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ثلاث واضيع فصل في الإنجليزية من محفظة أستاذ 2024.

  • بواسطة

Level : 3 MS.
Duration : 1h 30 mn.

Third Term English Examination

Tunisia is situated in the north of Africa. It is 155,830 Km². It is the smallest country in North Africa. It is bordered by Algeria to the west and Libya to the south-east. The Mediterranean Sea is on the north and the north east. The northern part of the country contains a very fertile soil where they grow cereals and olives. The southern part is mainly a dry desert region. It contains very beautiful oases where dates are produced. The two parts are separated by the Atlas Mountains. The population of this Arab and Islamic country is 9,562,000 inhabitants.

Part One : ( 15 pts )

A) Reading Comprehension. ( 08 pts )
Activity one : Match each question in column (A) with the right answer in column (B). ( 04 pts )
Where is Tunisia situated?
Is it bordered by Algeria to the west?
Does it produce dates?
How many inhabitants are there in Tunisia? Yes, it does.
There are 9,562,000.
It’s in the north of Africa.
Yes, it is.

Activity two : What do the underlined words in the text refer to? ( 02 pts )
Activity three : ( 02 pts )
a) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
located =………. nation =……….
b) Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
largest ≠……… wet ≠……….

B) Mastery of ********. ( 07 pts )
Activity one : Write the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. ( 03 pts )
1- Algeria is ( populated ) Tunisia.
2- Tunisia is one of ( beautiful ) countries in Africa.
3- In summer, the northern part of Tunisia is ( hot ) the southern part.
Activity two : Complete the table. ( 02 pts )
noun adjective
height ……….
………. long
Activity three : Write “S” if ( have ) is strong and “W” if it is weak. ( 02 pts )
-I have never visited Tunisia before, so I have to look at the map.

Part Two : ( 05 pts ) “Situation of Integration “
Use the information below to write a paragraph of about six to ten lines about Egypt

 Situation : north east Africa.
 Borders : west, Libya / south, Sudan / east, Red Sea / north-east, Palestine/ north, Mediterranean Sea.
 Capital : Cairo.
 Area : 997,739 km²
 Population : 77 million
 Interesting places and monuments : the Pyramids of Giza.

Good Luck & Happy Holidays
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3AM level
3RD English exam
There was a man talking to an angry woman outside the post-office. The man was wearing a uniform and a helmet. the uniform was blue and the helmet was black. He was the policeman.
The angry woman was shouting and pointing at a young man. The young man was running towards a bus. He was holding the woman’s bag in his hand. The bag was open and objects were falling out of it.
The bus –driver opened the door. As soon as the running man got into the bus, the driver closed the door and stopped the engine………..
Part one
Section one: Reading comprehension ( 7 points )
Read the text and answer these questions: ( 5 points)
1-Where did the scene take place?
2-How many characters are there? Who are they?
3-What do the underlined words refer to:
Words Refer to
It ……….
4-give a suitable title to this text.
Lexis: ( 2 points )
a-Find in the text words corresponding to this definition: ( 0.5 point)
A person who catches the thieves =……………
b-Find in the text words *****alent in meaning to: ( 0.5 point )
unhappy =…….
c- Find in the text words opposites in meaning to: ( 1 point )
Inside #…… Shut #……..
Section two: Mastery of ******** ( 7 points )
1-Read the text again and list the verbs who are in the past continuous.(3.5)
2-Supply punctuation and capital letter: ( 2.5 pts)
-the bus driver stopped the engine he caught the young man
Pronunciation: Write the silent letter of these words: know /caught ( 1point )
Part two: Situation of integration : ( 6 points )Read the text again and imagine what has happened to the young man at the end. write a paragraph about

Good luck
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Level :3AM Final English Exam
Duration :1 h 30 mn.

Washington D.C.
The USA is a federal republic , made up of fifty-one states including Hawai . A lot of people believe that New York is the capital city of the United States. Actually, it is Washington D.C .It is situated on the Potomac River between the State of Maryland and the State of Virginia.
Washington D.C. is a beautiful city, with large streets, beautiful parks, famous monuments and Government buildings .These buildings and monuments which tell the history of the United States, are: the Supreme Court , the Library of Congress and of course, the White House.
The White House is the oldest public building in Washington and also one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States. It is the home and office of the President of the United States. Every year more than 1.5 million tourists visit it.
One of the most impressive monuments in Washington is the Washington Monument . It is 555 feet ( 169 metres) high and made of white marble . From its top tourists can have a full view of the city.
Section one: Reading Comprehension. ( 08 pts )
A) Read the text and answer these questions.
1-How many states are there in the USA?
2-Where is Washington D.C. situated?
3-How high is the Washington Monument?
B) Write true or false .Correct the wrong statement.
1-New York is the capital city of the USA.
2-The White House is the home of the President of the USA.
3-The Washington monument is made of iron.
C) Lexis.
1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to :
located =………. well-known =……….
2-Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to :
newest ≠………. less ≠……….
Section two : Mastery of ********. ( 06 pts )
A) Fill in the table.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
important ………. ……….
large ………. ……….
good ………. ……….
noisy ………. ……….
B) Each sentence of the following contains a mistake.Correct it.
1-How a wonderful monument !
2-Liz has lived in Washington since 5 years.
3-Peter was sleeping when his friends were calling him.
Section three : Written Expression. ( 06 pts ).
Complete the dialogue.
A: Wow!What an impressive monument!…………………………?
B:The Great Pyramid.
B: It’s situated at Giza in Egypt.
B:It was built in the year 2,560 BC.
A: ……………………….……?
B:It’s made of blocks of stone.
A: ……………………………..?
B: It’s about 136 metres high.
A: Well,I think it’s …………..………in the World.
B: I don’t agree with you.

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thank you <3

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