تخطى إلى المحتوى

مساعدة بلييييييييييييييييييز 2024.

السلام عليكم

اريد فقرة بالانجليزية تريد فيها دعوة صديقك الي عرس اخيك

Dear …..I have the honor to invite you for my brother’s wedding and> you on .. / ../2016 ceremony will be time to 08 at night until 11 which is in the wedding hall located near the headquarters where we live. Wish to come to spend a wonderful time with us.

شكرا لك ربي يجازيك

dear friend
how are you
my brothe rweading is soon and i wiche you will scelibrate whith us in this occasion
Afrah wedding hall located near the the ceramony is in /../../. in 8 oclock in
see you in weading


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