is a rich food-growing area in a part of the world where most of the land is too dry for farming. The Fertile Crescent is a quarter-moon shaped region that extends from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf.
Some of the best farmland of the Fertile Crescent is on a narrow strip of land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Greeks later called this area Mesopotamia, which means “between the rivers.” Many different civilizations developed in this small region. First came the Sumerians, who were replaced in turn by the Assyrians and the Babylonians. Today this land is known as IraqThe Nile River
2 الحضارة المصرية – نهر النيل-
The Gift of the Nile
Like a giant snake, the Nile River slithers through some of the driest desert on earth to isolate a narrow green valley. The Nile was also home to one of the earliest civilizations in history. Today, more than seventy million people live along the banks of the Nile, the world’s longest river. The Nile was also home to one of the earliest civilizations in history.
Ancient Egypt could not have existed without the great river. Every year, the snow in the mountains of East Africa melts, sending a torrent of water that overflows the banks of the Nile. The river picks up bits of soil and plant life called silt. The silt is dropped on the banks of the Nile as the flood recedes, and creates excellent topsoil that provides two or three crops every year. The ancient Greeks spoke with envy when they referred to Egypt as “the Gift of the Nile.”

A New Power Rises
RomanThe earliest empires had been in the east. Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Greece were all home to at least one powerful civilization. About 387BC, a city on the Italian peninsula began acquiring land and building an empire. That city was Rome. For more than one thousand years, Rome controlled the western world.
Rome grew into an empire in part because of how it treated the people it conquered. If a city was defeated by another empire, its citizens were forced from the land if they were lucky, and enslaved if they were not. Initially, the Romans extended the rights of citizenship to the people they conquered. Rome conquered many of its allies by force, but once the new people became citizens, they often joined the Roman army. Rome managed to unify most of the modern nation of Italy by 265BC.
Rome is an ideal place for a city. It is located along the banks of the Tiber River. The river made it easy to travel to and from the sea. The Tiber is very shallow near Rome. A shallow portion of a river is called a ford. The ford made it easier for people to cross the river. Seven hills surround Rome. The hills make it harder for invaders to approach the city and served as lookout areas for the Romans. Rome is also close to excellent farmland and an abundance of wood and stone. Civilizations have grown and prospered in Rome for thousands of years, which is why Rome is nicknamed “the Eternal City.”

The Astronomy Sun Science old. Held astronomers first methodological notes of the sky in the evening, was discovered Textile astronomical during periods of very early stage. However, it was necessary invention of the telescope before it turns to astronomy it is modern science. Included astronomy diverse disciplines Throughout history, such as astrometry, celestial navigation, and observational astronomy, and the development of calendars, astrology, but professional astronomy is a synonym for Physics astronomer.

Since the twentieth century, divided the field of professional astronomy to the branches of observational and theoretical. The focus of astronomy observational to collect and analyze data using the basic principles of physics. While interested in astronomy theoretical development of computer or analytical models to describe the objects and astronomical phenomena. Complements the sub to each other, as it seeks Astronomy theoretical interpretation of observational results, and use observations to emphasize the theoretical results.

Amateur astronomers and contributed in many important discoveries, where astronomy is a science that few enthusiasts can play a significant role, especially in the detection and monitoring of phenomena in transit.

السلام عليكم
ربي يوفقك و يوفقنا
هادو مجموعة من النصوص
انشاء الله تساعدك
Ethics ;
ethics is principles and moral’s also ethics is the set of moral rules that the professionals in any field are expected to respect when they deal either with each other or with the business,ethics represents the attitudes that individuals and firms should comply with in the actions they perform and the decisions they take at every level of their realizations.such a philosophy does not exist everywhere because it needs the existence of important conditions to apply it.
in societies where both political and cultural conditions exist for making everyone obey this practice,the main principles that those engaged in the economic branches should follow involve a good number of the qualities that have always served as the basis for civilization.among them we find the obligation to be honest and lawful in one’s activities.

corruption is dangerous and harmful for all society to sum up,the moral values in use in modern societies necessitate from businessmen and companies alike a strict observance of the different precepts on which the efficiency and the prosperity of the whole community depends.


bribery is the crime of giving or receiving something of value to influence official action.both the person giving and receiving the bribe are guilty of bribery.

bribery is illegal for two reasons:firstly,it usually involves a public official using his or her office for personal gain.secondly,it can cause officials to make unfair decisions that affect citizens.
bribery is a very old crime.there is evidence of bribery dating back more than 4,000 years.usually,a person who bribes a public official is paying to get special treatment.this special treatment can come in many forms.for example,a company might bribe an official to win a government contract.bribing a public official is the most common type of the united states,officials convicted of bribery may be fined,removed from office,and sent to prison for up to 20 years.
commercial bribery,the bribery of owners or employees of private companies,is also illegal in many places,but it is less commonly one knows how often people commit bribery,but many experts believe that most people who bribe officials are never caught.
bribery is most common in some countries or parts of countries than in others.
many countries have made it illegal to bribe officials from other countries

1حضارة بلاد مابين النهرين
Civilization developed slowly in different parts of the world. People began to settle in areas with abundant natural resources. A section of the Middle East is called the Fertile Crescent. The Fertile Crescent is a rich food-growing area in a part of the world where most of the land is too dry for farming. The Fertile Crescent is a quarter-moon shaped region that extends from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf.
Some of the best farmland of the Fertile Crescent is on a narrow strip of land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Greeks later called this area Mesopotamia, which means “between the rivers.” Many different civilizations developed in this small region. First came the Sumerians, who were replaced in turn by the Assyrians and the Babylonians. Today this land is known as IraqThe Nile River
2 الحضارة المصرية – نهر النيل-
The Gift of the Nile
Like a giant snake, the Nile River slithers through some of the driest desert on earth to isolate a narrow green valley. The Nile was also home to one of the earliest civilizations in history. Today, more than seventy million people live along the banks of the Nile, the world’s longest river. The Nile was also home to one of the earliest civilizations in history.
Ancient Egypt could not have existed without the great river. Every year, the snow in the mountains of East Africa melts, sending a torrent of water that overflows the banks of the Nile. The river picks up bits of soil and plant life called silt. The silt is dropped on the banks of the Nile as the flood recedes, and creates excellent topsoil that provides two or three crops every year. The ancient Greeks spoke with envy when they referred to Egypt as “the Gift of the Nile.”

A New Power Rises
RomanThe earliest empires had been in the east. Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Greece were all home to at least one powerful civilization. About 387BC, a city on the Italian peninsula began acquiring land and building an empire. That city was Rome. For more than one thousand years, Rome controlled the western world.
Rome grew into an empire in part because of how it treated the people it conquered. If a city was defeated by another empire, its citizens were forced from the land if they were lucky, and enslaved if they were not. Initially, the Romans extended the rights of citizenship to the people they conquered. Rome conquered many of its allies by force, but once the new people became citizens, they often joined the Roman army. Rome managed to unify most of the modern nation of Italy by 265BC.
Rome is an ideal place for a city. It is located along the banks of the Tiber River. The river made it easy to travel to and from the sea. The Tiber is very shallow near Rome. A shallow portion of a river is called a ford. The ford made it easier for people to cross the river. Seven hills surround Rome. The hills make it harder for invaders to approach the city and served as lookout areas for the Romans. Rome is also close to excellent farmland and an abundance of wood and stone. Civilizations have grown and prospered in Rome for thousands of years, which is why Rome is nicknamed “the Eternal City.”

The Astronomy Sun Science old. Held astronomers first methodological notes of the sky in the evening, was discovered Textile astronomical during periods of very early stage. However, it was necessary invention of the telescope before it turns to astronomy it is modern science. Included astronomy diverse disciplines Throughout history, such as astrometry, celestial navigation, and observational astronomy, and the development of calendars, astrology, but professional astronomy is a synonym for Physics astronomer.

Since the twentieth century, divided the field of professional astronomy to the branches of observational and theoretical. The focus of astronomy observational to collect and analyze data using the basic principles of physics. While interested in astronomy theoretical development of computer or analytical models to describe the objects and astronomical phenomena. Complements the sub to each other, as it seeks Astronomy theoretical interpretation of observational results, and use observations to emphasize the theoretical results.

Amateur astronomers and contributed in many important discoveries, where astronomy is a science that few enthusiasts can play a significant role, especially in the detection and monitoring of phenomena in transit.

بارك الله فيك يا غالي وجزاك الله خيرا

thank you very much

تحميل موضوع باك إنجليزية للشعب العلمية والتقنية لتحضيروحدة Astronomy 2024.

هذا هو رابط تحميل الملف

بالتوفيق للجميع


بارك الله فيك


Thank you soooooooooooooo much
May Allah save you

my regards الجيريا

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
God blees you

Thank you so much for the efforts. But I’d like to say something about how to prepare exams.
one of the questions is no longer dealt with in this new programme.It is the one of ""How many sentences are there in the second paragraph. Try not to use it to build your exams.Thank you very much again..


merci bc jazakoum alahou khayraa

this is a new BAC EXAM about ASTRONOMY 2024.


click on the link below…OMY___BY_.html

this is another BAC EXAM for your friends in FOREIGN ********S AND PHILOSOPHY…ON__3AS__.html

عند تحميلكم للملف وطبعه ،إتصلوا بزملائكم لنسخ الموضوع


Thank u very much sir but we still wait for correction of last subject

Astronomy main vocabulary 2024.

May Allah save you


Jazaka Allaho khairan


استاد اريد ان اقدم لك هدية بما انك تقدم لنا هده الوتائق الرائعة تفضل هادا البرنامج الدي يمنع الاعلانات وكتيرا ما تكون سيئىة عند التحميل او عند التصفح فقط قم بالدخول هنا وinstaler le ويا استاد انا مجربه صدقني انه اكتر من رائع لانه لا يتقل النترنت ولا شيئ

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu الجيريا


بَارَكـ الله فيكـ …اُستـــَاذ

بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك استاذ

مشكور استاذ

بورك فيك استآذنا الغآلي وجزاك اله عنا الف خير

thank you so much …may "Allah" bless you