تخطى إلى المحتوى

الى mano angil 2024.

  • بواسطة

ها هي الوضعية يا منار
last friday at 16 30 in elhajeb . there was a trafic accident .there were 2 died women and 2 injured who were taken to the hospital . a bus was carrying 20 people . a car overtook it. alorry come opposite the bus . tha bus driver was speaking a very short moment the accident happen . the police arrived they were investigating . the traffic blok lated 1 hour and half.الجيريا

last friday at 16. 30 in elhajeb . there was a trafic accident .there were 2 died women and 2 injured who were taken to the hospital . a bus was carrying 20 people . a car overtook it. a lorry comes opposite the bus . ths bus driver was speaking in a very short moment the accident happen . the police arrived they were investigating . the traffic block lated 1 hour and half.
اميلة راني صححتلك شويا اخطاء ممكن كي كنتي تكبي غلطتي

شكرآآآ ليكم حبوباتي ألف شكرررر

الجيرياشكرا ليك مروة راهي ايما لي كتبتهالي

ااا عليها

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