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Project N 2 Of Englesh 2024.

PROJECT n° = 02 :

ConduCting a survey about people’s mobile habits
-The questionnaire
– The interview
-The questionnnaire results

The questionnaire:

Name : …………………………
– put a cross in the appropriate box:
– Answer the following questions:
1- Do you have a mobile ?
2- if no do you like to have one ?
3- Do you think that mobile is necessary in present day ?
4- if yes why ?
5- What do you use your mobile for ?
6- How many time do you spend at speaking with the mobile ?
7- Do you prefer use simple or smart mobile ?
8- Why ?
The interview:
A: Exuse me, sir, My names is Abdelkader …. I’m doing a survey on people’s the use mobile habits. May I ask you a few questions ?
B: Of course. Go ahead.
A: Thank you. First, what’s your name?
B: My name is … Ahmed.
A: How old are you Mr. Ahmed ?
B: Im 30 years old.
A: Do you have a mobile ?
B: Yes, I have one.
A: Do you think that mobile is necessary in present day ?
B: Of course it is very important.
A: Why ?
B: because it enable us to communicate quickly with others and in any place in the world.
A: What do you use your mobile for ?
B: I use it to communicate with my family.
A: Great. My next question is how many time do you spend at speaking with the mobile ?
B: About half an hour.
A: Ok. Do you prefer use simple or smart mobile ?
B: I prefer use simple mobile.
A: Why ?
B: Because smart phones difficult to use.
A: Thank you very much for answering my questions. Goodbye.
B: you’re welcome. Goodbye.

The questionnnaire results:

The use mobile habits quistionnaire results
Number of informants : 40 Age : 18-40
Q1: yes (16)
Q2: yes (04)
Q3: yes (20)
Q4: to communicate quickly (14) for work (05) for emergencies (01)
Q5: for communicate (14) for games (04) for recall dates (02)
Q6: 5 min (05) 30 min (15) 1h (05)
Q7 : simple mobile (15) smart mobile (05)
Q8: easy to use (15) to sheer off (05)
Q1: yes (19)
Q2: yes (01)
Q3 : yes (20)
Q4: to communicate quickly (10) for work (05) for emergencies (05)
Q5: for communicate (10) for games (05) for recall dates (05)
Q6: 5 min (01) 30 min (10) 1h (09)
Q7: simple mobile (17) smart mobile (03)
Q8: easy to use (17) to sheer off (03)

The report:

-I questioned forty (40) male and female between 18 and 40 to know why they use the mobile. I asked them if they have mobile thirty five (35) said yes. I asked them if If they want to have one, four (04) told me yes, one (01) of them told me no. when I asked them did they think that mobile is necessary in present day all the informants answered yes, when I asked them why, twenty four (24) told me that to communicate quickly, ten (10) of them said that for work, while six (06) of them said that for emergencies. When I asked them what did they use their mobiles twenty four (24) said that to communicate, nine (09) of them said that for play games while seven (07) of them told me that for recall dates. I asked them how many time spend at speaking with the mobile, six (06) told me that they spend five (05) minutes, twenty (20) of them told me that they spend hour an half, while fourteen said that they spend one hour. When I asked them if they prefer use simple or smart mobile thirty two (32) said that they prefer use simple mobile, while eight (08) of them said that they prefer use smart mobile. When I asked them why, thirty two (20) told me that because simple mobile easy to use, eight (08) of them told me that just to sheer off.
-As expected, my survey showed that most of those who asked them have mobile, I also found that most mobile users use it to communicate, My survey also showed that simple mobile is the most widely used.

اين الردود هذا جزائييييييييي ?

شكْرآأإ جزيلاَ ،

شكرا جزيلا على الطرح
كنت محتاجة لافكار
مشكورة على الجهد

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة bouchrafrs الجيريا
شكرا جزيلا على الطرح
كنت محتاجة لافكار
مشكورة على الجهد

No Problem Chriè ♥

شكرا على الموضع القيم

الجيريا[الجيرياالجيرياالجيرياالجيرياoooooooooo thank u soooooooooo much u gave me such a big help thanks a looooooooooooooooot

لاَ شُكْرَ عَلَى وَاجبْ

شكرا جزيلا
thank you so much

بارك الله فيك

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