فقرة الفساد بالانجليزية corruption 2024.

هذه فقرة الفساد بالانجليزية
اذا كان السؤال يقول اكتب فقرة على الفساد اكتبها
واذا قالك اكتب فقرة على الفساد واعطاك معلومات لتضعها في الفقرة فيكفيك كتابة المقدمة و الخاتمة و يكون العرض حسب السؤال

مقدمة : each country suffers from different problems , political ,social , economic and cultural …ect , and from the most various problems we can mention corruption , this phenomenon has spread all over the world and especially in the underdeveloped countries
العرض : however ,corruption is to use dishonestly your position or power for you own advantage and to give the priority to your family or rich people and even to your friends, and this is what made a war between people living in one country just like what happend in tunisia , libya .. because of the conditions of life which are applied only an a category of people , fortunately, many persons have became aware about their rights and their duties and they started asking for them in civilized ways
الخاتمة:so, every one of us must be conscious about this phenomenon and we should put the suitable person in the right place as we should also use our power and capacities for the benifits of our country and all the humanity

شكرا تكفي و الدعاء لنجاح في البكلوريا
غدا اضع فقرة التزوير و الحضارات

chokran walah ynjahna kamlin

j veu te dir merci et esk tu peu laché une autre education

corruption is an evil that must be fight now

thank you i hope succeed for all

شكرا بارك الله فيك فقرة راااااائعة خويا

بإنتظار باقي الفقرات ..

thanx a lot
nchalah najah lina kamel

thank you its a great paragraphe wait more

بارك الله فيكم

اذا ممكن فقرات الوحدة تاع التعليم

thank you i hope succeed for all

thanks i hope succeed for all 3ll

يا رب سهل علينا

merciiiiiiiiiiiii bcppppppppppp rabi ynajahkommmmmmmmm nchlh

Corruption is a phenomenon of our societies satisfactory prevail at this time, since it destroys the spirit of creativity and ideas of sabotaging societies and calls to action Harm, which DASHES value of ethics, such as: theft – bribery – lying and forgery, and this type of corruption …….-( ) – Known to widen not limited in our current and departments and jobs.
To combat this degree of damage must first return to the teachings of religion and obedience to God and His Prophet and the establishment of an educated generation knows how serious this damage and awareness of the need to move away from the acquisition of a new methodology in life to replace these negatives other people with the positive aspects and the fight against evil spread by all means
هذه ايضا اعجبتني فاردت ان اشرككم بها

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