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help me plz in writing development

i want you to help me plz page 69
اريد الفقرة بانجليزية صفحة 69 في الكتاب المدرسي ساعدوووووووووووووووووني

سااااااااااااااااااااعدووووووووووووووووووووووووني بليززززززززززززززززززززز


قصيرة بززززززززززززززززززاف
ساعديني اختي

أنا درتو و مدلي عليه 13
تسحقو لغدوا ؟؟؟؟؟


واش رايك دوركه

the people and organisation who put thier money into our fund want us inivest in ethical ways ,

and we work hart to make their desires a reality

first ; we should avoid companies that endanger the environment , especially those who invest in nuclar power or tabacco
alcohol ………etc

in additin , we should not plase money in companies that lack ethical labour standards

for exemple , using child labour or bad working conditions . on the contrary we should choose to invest in well

managed companies . whish balance betwen economic growth and social responsibility .

in conclution , it is possibl prosper by follwing ethical practices

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