تخطى إلى المحتوى

تقييم 2024.

كتبت فقرة عن تحميل الاغاني و الكتب من الانترنيت و اريد تقييم اخطائي قبل ان اعطيها للاستادة فهل من مساعدة ؟
الفقرة :

with the evolution of technology and the internet a new phenomenon has appeared , it is the advantage of downloading music and book , but the question is : " is Downloading music and book without an artist’s permission equates to stealing ? " in my opinion i consider it a theft and it is morally wrong , there are so many reasons .
first , if we ask ourselves “Is ethical to steal a CD or a book from the store ?”. In most societies the answer to this question would be no . because in many cultures stealing is not only wrong, it’s a crime. so downloading songs and books illegally is no different than stealing a CD and a book from store, except the technique used .
next, the musicians and the writers lose money because when you shar songs or books on internet a million of people gonna Download it , so the artist and the writer are not compensated.
finally , piracy will continue to be an issue , until those who steal realise : " just because something can be Downloading illegally with ease doesn’t make it ethical ". Just because we “can” does it mean we “should”?


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