تخطى إلى المحتوى

أساتذة الإنجليزية والعباقرة 2024.

  • بواسطة

أرجوكم أريد إستخلاص حوار بين صديق ما من هذا التمرين
Where do you connect internet ?
At howm in the cybercafe at school other
How often do you do it ?
sometimes rarely often other
Do you find what need easily ?
always usually often other
Is it easu for you to make friends thrugh internet ?
Very rather met very other
What age do yu prefer you friends ?
You rage alder less old other
Can you visit one of them in his country if he invites you ?
Veryu sur rathe sur mot very sur other
Do you think to invite one of the ?
Meve somtimes always other
What do you meed to knon about a new frind ?
Cultur way of buving hablies other

wait please…..

تفضل اخي هذا الحوار من عندي
A- "HI friend how are you?"
B- "i’m fine thanks"
A- "can i ask you some questions?"
B- " yes sure "
A- "where do you connect to web?"
B- " i’m generaly at cybercafe with my neighbour"
A- "and how often do you do it?"
B- " maybe 2 or 3 times in the week?"
A- "so .do you find what you search about easily?"
B- "somtimes.because i’m not good at the internet"
A- "from another side.is it easy to have new friends for you?"
B- " for me it’s not hard"
A- "and what age do you prefer your new friends?"
B- "i’m always prefer the friends less me in the age"
A- "so.can you visit one of them to hiscountry if hes invites you?"
B- " yes of course.if i can"
A-" and would you invite one of the to visit you?"
B- " yep….he’s welcome"
A-"this is the last question. for what do you want to have known new friends?"
B-" i wanna know them culture and averything about them"
A- " thank you so much friend"
B- " you are welcom"

اترك تعليقاً

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