نقلت لكم التصحيح من احد المواقع بعد ان حملته و اريد من كل واحد منكم ان يتأكد اذا لا يوجد خطا في التصحيح و ان كان ارجو من ذكر الخطأ لاني اظن ان هناك خطأ في الموضوع الثاني في true or false
Correction of BAC 2024 –LE:
Topic One:
Part 1:
B/Text Exploration 1/a-F b-T. c-F. d-T
2/§2 §3
3/a-to establish the Kingdom of Babylon
b-its geographical situation.
c- He found it difficult to use the elaborate system of nail-writing of the ancient Sumerians and commerce demanded quick and practical ways of communication.
d-it was a fortified town of the Amorites-its inhabitants- its geographical situation-its trade with the entire world-its ******** which spread.
4/they the Aramaeans. The city Damascushe the Aramaeans businessman.It the spoken ******** of the Arameans.
5/ b
1/a-disappeared b-inhabited c-safe d-ancient
2/*to save / safety
******* commercial
*movement / moving —movable( moveable)
3-a) Damascus was a fortified town while it was conquered by Alexander the Great./ while it was conquered by Alexander the Great, Damascus was a fortified town.
b)They could not use the ancient Sumerian writing, therefore they invented a new alphabet.
1 syl 2 syls 3syls
mounds desert Difficult
5/ b/ d/a/c
Part 02:
Written Expression:5pts
************************************************** ************************************************** ***
Topic Two:
Part 1:15 pts
B/Text Exploration
7pts 1/- descriptive
2/a-False b-True. c-False. d-True
3/ a-§3 paragraph
4-/a-climate/snow removal equipment/Alaska polar bears/winter tourism/space programs/how rain forests influence the climate/ how deserts are formed/how the polar ice caps affect ocean levels.
b—Learning starts with the children’s interests and questions/ various topics/interesting.
c-they find it difficult to mix with other people in adult life.
4/theychildren in the USA.It to mix with other people in adult life.
Their parents
5/ title:
home-schoolers/ home-schooling …..Advantages and Disadvantages of Home-schooling.
b/-text exploration
c – opportunity
2/* to differ / different
*influence / influential-influenceable-influenced-
* to criticize // critique –criticizer-criticism-critic
1-b)Parentsshould send their children to scholl / Parents had better send their children to school
2-b/If you don’t convince them, they will refuse your justifications.
3-b/I wish I had learnt how to play a musical instrument when Iwas a child.
/t/ /d/ /id/
picked Received
preferred Educated
5/either-home- children – classroom
Part 02:
Written Expression:6pts
ارجو الرد من فضلكم هل يوجد خطأ في الاجوبة ام لا
شكرا لك أخي
العفو ارجوووووووووووكم هل التصحيح صحيح او فيه اخطاء
نعم فيه اخطاء
الجواب للاول للتمرين الثاني نتاع صحيح او خطأ الجملة الأولى خاطئة التعليم في امرريكا ماهوشي شرط يكون في المدرسة .
شكرا على الجواب اختي انا ايضا وضعتها هكذا و لما شفت التصحيح خفت بزاف لاني درت
true true false true
كاين اخطاء النص expository وتاع صحيح وخطا هوما true true false true
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااا لكي اختي
ارجوكم اذا يوجد اخطاء اخرى نرجو ذكرها
وبخصوص synonym انا نعرف nearly المرادف تاعها all والله اعلم
نعم لكن الجواب صحيح في الموضوع بخصوص nearly و الله اعلم
من فضلك واش هو الجواب الصحيح لخاطرش قلبي راح يخرج
nearly—- about
هذا هو الجواب الصحيح اختي
لسوء الحظ درتها all
انا ايضا اخطات فيها لسوء الحظ