تخطى إلى المحتوى

In English pleassss 2024.

  • بواسطة

featines e-mail smail-mail
faster *
cheaper *
mere interesting *
less coniounner *
less consiounere *
use the information in the table bases and write a short paragraphe about your perefrence instof your preference ??????????????
ارجووووووووووووووكم ساعدونيييييييييييي

featines .. e-mail smail-mail
faster *
cheaper *
mere interesting *
less personel *
less coniounner *

موفق ان شاء الله

موفق ان شاء الله

I prefer sending messages by e-mail than sending them by snail mail because
,first , e -mail is faster and cheaper than snail mail
then it is more interesting than snail mail

go to page : 168
unit one-scrip 2

This lesson is boring

can you help me in the activity 3 page 18 in english

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