تخطى إلى المحتوى

الى Aichouna و كل من أراد الاستفادة 2024.

السلام عليكم
آسفة عائشة على التأخير
المهم هذا ما طلبته مني
مواضيع فقرات الانجليزية

exp : afactory has just produced anew product . using some notes , write acomposition to show how to promote this product


Exp 2 : are you for against advertising ? justify your choice


Ethics in business
Exp 1 : write ashort paragraph ( of about 3 to 5 sentences ) in wich you tell us what do you understand by " ethics in business"


Exp 2 : suppose you were elected HEAD OF STATE what you do to fight corruption . write apublic statement in wich you tell us about your future anti-corruption programme


Exp 3 : many people think that counterfeiting is beneficial to consumers . what do you think ?


Safety first

Exp : write aspeech about the changes that might happen in the next decade


Astronomy & the solar system


Exp 1 : suppose acomet collided our planet earth . what would happen then ?i


Exp 2 : if atotal solar eclipse happened what would happen ?i


Exp 3 : many people argue that the budget devoted to space programmes is " wasted money " what do you think ?i

gud luck

بالتوفيق جميعا
و أي استفسار فأنا هنا للمساعدة

شكراا جزيلا يا اختاه

أشكــرك أختـي الغاليةة على الإفادة[

mer6666666666 ma kanch lhal ta3hom

سلام اختي وشراكي ان شاء الله تكوني مليحة

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