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مساعدة جزاكم الله خيرا 2024.


أريد جميع الفقرات القترحة في الانجليزية للاداب و فلسفة

ارجو منكم الرد بسرعة

أسف أختي نحن هنا شعبة لغات لا نستطيع افادتك

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة faiz msila الجيريا
أسف أختي نحن هنا شعبة لغات لا نستطيع افادتك
بالعكس شبعبة لغات اللي تقدرتعونها ههه

اختي حوسي دك تلقاي في المنتدى كلشي

جابلي ربي انتوما الي تقدرو تعاونوني مي ماعليش مرسي

…saksi tes ami, fakarat ly golohomlek, golina 3lihom w haka nakadro n3awnok

مجموعة من الفقرات الفرنسية الممتازة ومن المحتمل ان تكون واحدة منها في الشهادة


وفقرات في الانجليزية


وفقرات في الاسبانية


بالتوفيق للجميع

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة philosophyAsk الجيريا
…saksi tes ami, fakarat ly golohomlek, golina 3lihom w haka nakadro n3awnok

education,civillization,ethics in business

Education in Algeria تعليم في الجزائر

Shows the year on education in Algeria is very good with other developing countries.
Schooling is compulsory in Algeria, and my presence by more children in Algeria. This lasts for 9 years. Starting at age 6 years and going through until the age of 15 years. 97% of children attending school while 91% of girls attending school in Algeria. When Aldzairma *****alent to 20 universities across the country complete and a number of technical colleges receive thousands of students each year.
The percentage of learners in Algeria 70% in 2024, compared with global standards. The difference between the sexes is still evident, 79% for males, 61% for females. Despite the efforts of the State, the remaining shortcomings on the field. Education, take a quarter of the overall budget. Administration faces pressure from a special type, small-scale accommodation of new pupils, and accommodated young people, Universities
Education in Algeria is free and compulsory for those under 16 years old, although the proportion of pupils do not agree 100%. To continue the study falls
sharply between the school and the secondary level, data indicate the presence of half the number registered in the secondary school


matahafdihomch ga3
…..nti fahmihom w 3arfi kifach bdaw w tawro w kifach khtafo


ethics is principles and moral values.it’s also ethics is the set of moral rules that the professionals in any field are expected to respect when they deal either with each other or with the public.in business,ethics represents the attitudes that individuals and firms should comply with in the actions they perform and the decisions they take at every level of their realizations.such a philosophy does not exist everywhere because it needs the existence of important conditions to apply it.
in societies where both political and cultural conditions exist for making everyone obey this practice,the main principles that those engaged in the economic branches should follow involve a good number of the qualities
that have always served as the basis for civilization.among them we find the obligation to be honest and lawful in one’s activities.
corruption is dangerous and harmful for all society
to sum up,the moral values in use in modern societies necessitate from businessmen and companies alike a strict observance of the different precepts on which the efficiency and the prosperity of the whole community depends.that is why misbehaviors get punished severely


education is one thing that everyone has the right to have, being educated means to be civilized, modern and ready to live and education is one of the first rights for every child because it is a must for us if we want to live a normal life where everything is about technology and development and advance, though, a lot of people especially in Africa are left uneducated because of How poor and Hard life is in such countries and therefore, those people are left behind and live a bad life and unable to make a change or communicate with the modern world and thats why i encourage the world to spread knowledge everywhere for everyone and care more for education and carry on developing it so that we live an easier life and ride the train towards light of science.

ktebtlek hadi, nchalah ta3ajbek…

merci 5ouya philosophyASK rabi ynaj7ek nchallah w yfar7ak kima fara7tni

merci khouya philosophyAsK rabi y3aychek rabi ynj7ek w yfar7ak kima fra7tni


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