تخطى إلى المحتوى

i need your help.quickly plz 2024.

Salam kamel…. asamhouli ida 9ala9tkom mais 3andi projet f Anglais ….
nahtajkom t3awnouni chwi
donc lprojet 3la Survey
wana rayha ndir 3la earthquakes
laprojet raw kayan f le livvre 2eme annee secondaire la page 132
chofo nahtaj 10 questiob m3a i9tirahat yahdro 3la earthquakes
svp zido choofo f le livre dork tafhmo b1 wllh nahtaj lmosa3ada ok dsllll


ana tani ndawar 3la paragrafe 3la earthquakes

ida kashma lgiti golili plz

nchllh khti mais ana machi paragraphe
ana nahtaj des question par exemple
what are the causes of earthquqke?
a/ natural causea
human causes
road accident

nahtaj kima hak

Winkom a3dha2

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