لي banc فل anglais 2024.

1 origin……originate………………
2 …………..enjoy………………….
3 …………..criticise……………….
4 ……………………………able
6 ……………equip………………..
7 life………………………………..
8 …………..excite………………..

حلولي هادي هادي تاني عندها قاعدة يا جماعة

( noun-making (-tion, -ity, ment . etc
(adjective-making (-ious, -al ,ing .. ory .able .. ed etc

في الاسماء == (noun)

tion مثل explaination
ity مثل ability
ment مثل equipment


ious مثل mysterious
al مثل original
ing مثل exiciting
ory مثل explainatory
able مثل enjoyable

pronunciation و هي تاع النطق و مطلوبة في bac
تعريف == هوما كلمات يعطوهوملنا باش نديروهم ف الجدول و هي كلمات كلها في الجمع
نتا دروك كل كلمة تصيب فبها es يعني الجمع نتا شوف قبل es شاكاين يعني الحرف الي قبل es
مثل fixes ها مالا نتا تدي x و دروك نعطيكم القاعدة

s/ == il ya P ..T..K ..F /
Z/ == il ya B..D..G..V….L..R..M..N/
iz/ == il ya ie…ss..x..ch..s/

rises like / S
fixes like / x
kisses ayy rabi الجيريا like / ss هادوا قاع /z/
wishes like / sh
watches like /ch
tries like /ies


العنوان لي حطيتو بايخ بزاف
و اكيد واحد ما يساعدك الا اذا حب يدير فيك وجه ربي
لازم نحتارمو بعضنا البعض قدر الامكان
و شكرا اخي العزيز
ارجو ان تعد كلامي هذا نصيحة
وليس اطراء

*=== (( ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد )) ===*
شكرا اخي على المعلومات القيمة

عندها الصح ايمان الله فيق روحك شويا مالك هكدا مداير

anglais 2024.

l’anglais langue ètrangers p19 n 1 et 2 svvvvp ghadi dirhouna devoira alor j besoin d’aide

[]Act. One (p.19)

I was born in the Kasbah of Algiers in 1949. My father was a docker: he
used to work in the docks, loading and unloading ships. He used to go to work

early in the morning and to come back home late in the evening without getting
any wages. At the time, stevedores used to pay French foremen on the docks
to get a day’s work, but my dad never paid. So he didn’t use to get work every
day. Mum used to cry but poor old dad never used to say a word. I remember,
money was always the problem.
My sister Zohra and I didn’t have toys. So we used to go down the steep
and narrow alleys of the Kasbah to spend the day in the French quarter near the
harbour. All day long, we used to look at the toys displayed in shopwindows
and envy the children of the French colonists playing in the park

Act. Two (p.19)

If I am elected to office, I’m going to improve the standards of life in our
town. First, I’m going to raise the salaries by 20 per cent ….
Moreover, I’m going to take a lot of measures to protect the environment and
the health of our citizens. I’m going to …
Finally, I’m going to improve our health system. I’m going to build two
thousand flats


mrrrrrrrc ma soeur

l’un des meilleurs sites pour reviser anglais 2024.

il y’a un site qui s’appel anglais facile et il est l’un des meilleurs sites pour reviser anglais
visitez le site et render moi votre avis.
desoler j’ai pas pu mettre le lien car je suis nouveau

Ouais , c un bon site , mrç ^^

non c’est un site …….

ok merciiiiii


aide en anglais pliiiiiz 2024.

اريد التمرين 3 صفحة 157 من كتاب الإنجليزية
SVP aidez moi c’est mon devoir

ماتى تحتاجينه اذا تنتظري الى المساء سوف اضع لك جميع مذكرات الانجليزية فيها حلول تمارين الكتاب هذه المذكرات يستعملها الاستاذ…في تسيير برنامجه

إذا عندك وقت
pask c’est tros tard

anglais 3assoula toula 2024.

7aba nkamlou révision dorka ida raki hna aft7é s k y p e

dzl féfé lber7 l connx ra7t par tt 3andna w ma3raftch kifah na3lmk dsl dsl dsl w lprojét ta3na oui dirtu w çv pr le moment twa7achtkkkkkkkkkkk

oké chériee madabyaa mm ana twa7chtak bazeeeef alors conécté lila urgent stppp

projet de anglais 2024.

1/Nobel peace prize winners over the past ten years
الفائزون بجائزة نوبل للسلام على مدى السنوات العشر الماضية

2/two biographies about two nobel peace prize winners and statements of their achievements
سيرتين عن اثنين من الفائزين بجائزة نوبل للسلام وتصريحات وإنجازاتهم

3/a list about candidates for nobel peace from algeria or aboad for next year
حول قائمة المرشحين لجائزة نوبل للسلام من الجزائر أو في الخارج للعام القادم

4/two biographies about two candidates and their statements of achaivement

hada projet nasha9oo please


When Alfred Nobel died on December 10, 1896, it was discovered that he had left a will, dated November 27, 1895, according to which most of his vast wealth was to be used for five prizes, including one for peace.
According to Nobel’s will, the Peace Prize shall be awarded to the person who :
“ …shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses ‘’
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five persons who are chosen by the Norwegian Storting (Parliament of Norway), Oslo, Norway.


Nobel Prize winners
year The winner
2024 Jimmy Carter
2024 Shirin Ebadi
2024 Wangari Maathai
2024 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Mohamed ElBaradei
2024 Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank
2024 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.
2024 Martti Ahtisaari
2024 Barack H. Obama
2024 Liu Xiaobo
2024 Liberian president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, peace activist Leymah Gbowee, and Yemeni resistance leader Tawwakul Karmaan.

………………………………………….. …………..

President Barack Obama

Background Information

Date of Birth : 4 August 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Birth Name: Barack Hussein Obama II
Nickname: Barry /Bama / Rock / The One / No Drama Obama
Family:* Wife: Michelle
*2 Children: Malia, Sasha
Religion: United Church of Christ

Education: JD, Harvard Law School, 1991
BA, Columbia University, 1983

*Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States.
His story is the American story — values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and
education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.
With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He was raised with help from his grandfather, who served in Patton’s army, and his grandmother, who worked her way up from the secretarial pool to middle management at a bank.
He was elected the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2024, and sworn in on January 20, 2024. He and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia, and Sasha.

A list of potential candidates for Nobel Peace Prize from Algeria

Abdelaziz Bouteflika (born March 2, 1937) is the ninth President of Algeria.

*Participated in resisting the French occupation, as a member of the National liberation Army
*Promotion of Arab unity and to ensure international recognition of the Algerian border and restore the control of natural resources
Amine zeroual
(born July 3, 1941) Previous President of Algeria
Lakhdar Ibrahimi
(born January 1, 1934)


Nobel Peace Prize is one of more importance prizes in the world, it awards for the best work for peace.
Finally peace remains something sacred does not need an award for his appreciation.


شكرااا اختي جزاكي اللهم خيرا

شكـــــــــرا جزيلا لك
استفدت من معارفكم
بارك الله فيكم

merciii beaucoup


ممكن افيدكــــــــــــــــــــــــم


هاك بحث فور و جاهز و كل شىء
بالتوفيق :/


المشروع على صيغة PDF و هو من تجميعي

nobel pice prize PDF

شكرا لكم جميعا


شكـــــــــرا جزيلا لك
بارك الله فيكم

شكـــــــــرا جزيلا لك
بارك الله فيكم

لم تطلب منا المعلمة انجازه

capes anglais help 2024.

السلام عليكم
انا أستاد لغة إنجليزية و مقبل على الترسيم فمادا علي ان افعل

i think i can help you
but how can i contact you?
tell me when can we meet?

I think that your inspector has already told you about the official documents .There are five :
1- TEXT BOOK ( cahier de texte de la classe )

2- LOG BOOK ( cahier journal)

3- LESSON PLAN ( fiche)

4- YEARLY PLANNING ( repartition)
-5 GRADE BOOK )cahier de notes(

6- TRAINING BOOK (Cahier de formation (celui des séminaires et journées pédagogiques)

If you need sth just send me a message.

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة yougen الجيريا
If you need sth just send me a message.

thank you friend,
can you send me the lesson plans, i teach first year and second year classes. units ( waste not , want not. make peace for literary stream and getting through )

merci rani tracemt

salam i need help if you can send me lesson plan and unit plan of 2 /3 year

visit this site you will find every thing you need

st correction de l anglais pour savoir 2024.

ki peu laissé la correction de bac 2024 englais plzz

loooool khelii berk !! mddr

اه من الانجليزية ماجيت نخلصها حتى خلصتني

والله ندبتلها تاع الصح والله من 4 اكبر علامة عندي

الصح الصح انا خدمت الموضوع الاول ولقيتوا صعيب

اه اه اه اه اه اه اه اه اه انا الحااااابسة مانفهم والوا

ana khdamt sujet nta3 education wa rana halinah fi les cours dija

"ceriously"… cheftou te3 civ (Damascus!??
ana dertou whssalt xD
nchallah rabbi ijdjib el khiir :s

Ana Dert Educatiion f USA…haayel hmd

true true flase false

true true flase false

quelle sujet kho?

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة kayou2016 الجيريا
ana khdamt sujet nta3 education wa rana halinah fi les cours dija

اختي واش درتي في صح ولا خطا في الموضوع2 راني نستنا في ردك


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة bac2016/2016 الجيريا
اختي واش درتي في صح ولا خطا في الموضوع2 راني نستنا في ردك

true true flase false

وانا درت ف الايدوكايشن ترو ترو فولس ترو

oui moi aussi j fait comme ca

واش درت مادموزال امال

et pour tant c’est true true false true :s