Sorry we didn’t do it yet ……. but I’ll try to help you
مازولنا ملحقناش ليهوم مي اني فارغة شغل اني دوحتلك عليهوم
haw wach l9it
Abc –American broadcasting Company __ it’s a commercial broadcast television network
A-bomb __ Atomic bomb (atom bobm) __
BBc__british broadcasting corporation
Cia__Central intelligence Agency
CNN__Cable News Network
MbC__ Meaning Based Computing
FBI __ Federal bureauof invistigation
Gb___ Great Britain
NbA __national basketball Association
PTa__ Parent-teatcher association
Ua __ United Kingdom
WbA__ West Bromwich Albion
Opec__organization of the petroleum Exporting Contries
ان شاء الله نكون افدتكي و لو بالقليل