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مساعدة في English 2024.

bonne journée à tous, je tiens à proposer mon aide en anglais, je prends aussi mon bac cette année en langues et je suis très bon en anglais, j’ai étudié aux etats-unis au primaire et cem, donc si vous avez besoin d’aide (surtout en écrit) je suis ici الجيريا

Merci mon frere, rabi ywafa9koum

Thank uvery much brah!!i don t have problem in English and HL FOR ALL

Thank you _

Pour ma préparation du bac langue étrangère ;je voudrais des suggestions ;règles ;exercices…pour qui ce concerne les transformation des phrases ou bien la connections des phrases الجيرياassive voice ,active voice ; reported speech.. ;les adverbes :while,as soon as …ect

Rule one
When the main verb is in the present tense, the future or present perfect:
We can report without any change of tense.
Eg: Paul says: “I am trying to get a taxi.”
⟼ Paul says that he is trying to get taxi.
Rule two
When the main verb is in the past
We have to change the tense of the verbs used in the statement.
Present simple: “I play football”.
To Simple Past: He said that he played football
Past simple: “I played football”.
To Past Perfect: He said that he had played football
Present Perfect: “I have played football”.
To Past Perfect: He said that he had played football
Present Continuous: “I am playing football”.
To Past Continuous: He said that he was playing football
Past Continuous: “I was playing football”.
To Past perfect continuous: He said that he had been playing football.
Past Perfect: “I had played football”.
To Past Perfect: He said that he had played football.
Present perfect continuous: “I have been playing football.”
To Past perfect continuous: He said that he had been playing

Other changes
– Will
– Can
– Must
– May
– Should
– Ought to
– Would
– Could
– Had to
– Might
– Should
– Ought to
Time and place reference
– Now.
– Today.
– Tonight.
– Here.
– This.
– These.
– This week.
– Tomorrow.
– Tomorrow.
– Next week.
– Next week.
– Yesterday.
– Yesterday.
– Last week.
– Last week.
– 2 week ago.
– Then.
– That day.
– That night.
– There.
– That.
– Those.
– That week.
– The day after.
– The next (following) day.
– The week after.
– The following week.
– The day before.
– The previous day.
– The week before.
– The previous week.
– 2 week before.
Reporting question
When we report a question we use: asked, questioned, wanted to know.
There is no question mark “?”
– “Wh” question
“Wh” question are reported with the question word.
The verb has the form of normal statement.
Note: we do not use: do, does, did in the reported.
Eg: “Where are you going?”
⟼ I asked her where she was going.

Active & Passive Voice
Use of Passive:
– Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
– Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice
Form of Passive:
Subject (the Object in active) + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs) + Object (the Subject in active).
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
 the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
 the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
 the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)
Simple Present: Rita writes a letter.
– A letter is written by Rita.
Simple Past: Rita wrote a letter.
– A letter was written by Rita.
Present Perfect: Rita has written a letter.
– A letter has been written by Rita.
Future simple: Rita will write a letter.
– A letter will be written by Rita.
Modals: Rita can write a letter.
– A letter can be written by Rita.
Present Progressive (Continuous): Rita is writing a letter.
– A letter is being written by Rita.
Past Progressive (Continuous): Rita was writing a letter.
– A letter was being written by Rita.
Past Perfect: Rita had written a letter.
– A letter had been written by Rita.
Future perfect: Rita will have written a letter.
– A letter will have been written by Rita.
Conditional simple: Rita would write a letter.
– A letter would be written by Rita.
Conditional perfect: Rita would have written a letter.
– A letter would have been written by Rita.
– I
– She
– He
– It
– You
– We
– They
– Me
– Her
– His
– It
– You
– Us
– Them

يا اخي هل تعتقد انك ساعدتنا بهدا التلخيص لو كانت بالشرح كان افضل ولو وضعت تمارين لكل درس ونعطيك الحل وتنقط بنفسك وجزاك الله خير.

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