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ارجوك(م) اريد فقرة حول الهند بالانجليزية موجودة في الكتاب
لكل من لديه فلا يبخل علي



السلام عليكم اختي حنا ما زل ما درناهاش بصح اعطيني الصفحة بلاك نجم نعاونك .بصح غي خفي اختي نقرا دروك

حسنا لا عليك في امان الله

صحا في امان الله اختي

في اي صفحة موجودة

One of the oldest civilization of the world India, Only an Indian can feel and say what is India and what is being Indian. Where One Rickshaw Puller’s vote have the power, which can change Prime Ministers overnight. Power of one billion people of every religion and colour. Modern medical and education facilities of International standard. Indians are working for NASA to Microsoft in majority. One of the obvious choice for permanent seat in UN, We are going to rule the world in economy very soon

شكرا جزيلا نهال
لكن اريد واحدة تحتوي على ما هو موجود في تلك البطاقة

اريد فقرة حول تاج محل و هارون الرشيد


Taj Mahal is memorial for one of the greatest and sad love stories . It was a simple and beautiful story . The best description of Taj Mahal was given by Ghandi as; "This is not a grave. this is a song of marble".
Taj Mahal is a monument build by the Emperor Shah Jihan. This emperor had a beautiful, intelligent and a faithful wife called Momtaz Mahal which means the "Favorite of the Palace"..
When this wife died ,the emperor was so sad. He decided to build this great monument in her memory . The building was designed by architects from India. Persia and other Asian countries. The work started in 1632AD ,with 20.000 construction workers and continued for 22 years. It cost 40 million rubies. It is located on the located on the southern bank of Jomma River outside the Indian city of Akra. The base of the building is made of marble 29 meter-wide. It has eight faves made of white marble. In side, it is decorated with verses from the Holy Quran ,as the emperor was Muslim. The building materials were brought from all over the Muslim world. The emperor had planed a Planed a Palace for him self on the other side of the river and connected with Taj Mahal by a bridge.
Unfortunately the emperor fell sick and there was a struggle over power between his sons. His son Orngret took over. Killed the other three sons and threw his father in prison.
The emperor spent the rest of his life in prison looking sadly across the river for the temple of his past wife reflected by a mirror on pillar from his prison ,till his died in 1666 AD.

Hārūn al-Rashīd (‎; properly pronounced Hārūn ar-Rashīd; English: Aaron the Upright, Aaron the Just, or Aaron the Rightly Guided) (17 March 763 or February 766 – 24 March 809) was the fifth Arab Abbasid Caliph in Iraq. He was born in Rey, Iran, close to modern Tehran. His birth date remains a point of discussion, though, as various sources give the dates from 763 to 766).

He ruled from 786 to 809, and his time was marked by scientific, cultural and religious prosperity. Art and music Hamd o Na’at also flourished significantly during his reign. He established the legendary library Bayt al-Hikma ("House of Wisdom").[citation needed]

thank you very much swetyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

you"re welcome

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