تخطى إلى المحتوى

مكتبة الدروس و الكتب لتعليم الانجليزية 2024.

  • بواسطة


لاختبار المستوى مكتبة كبيرة من الدروس و القواعد الأساسية و التمارين لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية

من بعض المحتويات :
a & an
Am-is are
Animal Flashcards
Additional Grammar
Adverbs of Frequency
Auxilliary Verbs 1
Auxiliary Verbs 2
Basics Of English ********
Comparatives and Superlatives 3
Comparatives and Superlatives 1
Comparatives 2
Compound Nouns
Countries and Nationalities – Vocabulary List
Countable or Uncountable
Don’t & Doesn’t
Days Of The Week
Describing People – Adjectives & Opposites
Describing People – What are they like
Describing People 1
English Adjectives
English Conjunctions
English Nouns
English Preposition
English Pronouns
English Questions
English Verbs
English Phrasal Verbs
English Verb Tenses
Essential Grammar In Use Supplementary Exercises
Environment – Vocabulary list
Expressing likes and dislikes
Fewer & Less
Food – crossword
Food and Drinks 1
Food and Drinks 2
Furniture and Appliances 4
Frequent English Expressions التعبيرات الأكثر شيوعا فى المحادثة الإنجليزية
Grammar Success in 20 Minutes a Day 1
Grammar Success in 20 Minutes a Day 2
Homonyms List
Have or Has
If clauses – type 1 and 2
If clauses type 1 and 2
If-clauses 1 and 2
Indefinite Pronouns
Irregular Verbs List 1
Irregular Verbs List 2
Irregular Verbs List 3
Irregular Verbs List 4
Jim s Family Tree
Modal Verbs
Modalites ar
Months of the year 1
My Body
Numbers 1
Need & needn’t
Object Pronouns
Order of Adjectives
Passive Voice – Future
Passive Voice – Present Simple _ Past Simple – exercises
Passive Voice – Present Simple _ Past Simple
Passive Voice – Present Simple_Past Simple
Passive Voice – Tenses Explanation
Passive Voice
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Prepositions of Time
Question Tags
Quran Dictionary English
Relative Pronouns 2
Relative Pronouns 3
Relative Pronouns
Reported Speech – Imperative
Reported Speech – Past Simple & Present Perfect
Reported Speech – Present Simple_ Pres. Continuous_ Future
Reported Speech – Questions
Rooms in the house 1
She’s = is or has
Simple or Progressive
Singular or Plural
Telling the Time 2
Telling Time 3
The 4 Seasons
The Family
The House – furniture_ appliances and accessories
The Smith_s Family
The Time 1
There is or There are
The World of Work – vocabulary (no translation)
Time Prepositions and Adverbs with Present Perfect
Time Prepositions and Adverbs with Present Perfect_2
Time Prepositions and Adverbs with Present Perfect_3
Time Prepositions and Adverbs with Present Perfect_4
Types of Houses
Verb to be (cleaner version)
Verb to be
Was or Were
Will or Would
What is there
Zero article or The
….و غيرها…..

الجزء الأول


الجزء الثاني


ننتظر ردودكم


مشكور أخي على المرور

أين رابط التحميل يا صديقي ؟؟

أضغط على الصور

أين الردوود المشجعة

شكراااااااااااااااااا ويعطيك الف عاااااافية اخي

مرسي علييييييييييييييييييك خويااا

اترك تعليقاً

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