تخطى إلى المحتوى

I need your help 2024.

السلام عليكم

اريد أهم الاساليب لمحاربة الفساد على شكل عناصر بالاننجليزية لكي يسهل علي حفضها

و شكرا

يا اخي في اي مجال تريد اهم الاساليب؟؟؟

– teaching moral values
– encourage honest people
– making social justice and fair
– applicate stricter laws

. To hold a youth rally annually for all youth members of Botswana-

. To work with Village Development Committees countrywide to combat corruption at village level within local committees-
Publicity in the form of posters, stationary and clothing that bear anti corruption messages-

had wech lgiiit a khoya

What is the meaning WECH

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