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please . 2024.

اريد المعلومات المطلوبة منا صفحة 76 في كتاب الانجليزية
بليز اريده غدا …………..

لقد وجدته لا داعي لذلك و تفضلوا المعلومات لكل من يحتاجه
Full Name: California
Capital city: Sacramento
Other important cities: Los Angeles, San Diego,
Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Berkeley, San Jose,
Eureka, Redding, Fresno, Davis, Crescent City,
Ventura, San Luis Obispo, El Centro, Indio, Palm Springs,
San Bernardino, Riverside.
Governor: Arnold Schwartzenegger.
US bordering states: Oregon, Nevada, Arizona.
Bordering countries: Mexico
Population: Estimated 37,700,000 in 2024.
Famous valley: Death valley, Silicon valley, San Joaquin valley, San Fernando valley, Napa valley.
Famous bridge: Golden Gate Bridge
Famous observatory: Mt. Palomar, Lick
Famous cinema city: Hollywood
Famous tree: Sequoia Redwood.

Full Name: California
Capital city: Sacramento
Other important cities: Los Angeles, San Diego,
Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Berkeley, San Jose,
Eureka, Redding, Fresno, Davis, Crescent City,
Ventura, San Luis Obispo, El Centro, Indio, Palm Springs,
San Bernardino, Riverside.
Governor: Arnold Schwartzenegger.
US bordering states: Oregon, Nevada, Arizona.
Bordering countries: Mexico
Population: Estimated 37,700,000 in 2024.
Famous valley: Death valley, Silicon valley, San Joaquin valley, San Fernando valley, Napa valley.
Famous bridge: Golden Gate Bridge
Famous observatory: Mt. Palomar, Lick
Famous cinema city: Hollywood
Famous tree: Sequoia Redwood.

انا كنت اريد مساعدتك لكنك وجدتيها شكرااااا


ممكن حل تمريييييين 3 ص 72 بلييييييييييييييييييز استاذتنا كتييير الصعيبة وانا أوريده ارجوووووووووووو الرد
وشكرا لكل من قام بمجهود

تمرين 3 ص 72 في مادة الانجليييييييييزية بلييييييييييييز

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asma belle الجيريا
تمرين 3 ص 72 في مادة الانجليييييييييزية بلييييييييييييز

If I pass my Brevet exam,I will go to a secondary school.If not,of course I will go to a vocational training school

Well,if I pass,I will opt for the foreign ********s stream and study for three more years.If I pass the Baccalaureat

exam,I will go to university and study to be a translator in the future.Of course I will be able,then,to tour the world

and to be famous.After that,I will get married and have a lot of children

الحمد لله الف الف شكر على الموضوع كنت محتاجتها شكرا

If I pass my Brevet exam,I will go to a secondary school.If not,of course I will go to a vocational training school

Well,if I pass,I will opt for the foreign ********s stream and study for three more years.If I pass the Baccalaureat

exam,I will go to university and study to be a translator in the future.Of course I will be able,then,to tour the world

and to be famous.After that,I will get married and have a lot of children



شكرااااااااااااااااااااااا الجيريا

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