عاونوني عاندي الاربعاء الساعة الاولى 2024.

اريد فقرة في اللغة الانجلزية صفحة 63 الموجودة في اطار ازرق الله انجحكم عاونوني راهي فيها نقاط و انا منعرف والو في الانجلزية

we make our sincere apologies for the damage cause by the wreck of the exxon valdez yesterday .we promise that 2024 workers will be recruited by our company soon to turn the beach into its first state . we will also do our best so that oil will be recuperated birds will be washed out and beaches will be claened . in addition marine life will be restored tourist industry will be compensated for its losses and hotel workers will be employed by the company.i confirm that these promises will be realized soon so do not worry

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