This is a Reading and Writing audio-visual sample lesson made by Mr. SAADI Redouane for a seminar under the supervision of Mr. Benelhadj . It was designed for trainee teachers on November 15th, 2024 at Bouguerra Secondary School, Chlef, Algeria
Good Luck for the Trainees
شـــــــــكــــــراا لــك
ســأرى في الــمــوضــوع
بـــاركــ فــيــكــ الــمــولـى
Thank you for passing by and commenting. May God bless you
God bless you thanks a lot can you direct us to useful sites especially 3 rd year
Just click on my signature and if there are any difficulties, try to contact me
Thank you, sir
allah bless you thats very kind from u
My duty towards you. Thank you for passing by and commenting
بليز انا راني محتاجة بحث في الانجليزية حولmake peace وpeace in the world
راني محتاجتو غدا بليييز عاونوني وربي يجازيكم