تخطى إلى المحتوى

عاااااااااااااااجل الله يستركم أصحاب الإنجليزية 2024.

أريد إعداد مشروع الإنجليزية وهو كتابة رسالة طلب عمل باللغة الإنجليزية أقرب وقت ممكن الله يستركم لن أنساكم بالدعاء

هادي مخاولة بسيطة و لكن يجب التاكد من التعبير الصحيح
in response to the advertisement in the evening of that day I would ask my name as Secretary you offer.
Single-old …. I am the owner of BEPC and I have the diploma of secretary. I speak fluently and write without fail Allemant and Spanish.
If my proposal could hold your attention I would be very grateful to kindly call me at your office so that I can submit my certificates and diplomas réferonce.
i accept willingly if necessary to make a test probationary
please-accept. Mr. expression of my highest

merci kima

I am pleased to extend to you my request that this Tmanhawwa me a job, especially Alodaْv see me, which qualified for the specialty with the knowledge that I enclose with my request that copies of all papers, seminars on my own copy of the ID card copy of the passport Alsagr Alblom a copy of the report of the computer course
Ragia luck and my application is approved and I promise to do my best to be in good Dhankm succeed in serving the beloved country
لا تنسي وضع التاريخ والمكان والى المرسل اليه

الله يحفظكم لن أنساكم بالدعاء

اترك تعليقاً

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