تخطى إلى المحتوى

صفحة خاصة بالإنجليزية 2024.

السلام عليكم

تلاميذي الأعزاء

يسعدني أن أكون معكم طوال هذه السنة في هذه الصفحة لأجيب على استفساراتكم بخصوص

دروس و تمارين مادة اللغة الإنجليزية فلا تترددوا في طرحها و أدعو الله لنا و لكم بالتوفيق

جزاك الله كل خير

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أستاذ علي الجيريا
جزاك الله كل خير

جزاكم الله أستاذ على تثبيت الموضوع

وفق الله تلاميذنا و سدد خطاهم

thank you very much prof we were need like this page for revise
i don’t speak english well
please correct my faultes
thanks twice teacher
in don’t need help now
when i need i tell you? ok
good luck

السلام عليكم استاذ شكرا لك جدا لفتح هذه الصفحة كنا بحاجة لها انا لدي مشكل في الانجليزية او بالاحرى في الاستاذ التلاميذ يشوشون والاستاذ يكتب ولا يشرح وانا الان ابحث عن ما يساعدني لذا اتمنى ان تضع لنا كل مفيد هنا من دروس وتمارين وشكرا مجددا

االسلام عليكم
شكرا لهذه الصفحة
التي لطالما تمنت ان يساعدنا
اساتذة هنا بالمنتدى
و خاصة في الانجليزية التي
تعتبر الطامة الكبرى
لدى اغلبيتنا
و شكرا مجددا

thank you very much our prof

whene i need some thing i tell you ok

Hi teacher,and every one is here
i would like to thank you for your help to us the last year
and i hope to the students of this year to put the difficult questions in this ******** and if i have time i’ll help them

Thank you a lot
when i need help i will tell you

thank you again

I’m pleased with your replies.I promise I’ll do my best to help you

I invite you to visit the English section by clicking on the link in my signature

to share with us the subjects posted there


I have an idea that might seem odd to some of you,but I’m going to do it just to break the routine

Well,I won’t present the lessons in a direct way but you will share them with me

I’ll start by asking you this question:What is a tag question? I mean I would like to know

how your teachers explained to you the lesson of tag questions.

I’ll wait for the different answers from you because I expect different answers though I shouldn’t

then I’ll give you my definition

Waiting for you

هذا الدرس …
بعد شرح الاستاذة و لستعاب اغلبيتنا له و حلي بعض التمارين فيه ، الا ان الاتاذة اشات اى ان حذف
و لكن هذا لا يعني اني لا استطيع ان اعرف و لو جزء بسيط من هذا الدرس
(ارى ان هذا الدرس يتعلق بالانجليزية المتقدمة حتى ان المتخرجين من الجامعات سابقا لم يدرسونه -مابين 2024-2017)
my answer:
it is a short question
it startes with a comma
ana ends wirh question mark

That’s what I can say …


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ath111 الجيريا

I have an idea that might seem odd to some of you,but I’m going to do it just to break the routine

Well,I won’t present the lessons in a direct way but you will share them with me

I’ll start by asking you this question:What is a tag question? I mean I would like to know

how your teachers explained to you the lesson of tag questions.

I’ll wait for the different answers from you because I expect different answers though I shouldn’t

then I’ll give you my definition

Waiting for you

Hi again teacher
yes we have did this lesson

tag question is a short question at the end of a sentence

the intonation of tag question
1goes up (raising) when asking for information.
2goes down (falling) when asking for agreement.

when the statement is positive +
the tag question must be – (negative)1

when the statement is negative the tag question must be + 2

eg : let’s go , shall we? the intonation here goes down
eg : Don’t smoke here, will you? the intonation here goes down
(in suggestion and imperative we don’t work with the first remark )2

This is the lesson
and the last remark i have added it
is it correct?0
Thank you again teacher

_I mean with positive and negative aff or neg _

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ath111 الجيريا

I have an idea that might seem odd to some of you,but I’m going to do it just to break the routine

Well,I won’t present the lessons in a direct way but you will share them with me

I’ll start by asking you this question:What is a tag question? I mean I would like to know

how your teachers explained to you the lesson of tag questions.

I’ll wait for the different answers from you because I expect different answers though I shouldn’t

then I’ll give you my definition

Waiting for you

good afternoon teacher

the tag question

is a short question we can add at the end of sentence

the intonation goes up whene you are not sure and you ask for information

the intonation goes down whene you are sure and you ask for agreement

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