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Level: MS4 2024.

Level: MS4
Formal Test n°2 (1st Term)
Preparation for the test is very important and starts at home. Preparation is the work that pupils do before the test. But just how you go about it? The majority of the pupils revise for exams alone. This method may possibly be suitable for some children, but on the other hand it may well be the cause of the failure of many others.
Children who revise in groups may have better chances of success than those who revise alone. When they work in groups, they help one another by asking and answering questions that they might have in exams. Group preparation may also reduce stress if the children practise under test conditions.
Prof Malcolm Kane-University of Texas(on the move)

Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questionsالجيريا5pts)
1– What is the text about?
2- How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3- How does the Prof define the word “preparation”? (What is preparation?)
4- How do most of the pupils revise for exams?
5- What is better according to the Prof, to revise in groups or alone?
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1.5pts)
A lot of= ……………..begins= …………….most of = ………………
B- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1.5pts)
after≠………………worse‡ ……………….failure ‡………………..
Section Two:A-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(1 pt)
B- Complete with: can – can’t- may – might – could – will be able to(3pts)
The sky is cloudy now. It ….(1)…. rain.
When I was young, I …..(2)…… run very fast.
There are no clouds in the sky, but it…..(3)…. rain. The weather is very cold.
This bag is very heavy. I ….(4)…… lift it.
Parrots …..(5)…… speak.
If I take some English lessons, I ……..(6)……… speak it fluently.
C-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters: test – mean – may –really – better –they –stress – very – explain (2 pts)


Part Twoالجيريا6pts)

Written Expression. Fill in the blanks so that the text makes sense.

For many ………… exam time is the most stressful part of the school year. First, if you start ……… early, you will reduce stress. Then, don’t ……… until the exam nears and your preparation ……… be well organised. ………, it’s very important to be in ……….. mental and physical conditions for the exam.



merci beaucoup

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