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The 3rd English Exam for 2nd year 2024.

Part One: Reading & Interpreting
Read the passage carefully then answer the questions.

-At tow minutes to noon on 1 September 1923, the great clock in Tokyo stopped. Tokyo Bay shook as is a huge rug had been pulled from under it. Towering above the bay, 4,000-metre Mount Fuji stood above a deep trench in the sea. It was from this trench that the earthquake came, at a magnitude of 8.3 on Richter scale.

-The sea drew back for few moments. Then, a huge wave swept over the city. Boats were carried inland, and buildings and people were dragged out to sea. The tremors dislodged part( of a hillside which gave way , brushing trains, statoins and bodies into the water below. Large sections of the sea-bed sank 400 metres; the land rose by 250 metres in some places and sank in others. Three massive shocks wrecked the cities of Tokyo and Yokohama and, during the next six hours, there were 171 aftershoks.

-The casualties were enormous, but there were also some lucky survivors. The most remarkable was a woman who was having a bath in her room on Tokyo Grand Hotel. As the hotel collapsed, she and her bath gracefully descended to the street, leaving both her and the bathwater intact.
(frome earthqaukes and volcanoes: S.Steel)

1- How many sentences are there in 2nd paragraph?
2- Are these statements true or false?
a- the earthquake happened during the day.
b- The earthquake started in the city.
c- The first three shocks were followed by great number of aftershoks.
d- there were few victims.
3- Answer the following quetions according to the text:
a- Which cities were damaged by the earthquake?
b- What happened to the land and the sea-bed?
4- Whach title is the appropriate?
a- A Lucky Woman.
b- A Devastating Earthquake.
c- A Storm in Tokyo Bay.
5- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:

Text Exploration:
1- Supply punctuation and capitals where necessary.
the pollution of our enviroenment by industial wastes solid wastes and oil spills is worrying many scientists
2- Spot the mistakes and correct them:
a- If she missed the bus, she will not attend the meeting.
b- I can’t preventing you from refusing.
3- Complete sentences "b" so that it means the same as snetence "a" .
a- Atomic energy is replacin oil.
b- oil……………………………….
a- " Do you study hard this year?" , he said to me.
b- He asked me if ………………………………………..
a- If he didn’t forget his cheque, he would withdraw money from the bank.
b- unless…………………………………….. ………
4- Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph.
a- Important measures were taken by the government.
b- It destroyed the whole town.
c- At midnight a violent earthquake awakened people.
d- to rescue and help the victims.
5- Classify the following word accordin to the pronunciation of their finel "ed" :
Stopped – pulled – wrecked – collapsed – descended – dragged

Part Tow: Situation of Itegration
Use the guide lines below to tell a story about a disaster (an earthquake, fire, a gas, explosion…) you witnessed in your lifetime
*It was in (year, month, season)
* where were you?
*what happened?
*describe what you’ve seen aroud you when the disaster had happened (use the past simple an past perfect)

Good luck and thnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ……………selma……………………….

هذا هو بعد اللي درناه في الفرض ………………….وربي يوفقك نشاله تدي مليح فيه………………شكراااااااااا.

سلمى لكان درتو تاع الفرنسية ابعثيه ربي خليك ……………………….

ايش سلمى شو ردك علي؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ظظ

Thanx a lot

تاع الفرنسية مازال مادرناهش
لعشية هاذي نديروه و نكتبوا بربي ان شا الله
and you’re welcome

ربي يعيشك سلمى راني نسنا فيك لعشيا …….باي.

راني نسناك بفارغ الصبر

thanks so much selma

Never mined perla


بعدا اليوم درنا ه في الاختبار وغادي ندي مليح ان شاء الله شكررررررررررررررررا جزيلا اختاه
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شكرا لك على المجهود بالتوفيق ان شاء الله

thnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a lot my best friend
i think it easy i hope to answer there

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