تخطى إلى المحتوى

قبيل الإمتحان هل من سؤال؟ 2024.

السلام عليكم

ها أنا ذا أعود إليكم و أيام قلائل يفصلوننا عن الإمتحان

فهل من سؤال في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية؟


مرحبا استاذ

بالنسبة للاسئلة فلي القليل ما لم ندرسه

les verbes irréguliers
faut – il les apprendre par coeur avant le brevet ?
( ……. )
les leçons d’intonation ? qu’est ce qu’on doit savoir ?
il y – t- que CAN et TAG QUESTIONS ??

vos conseils pour bien réviser et travailler cette matière SVP!!

( franchement , j’ai pas révisé l’anglais il y a 15 jours ou plus … il y a pas de temps …)

Thank you sir . According for me i understood evrry thing ,thanks ALLAH .

تاق كوشن بليز

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة star maria الجيريا
مرحبا استاذ

بالنسبة للاسئلة فلي القليل ما لم ندرسه

les verbes irréguliers
faut – il les apprendre par coeur avant le brevet ?
( ……. )
les leçons d’intonation ? qu’est ce qu’on doit savoir ?
il y – t- que CAN et TAG QUESTIONS ??

vos conseils pour bien réviser et travailler cette matière SVP!!

( franchement , j’ai pas révisé l’anglais il y a 15 jours ou plus … il y a pas de temps …)


Concerning stress,here is a file,just read it and you’ll understand


If you can’t understand anything,ask me

Concerning syllables,bear in mind that we have a syllable whenever we have a vowel sound


In the word big,we have one pronounced vowel which is the i.So,we have one syllable

In the word meat,we have two vowels but they make just one vowel sound.So,we have one syllable

In the word many,we have two vowels and each of them makes a vowel sound alone.So,we have

two syllables

In the word expensive,we have four vowels but the last one which is the "e"is not pronounced.So,there

are only three vowels which are pronounced.This means we have three syllables

Is it clear?

For the irregular verbs,you have to learn them by heart,at least the most frequent verbs

Concerning the intonation,just focus on the intonation in yes no questions and wh questions

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ath111 الجيريا

Concerning stress,here is a file,just read it and you’ll understand


If you can’t understand anything,ask me

Concerning syllables,bear in mind that we have a syllable whenever we have a vowel sound


In the word big,we have one pronounced vowel which is the i.So,we have one syllable

In the word meat,we have two vowels but they make just one vowel sound.So,we have one syllable

In the word many,we have two vowels and each of them makes a vowel sound alone.So,we have

two syllables

In the word expensive,we have four vowels but the last one which is the "e"is not pronounced.So,there

are only three vowels which are pronounced.This means we have three syllables

Is it clear?

For the irregular verbs,you have to learn them by heart,at least the most frequent verbs

Concerning the intonation,just focus on the intonation in yes no questions and wh questions

merccccccccccccciii bcp

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ath111 الجيريا

Concerning stress,here is a file,just read it and you’ll understand


If you can’t understand anything,ask me

Concerning syllables,bear in mind that we have a syllable whenever we have a vowel sound


In the word big,we have one pronounced vowel which is the i.So,we have one syllable

In the word meat,we have two vowels but they make just one vowel sound.So,we have one syllable

In the word many,we have two vowels and each of them makes a vowel sound alone.So,we have

two syllables

In the word expensive,we have four vowels but the last one which is the "e"is not pronounced.So,there

are only three vowels which are pronounced.This means we have three syllables

Is it clear?

For the irregular verbs,you have to learn them by heart,at least the most frequent verbs

Concerning the intonation,just focus on the intonation in yes no questions and wh questions

thank you teacher

اهلا بعودتك استاذ

هل من مواضيع مقترحة في الانجليزية

Tag Questions

What you should know about the tag question that it is a short question put at the end of a statement

after a comma.you should also know that if the statement is affirmative,the tag question is negative

and if the statement is negative,the tag question is affirmative

Look at these examples

When the statement is affirmative

John is an excellent pupil,isn’t he?

We are late,aren’t we?

I live far from school,don’t I?

Amina works hard,doesn’t she?

When the statement is negative

I am not on time,am I?

She didn’t come yesterday,did she?

The pupils won’t start the exams tomorrow,will they?

He can’t do it,can he?

Special cases حالات خاصة

I am………………………………….aren’t I

Let’s…………………………………..shal l we

order……………………………………wil l you


I am late,aren’t I?

Let’s do this activity,shall we?

Clean the board,will you?

Don’t do that again,will you?

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة منــــــــــبع الســــــــرور الجيريا
اهلا بعودتك استاذ

هل من مواضيع مقترحة في الانجليزية

أهلا و مرحبا بك

عذرا انشغلت هذه الأيام مع طلبة البكالوريا

نعم أنصحكم بحل مواضيع الامتحانات السابقة فنوعية التمارين لن تختلف عنها

و إن شئتم نحل مع بعضنا البعض بعضا منها

ما رأيكم؟

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ath111 الجيريا
أهلا و مرحبا بك

عذرا انشغلت هذه الأيام مع طلبة البكالوريا

نعم أنصحكم بحل مواضيع الامتحانات السابقة فنوعية التمارين لن تختلف عنها

و إن شئتم نحل مع بعضنا البعض بعضا منها

ما رأيكم؟

لا باس استاذ
و كيف كان اختبارهم ؟
اوافق و ادعم الفكرة
و ان استطعت فساشارك معكم في اوقات تواجدي ( رغم قلتها في مثل هذه الاوقات )

نعم لنحلها معك استاذ

حليت الشهادات نتاع لعوام لي فاتو

Hello teacher

How are you ?

What is the tag Question of this statment

I,m not good in arabic

good morning
teatcher actually i have a few questions
first when they ask us to change a question into the negative
ex – is the water deep
in the negative we say
the water is not deep
or we let the question and we only add not
isnt the water deep
and thank you.

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fares5 الجيريا
Hello teacher

How are you ?

What is the tag Question of this statment

I,m not good in arabic

i think
are i
but iam not syre
as you say
iam thirsty arent i

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