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السلام عليكم ربي يعيشكم خاوتي paraghraph 3la corruption بلييييييييييييييييييز الله ينجحكم نشا الله مبقاش الوقت نحتاجها بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي يييييييييييييييييز

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Corruption is a dangerous social phenomenon which can undermine the development and well being of a country this is why we must combat it with our might( power ).what would i do if were elected a president ؟

If i were elected a president of this country , i would pass severe laws to punish corrupt people in onder to protect honest citizens from their wrong doings.

More over ,tax evasion should be punished severely as it constitutes a serious threat to the existence of the nation is projects since most of them are dependent on the collection of taxes.

Then , I think that work , being the most valuable richness of the country ,should be rehabilated .If i were elected president .I would do my best to reconcile our countrymen with work .

Last but not least ,I would appoint honest , hard working ,and sincer civil servants who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the welfare of their people.

To conclude,to combat corruption effectively, I would use all powers.All means,all people of different parties as soon as possible before it is too late and the sooner ,the better


Corruption is today a world-wide phenomenon. In many countries of the world, many people in high positions have been charged for it. The simple and straightforward meaning of corruption is to get work done by means of illegal gratification. Now-a-days corruption can be seen everywhere. It is like cancer in public life, which has not become so rampant and perpetuated overnight, but in course of time.
Corruption in public life covers corruption in politics, state governments , business, industry and so on. Public dealing counters in most government offices are the places where corruption is most evident. If anybody does not pay for the work it is sure work won’t be done. Corruption is no slur on any individual, it has by now become a way of life, it has been so closely woven into our life patterns that, no one thinks much about it. Just as life style includes a bungalow, car, servants, club etc., it also includes corruption. Corruption is witnessed all over the world in developing as well as developed countries. It has spread its tentacles in every sphere of life, namely business administration, politics, officialdom, and services. In fact, there is hardly any sector which can be characterised for not being infected with the vices of corruption. Corruption is rampant in every segment and every section of society, barring the social status attached to it. Corruption is really a serious issue distorting any socie

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