ممكن مساعدة في الانجليزية رجاءا عليها التقويم write it up 2024.

p68 write it up الجيريا

ladies and gentelemen this is our new type of solar home. it is better than other homes because it is environnetally friendly.it is totally operated by solar energy .
first of all.during winter out side air is captured by warm glass roof pamels
secondly this warm air is forced down by an air hanfling unit into a water tank.next,the water in the tank is heated and greated quantities of warm air are released then the hot air is sent down a duct in under-floor area.besids the warm air is risen .moreover some of heated air is absorbed by concrete slab and it is released at night.finally the process is resersed during summer hadi hiya al fa9ra w nahno filkhidma


Ladies and gentlemen….
During winter, ouside air is captured by warm glass roof panels. Then,
warm air is forced down into a water tank by an air handling unit.
Next, the water in the tank is heated and greater quantities of warm water
air are released. The hot air is then sent down a duct to the crawlspace in
under-floor area. After that, warm water rises through floor registers to the
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living space. Some of the heated air is absorbed by concrete slabs . It is
released at night. This process is reversed during summer.


Ladies and gentlemen
During winter, ouside air is captured by warm glass roof panels. Th
warm air is forced down into a water tank by an air handling unit.
Next, the water in the tank is heated and greater quantities of warm water
air are released. The hot air is then sent down a duct to the crawlspace in
under-floor area. After that, warm water rises through floor registers to the
living space. Some of the heated air is absorbed by concrete slabs . It is
released at night. This process is reversed during summer.

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