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HELP meee please in english 2024.

i need you to write an paragraph about the use fulness of the internet and its hidden daugers.. pleaseالجيرياالجيريا i needed tomorowwwwwww

I think you wrote the wrong question

sory I did not understand

كتابة فقرة تتكلم عن فائدة الانترنت ومخاطرها الخفية احتاجه غدااااااااااااااا

Internet is a new invention in the world .it is vere useful and necessary because first .it helps learner in ther studies .it is full of information. Second it informs people about all news of the world . Third .internet shortens the distance and enable people to contact each other .howver .the internet can also be dangerpos this is because it spreads contradictory ideas to oyr values also the user of internet can be victim of pirating .finnally. People must becarful when using internet
تفضلي اختي ان شاء الله تعجبك

thankkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

internet is a new invention in the world .it is very useful and necessary because first .it helps Students in their studies .it is full of information. Second it informs people about all news of the world . Third .internet shortens the distance and enable people to contact each other .however .the internet can also be dangerous this is because it spreads contradictory ideas to our values and it is Wasted time,publish inactivity and laziness . and can the user of internet be victim of pirating .finally. People must be carful when using internetthank you for your help

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